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New to NF...stuck in a hole, can someone throw me a rope?

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Hi there!

I'd just like to take a moment to say hello, introduce myself, and ask for some help and guidance if that's OK.


I was pointed to this forum via a link to the article on the main site about Staci/spezzy, and realised just how much I can relate to the 'old' spezzy! I was so inspired by her change, and am praying that it means there is hope for me too. I'm a 23 year old female, and have basically done all the wrong things to lose weight for a very long time: think VLCD for a LONG time (like...5 years or more...yikes!), with occasional bouts of cardio along the way, and we have what makes a perfect recipe for a dead metabolism. I say that, because I currently track my food precisely to be about 1100-1200 calories a day (recently increased from probably <800), and am steadily gaining body fat (according to my body fat scale, measurements, and what I see in the mirror). 90% of what I eat is, I think, pretty good. I haven't eaten 'carbs' for years, they were one of the first victims of my crazy crash dieting regime, and typically on a daily basis eat eggs, vegetables (LOTS of broccoli), and fish. 


So, I know I need to change and try and fix this....I'm just not exactly sure how! I started with the beginner body weight routine on this site on Sunday, did 3 reps. Then did the same routine again today. I haven't changed my diet at all yet.


So....there we have it...if anybody could offer some advice of how to transition from the wrong track, to the right track, with minimal-to-no weight (i.e. fat) gain, I would really, REALLY appreciate it.


Like the title says, I feel totally stuck and really need someone to throw me a line here... 


Thanks! And I look forward to getting to know these forums better - you seem like a supportive bunch! 

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The first step is probably to get your diet nailed down.  What do you usually eat?  Is it ONLY broccoli, eggs, and fish?


As for tracking body composition, most measurements are either difficult to make consistant or can flat out lie.  The best way is usually to track your progress with body photos.  It's the easiest way to see body composition changes.

Lvl 5 Penguin Warrior:  10 Str, 3.5 Dex, 6.5 STA, 23.5 CON, 12.25 WIS, 5.75 CHA

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I can tell you that my diet has consistently been the following for the last few weeks, day in day  ou. I am very diligent and weigh my food portions, so I believe the calorie count to be correct:


Breakfast: 3 eggs scrambled with a vegetable oil spread, an onion, and chilli & garlic


Lunch: 100g canned tuna + broccoli and leeks


Dinner: 1 chicken leg (without skin) + one of broccoli/leeks/brussel sprouts


I snack on vegetables. I also tend to use a lot of mustard and chilli sauce on my meals...about ~60-80 cals worth a day, perhaps. But there is no sugar in the brands I use. Other than that, I also drink maybe 1-2 cans of pepsi max a day, black coffee, sugar free squash (in the UK, maybe in the US something like Crystal Light would be similar?). Admittedly, the last 2-3 days I have been bad and had a couple of squares of chocolate...



I realise that body comp measurements are usually pretty inaccurate in terms of the actual number, especially with BIA. However, whether the reading is accurate or not, the upward trend I believe to be true (if that makes sense), and would fit with my current experience of increasing inches on body measurements e.g. waist, thighs, hips etc.

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I am not an expert, but I still don't think you're eating enough. When I add all that into MyFitnessPal food calculator - it is closer to 800 calories. Unless you are eating a 1/2 pint of vegetable oil spread, or buckets of vegetables! :)


When you start lifting weights, your body will also retain a little extra water due to an increase in muscle glycogen. That's not a bad thing, but it can make the scale go up at first!

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Girl your body is in starvation mode!  working against you my friend...will damage the muscle you are trying to build and try to store fat b/c it isn't getting enough nutrients.  I know Steve had an article about this somewhere.  Body needs fuel, just make sure its clean & the good stuff. 


Battle Log - Accountability-Tracking-Training Worksheets

1st Challenge - 2nd Challenge - 3rd Challenge

"He must become greater; I must become less.†John 3:30



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Welcome JJ to the Rebellion!  Ditto to what the others here have been saying. From the sounds of it you don't seem to be eating enough food for a regular person, of course I am no expert.


I would suggest listening to your body. If you're constantly hungry then I would start eating a little more, the same for if you are never getting hungry even when you should be. If you get cravings for something good like red meat, dairy, nuts, etc I'd give in as your body is probably trying to tell you something.


Also try spicing up your meals! If you like mustard and chili sauce try googling those with "healthy meals" to get some new recipes to try.

Level 5 Orc Citizen Soldier

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Old Challenges 15/4 3/6 7/25

"Do it now."


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Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts and replies.


Starvation mode is exactly what I was worried about. I just don't know how to get out of it without weight gain of the bad kind! Not least because I'm a student, and kitting myself out with a whole new wardrobe if my clothes don't fit just isn't really an option for me...


I usually track all my food intake on caloriecount...so the 1100 figure is a typical average for my day. I don't do much formal exercise, unsuprisingly because I don't have much energy (shocking, right!?), but I do walk around a fair amount. Maybe 2-3 miles on an average day, plus I work in a laboratory so I can be on my feet all day. 

