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Gamer to trainer (or it's about time I take this seriously)

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Hello fellow rebels, 


I'm a 24 year old single mother, student, part time worker, and gamer.


2 years ago I had my son which is undoubtedly the best thing to happen to me.  He remains my greatest motivation to succeed in everything that I do and for the most part, I have. In about a year I will be graduating from college with my BS in nutrition and health studies. Now, I know you're thinking, "She must be super healthy!". FALSE. I have epic-ly failed in doing anything more with my knowledge of nutrition and fitness other than setting in the corner for a rainy day. 


I got into some really bad habits when I was pregnant, like eating whatever I want because GDit I'm pregnant. And after I had my son this never stopped. Luckily for me I've always been fairly small and having a little boy is non-stop action, so weight really isn't my issue. I'm 5'4" and 110 lbs. Most people would say I LOOK healthy. My issue is I don't FEEL healthy. I know this is because I don't EAT healthy, which is something my education has made me exceedingly guilty about. Beyond guilt I feel hypocritical. How can I advise people on how to eat well if I don't? Well, the answer is I can't. So, I've decided to own up. In the next year, it's all going to change. 


I'm going to apply all the knowledge I've gain and finally become what I have always wanted to be. Healthy, lean and energetic. I want to help people be healthier, but it all has to start with me. I don't expect it to be easy going from gamer to ( insert healthy word) but I think it illuminate just how much of an undertaking it is to change your diet completely. which is what I will be asking of future clients... hopefully. My goal is to become a personal trainer while I study for my MS in education. I ultimately want to be a health educator. 


I have a few concerns like, I have NO time, I go to school and work and I have to keep up with my 2 year old who is a veritable force of nature... did I tell you my boyfriend has just about the worst diet ever? He  won't give up one single junk food, and so it lives and breeds all around me. I don't know how I'm going to get him tuned in with me, but I'm trying. I know that doing this together would motivate us both.


On top of all this both me and my boyfriend love video games. Other than that the only other hobby we really have is reading. Comics for him, books for me. Yeah, we are super nerds, just in different ways. He's Star Wars, I'm Star Trek, you get the point. We like to do things like hike and swim, but we never seem to have much time for them. We also aren't rolling in dough. So no gym memberships. 


Well, that's about the long and short of it. I'm looking forward to hearing from you all. I will need all the help and support I can get.


I have one year starting today.









"Live to the point of tears."  - Albert Camus

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Welcome to the Rebellion! I wouldn't beat myself up about not being the shining example of nutrition, I'd just say you've been collecting underpants. And the challenges of working around school, work, and children are the same things that a lot of people here deal with. I'm sure you'll find a lot of great advice from the other Rebels. And as far as the boyfriend, sometimes it's just impossible to get other people on board. It's not that it isn't worth the effort, but in the end, you need to focus on you and not let him drag you down. (Steve actually wrote a blog post about that not too long ago too.) Stick around, ask questions, don't be afraid to try something new :)

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Easy as it is to say but hard as it is to do, if your boyfriend isn't hopping on immediately, you have to find a way to put on the blinders and stick to it. I'm sure within a short amount of time, he'll see the difference in you and possibly will be looking to change himself and that you'd already have x amount of time put forward with the healthy eating, that you can guide him through :) You can do it

"We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us."

-- Charles Bukowski

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Here's my two ideas for you: pick one meal a day and NAIL it from a healthy eating pont of view...then pick three exercises and do them. When I was busy like you are, I never actually did a "workout". Instead, I'd realize I had a few minutes and I'd do squat and push ups. Maybe later I'd do a plank...or stretch while I watched TV... Make whatever you choose to do as doable as you can. Do easy, your already doing the hard stuff.

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