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Hello everyone! I've been following Nerd Fitness for a bunch of years, and I actually joined the forum and posted a few posts way back in 2011, but for all my reading I took very little action. Steve's post today really resonated with me. I need ALL OF THE INFORMATION before I can ever possibly start a thing! So here I am, taking action :)



Actually I've been taking action for about 2 months now. In mid-January I enrolled in a year-long program elsewhere on the internets that is supposed to teach healthy living habits including proper diet* and exercise. I pretty much live like a 12 year old who suddenly found herself with too much money and not enough supervision (Pizza! Candy! TV! Comic books! Shopping!) so I figured a full-on lifestyle makeover was a good plan. So far so good, with just one exception: the social support. I don't want to talk smack about that program, because it is a very good program, but I just don't feel like I'm connecting with people on their forums. I know social support is a key element in a good diet program, and I don't really have a good support system IRL. I have a husband who is awesome, but beyond that I have a bunch of friends who are either skinny or fit very fat-positive, and I don't feel like I can talk to any of them about my fatness. 


So I come to you, my nerds, For cheers and 'attagirls and general chit chat about lifting weights and eating meat and making costumes and the awesomeness of Star Wars. Let's be friends!


*Yeah, yeah, I know "diet" is a bad word and healthy living is about more than just calorie deficits. But "lifestyle change" and "fitness journey" and the like just sound so hokey. It's just an easy term to use and we all know what it really means. 


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Do you have some dietary/weigth/fitness related goals you maybe want to share?

Oh that stuff, sure... :)

Initially I'd like to drop two pants sizes, from a 16 to a 12. I want to be able to buy clothes off the rack at any store. If I get smaller than that, cool.

I want to make exercise a habit. Eventually maybe learn to love it, but I'm starting with just *wanting* to do it. I'm doing pretty well with that. I'm at the point right now where going to the gym is the thing that I do, not the thing I have to talk myself into doing. Most of the time, at least. I get why people love exercise. I want to love it but I'm not there yet.

I want to learn to feed myself like a grown up. I suck at cooking but I'm working on that and getting better.

I want to fight the effects of aging as long as I can. Over the last year-ish I've noticed it takes me longer to recover from con weekends, I'm more likely to catch colds, I've got random mystery pains, I just feel like I have the olds. Seems like good fitness is the cure.

I'm taking a very "slow and steady wins the race" approach. I've been fat my whole life, it's unreasonable to think I'll magically get and stay fit and thin overnight. I'm working on small changes now with the hope that they'll turn into big changes later.

My big goals are mostly just to feel and look better. Not super tangible, but I'll know it when it happens.

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