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I totally understand the not being able to get  new wardrobe thing.  Looks like you are getting a little bit of exercise with all of that walking :redface-new:   Might not be "formal" but your body is moving.  Getting your calories up will be important.  Strength training will tone you.  Gaining muscle sometimes leads to a slight increase (of the right kind of weight) on the scale, but less inches.  You mentioned that you started with the beginner body weight workout.  I did too!  I found the NF Fitness Guide very helpful b/c it did all of the workout planning for me.  It also has some really good info on diet. If you are new to nutrition the NF Diet Guide is also an awesome resource.  If you are only eating what you listed above your body is getting very few carbs & little fat.  To each his own on the carbs, but good fats are important (ie nuts and avocados).  Are you familiar Basal Metabolic Rate & the Harris Benedict Equation?  If not, they can be very helpful in getting you to a starting point for your calorie needs.  Its been 10 years since I graduated from college and I'm a stay-at-home-mama now, but my degree is in dietetics/nutrition.  As a dietician (when I studied), we used these equations to calculate caloric needs.  Steve also mentioned both of them in the NF Diet Guide....


what kind of lab do you work in?  I worked in a lab in college too.  Loved it! 


Battle Log - Accountability-Tracking-Training Worksheets

1st Challenge - 2nd Challenge - 3rd Challenge

"He must become greater; I must become less.†John 3:30



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I don't think I can add anything that hasn't already been said but I just wanted to add more support. It seems counter productive but sometimes you need to eat more to lose weight. Don't be afraid of healthy fats either. I totally stalled a good weight loss once because of a complete refusal to eat any fat that wasn't on the "approved" list for the program. Their version of good fat was I Can't Believe Its Not Butter spray. What on earth was I thinking?  


There is a ton of good information here on NF and an even better community of people. Even the religious conversations here don't get too far out of control. Welcome!

joedog, level 15 Monk

Current Challenge

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Thanks everyone. I still don't really know what to do to get out of starvation mode without gaining fat. I'll continue with my current diet and the beginners bodyweight work out and see where that gets me. If I can put on muscle, calorie needs should also increase due to increase in metabolically active tissue, I guess. Even though I think my body is quite lean, it looks 'squishy' - so toning would be really great! Then I can up the calories. I'd like to start doing some sort of cardio too, but just small amounts.


I totally understand the not being able to get  new wardrobe thing.  Looks like you are getting a little bit of exercise with all of that walking :redface-new:   Might not be "formal" but your body is moving.  Getting your calories up will be important.  Strength training will tone you.  Gaining muscle sometimes leads to a slight increase (of the right kind of weight) on the scale, but less inches.  You mentioned that you started with the beginner body weight workout.  I did too!  I found the NF Fitness Guide very helpful b/c it did all of the workout planning for me.  It also has some really good info on diet. If you are new to nutrition the NF Diet Guide is also an awesome resource.  If you are only eating what you listed above your body is getting very few carbs & little fat.  To each his own on the carbs, but good fats are important (ie nuts and avocados).  Are you familiar Basal Metabolic Rate & the Harris Benedict Equation?  If not, they can be very helpful in getting you to a starting point for your calorie needs.  Its been 10 years since I graduated from college and I'm a stay-at-home-mama now, but my degree is in dietetics/nutrition.  As a dietician (when I studied), we used these equations to calculate caloric needs.  Steve also mentioned both of them in the NF Diet Guide....


what kind of lab do you work in?  I worked in a lab in college too.  Loved it! 


I am familiar with several of the calorie equations - most put me at around 1500--1600 per day, assuming I'm sedentary. I get about 40g of fat a day I think. I don't know what recommended levels are? About 80g-100g protein, and 80 of carbs too. 


I work in a chemistry lab - I'm studying for my PhD. But I LOVE it. It's the best job in the world :)


You guys already seem by far one of the most supportive and friendly fitness communities that I've come across, especially towards beginners and newbies who feel intimidated enough when they first start getting healthy! 

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I have been trying to drop a significant about of weight for years. I put my body on a similar diet which considering I am a big guy did me no good, I was lethargic and irritable. 


I started at my local gym and then began looking into fueling myself properly, I aim for about the 1800 mark on training days with 400 of that is a couple of lean gain protein shakes for muscle repair. 


the result being a consistent weight (even a few pounds more) but a good shift in my body fat and shape. I was very wary about any other supplements with a back ground in pharmaceutics I wanted to do more reserach but a basic protein shake helped me with the hunger and repair in one go. 

Level 3 Half Orc Warrior 

Just another 15kg each side it will be fine

STR: 11 | DEX: 3 | CON: 5| STA: 9 | WIS: 7 | CHA: 4


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Sometimes when you're not eating enough and bump your calories up, you actually lose a bit of weight. But I'd bump your calories up slowly -- add another 100-200 a day for a couple of weeks and see how you feel. If you want to be like Spezzy you need to eat more-- you won't be able to get stronger past the initial newbie gains if you aren't eating enough to support recovery.

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