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So I Guess This Is Where I Declare Myself a Rebel

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Hey, I'm Kylie, and I'm here because I'm not getting the results I want from what I'm currently doing. I'm a freshman in college (at least for 39 more days) and though I haven't gained the infamous freshman fifteen, I still want to get in better shape than I am now. I was researching different workouts when I came across Nerd Fitness a few days ago. I proceeded to spend the next four days reading and cross referencing anything that seemed interesting to me (at one point I had three windows up all with their tabs maxed out). Even decided to give the beginner's body weight circuit a try (after four circuits I was dripping sweat, definitely helped convince me to join the rebellion). So I decided, if I'm not getting the results I want with what I'm doing now, let's give something new a try.


Here are my current stats:


Height: 5'2"

Weight: 121 lbs

Body Fat Percentage (Using the naval research tape measurement method): 22%

BMI: 22.1



Ultimately I'd like to get down to 18-20% body fat.

I want to be able to do pull ups/chin ups.

I want to run a half marathon.


So here are the changes I'm making starting now:

Trying the Paleo diet for 30 days (a slightly modified version, since I live on campus, and they don't exactly cater to the caveman thing).

Starting the process described in the article on here about how to finally do a pull up, as well as some other exercises (yay for trying to weight lift).

Adding more running into my cardio (no more waiting for ellipticals).


But yeah, thanks for reading, and I good luck in your own quest to level up your life!




Level 1 Pixie Adventurer

Strength: II

Dexterity: III

Stamina: III

Constitution: II

Wisdom: II

Charisma: II

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Welcome to the rebellion! Your goals look great! You'll find a very helpful and supportive community here. :) Definitely check out the 6 week challenges as a way to give yourself some accountability (and to gain attributes for RP). You can even join the current one for the last week.

Level 2 Half-elf Adventurer

STR 3.25 | DEX 3.75 | STA 6.5 | CON 6 | WIS 7.25 | CHA 3.75

Intro ~ Challenge 1 ~ Challenge 2

"Sometimes the path of least resistance leads through a minefield"

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It would be kind of cool since there's a charity 5k coming up that I'm thinking about entering for fun, and it'd definitely be a step towards that half marathon.

Level 1 Pixie Adventurer

Strength: II

Dexterity: III

Stamina: III

Constitution: II

Wisdom: II

Charisma: II

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I will (: Seriously, thanks for the tip I would have waited otherwise



Sweet! Good to know I'm not the only one here (;


I realize it's unrealistic to get the appropriate number of calories to function and eat purely paleo without a real kitchen and only a mini fridge (there's a kitchen in my dorm, but it's an awful place full of unwashed tables and counters and an oven that won't close all the way when you put a pan in it). So where I have to I'm going to allow myself bread and yogurt. That way I can have toast (or a sandwhich with lots of veggies and lean meat) for the carbs I need to function, and yogurt to get in more protein (no joke, there isn't a single place on campus I can find just meat that isn't either breaded and fried, or comes from a fast food place with questionable quality levels). Otherwise my food consists mostly of almonds, carrots, bell peppers, bananas, grapefruit, oranges, apples, and the one place here where you can get a salad that isn't slathered in some kind of super creamy dressing.


How are you liking dorm life so far? Planning on staying for next year, or are you getting off campus?

Level 1 Pixie Adventurer

Strength: II

Dexterity: III

Stamina: III

Constitution: II

Wisdom: II

Charisma: II

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I realize it's unrealistic to get the appropriate number of calories to function and eat purely paleo without a real kitchen and only a mini fridge (there's a kitchen in my dorm, but it's an awful place full of unwashed tables and counters and an oven that won't close all the way when you put a pan in it). So where I have to I'm going to allow myself bread and yogurt. That way I can have toast (or a sandwhich with lots of veggies and lean meat) for the carbs I need to function, and yogurt to get in more protein (no joke, there isn't a single place on campus I can find just meat that isn't either breaded and fried, or comes from a fast food place with questionable quality levels). Otherwise my food consists mostly of almonds, carrots, bell peppers, bananas, grapefruit, oranges, apples, and the one place here where you can get a salad that isn't slathered in some kind of super creamy dressing.


How are you liking dorm life so far? Planning on staying for next year, or are you getting off campus?

Oh believe me, I understand about the kitchen. No one washes the dishes and the main utensil in mine is a large sand shovel. My dining hall isnt too bad, but its really carb heavy. My average meal used to consist of fries, pizza, and pasta.


I'm enjoying the dorm life, minus the occasional idiot running down the hallway screaming at three in the morning, and I'm staying on campus next year. I got into the nice dorms though; wall to wall carpets and showers that dont scald when someone flushes :D. How bout you?

Elf Adventurer

Level 1

      STR: 2   CON: 3

      DEX: 3   WIS: 3

      STA: 2   CHA: 3


Current Challenge


"I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees."

"The only sin in life is a seed unplanted."

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It's really awful the condition some residents leave community stuff in. Our laundry room is always an absolute disaster, and a load of my laundry was ruined by mold that started growing in the washers because people were closing the doors and not letting them air out.

We have more of a food court type set up than an actual dining hall. There are a few places around campus that are run by the campus, but the main union is set up like you'd see in the mall, with a Panda Express, Papa John's, Chick-fil-a, and stuff like that.


I'm actually going to look at apartments tomorrow. I didn't exactly have a good dorm experience. It was kind of ruined by the first roommate, and the current roommate is never around, so I didn't exactly get the experience I was hoping for. Plus I really miss cooking. It was just my dad and I at home for about three or so years before I left, so I did most of the cooking.

Level 1 Pixie Adventurer

Strength: II

Dexterity: III

Stamina: III

Constitution: II

Wisdom: II

Charisma: II

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Ah, that sucks. I don't really talk to my roommate much, other than the occasional "can I turn up the heat" and "I'm going to bed." Its weird that I've lived with her all year and really only know her name. Next year I'm rooming with a friend, so that should be fun. Where do you go, if you don't mind me asking?

Elf Adventurer

Level 1

      STR: 2   CON: 3

      DEX: 3   WIS: 3

      STA: 2   CHA: 3


Current Challenge


"I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees."

"The only sin in life is a seed unplanted."

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That's more than I have with my current roommate. We have absolutely nothing in common (she's a sorority girl that skips classes, I spend the majority of my time in the gym or studying). I literally will not see her for weeks at a time.

I go to the University of Arizona. I love the school so much it was the only one I applies to (doesn't hurt they gave me a full tuition scholarship either), just not a fan of the living on campus thing. What about you?

Level 1 Pixie Adventurer

Strength: II

Dexterity: III

Stamina: III

Constitution: II

Wisdom: II

Charisma: II

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