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Annoying comments you hear all the time

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Maybe she can start to use the 10 pounders... it might actually make her feel a bit better about herself.  The three things that she wants to be when she grows up are violinist, teacher and MMA fighter. Hmmm! 


And just because it's awesome, here's my YOUNGEST a few minutes after she saw me hitting my first big record for OHP:



The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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My father had me lifting 10 pound weights at that age, it really helped with my tumbling for cheerleading. 


She's a cutie!

"I was taught that the way of progress was neither swift nor easy." ~~Marie Curie


"All great things are simple, and many can be expressed in single words: Freedom, Justice, Honour, Duty, Mercy, Hope. " ~~ Winston Churchill 

Level 1 Human Druid STR 1 DEX 1 STA 1 CON 2 WIS 3 CHA 2  (yes, human. Boring I know.)

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breaks my heart when little girls equate exercise to just trying to lose weight. No, I want to enjoy life, not just lose weight. Poor babies.

yeah- it was a sad moment.

I was very sad inside myself- and I personally dislike children- but I felt bad for her- because I knew she probably wouldn't find herself and realize some of life's most valuable lessons till many years of self shame and verbal self abuse upon herself and hours of crying with ice cream because society tells her she's fat and when she's depressed and lonely that's what fat depressed lonely girls are to be doing. 


but it spoke volumes about what children thing to day... and that's a damn crying shame. 

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"I was taught that the way of progress was neither swift nor easy." ~~Marie Curie


"All great things are simple, and many can be expressed in single words: Freedom, Justice, Honour, Duty, Mercy, Hope. " ~~ Winston Churchill 

Level 1 Human Druid STR 1 DEX 1 STA 1 CON 2 WIS 3 CHA 2  (yes, human. Boring I know.)

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I'm also not a fan of children, but it makes me sad that most young girls will grow up believing that their worth is based on how skinny and pretty they are, and not the valuable contributions they can actually make to the world.  

My journey


"When you feel like quitting, think about why you started."


"Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out."


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haha okay, I totally could be friends with Irish Oisin and Nocturnis... Souls and Blondes... I love it!!



I hate when people ask what I am doing in places like the grocery store or gym... I always tell people that I am Ballroom dancing and once i told someone (who asked what I was up to while running on the treadmill beside him) waiting for Gandalf to get there so we could go play drunk driving mario kart... not as good as the souls thing, but it can be fun thinking up random snarky responses!

Human Adventurer

Level 1

STR: 3   DEX: 1   STA: 1   CON: 3   WIS: 4   CHA: 3


Smile, listen, agree...then do whatever the fuck you wanted to do anyway- RDJ

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yeah new job meant new wardrobe.


Now I"m made because 1500$ worth of business clothes don't fit.  Been slowly trying to purchase pieces to supplement.


Shirts are fine- but pants/skirts- all my favorite pencil skirts- none of them fit.  makes me a sad panda. 


I'm not allowed to wear yoga pants to work- else I totally would... plus those are all too big for me now too. Just bought new work out capris from TJMaxx yesterday- I was sad I spent 20 $ on them- but they are electric blue and they FIT!!! <woot woot>   Really 20 bucks is nothing- but it still makes me angry- I beat the hell out of my clothes pants- I'm in the gym or training almost 7 days a week- so I NEED pants that fit- I spend half my time fucking pulling up my pants- so so god damn annoying. LOL 


burpees with no waist elastic capris pants- please. it's not pretty. 

I-Jo, I've always been small-ish but since I started weight lifitng I've jumped up a pants size. I went from owning 30 pairs of fress pants and jeans to owning 5, two of which were recent purchases, because my butt doesn't fit in anything anymore! And I have a very hard time finding pants that fit at all! I feel you so so much! I'll be making a TJMaxx trip soon too.


The absolute worst part is that my mom keeps telling me it's because I'm "getting bulky" and I have rolled my eyes so many times that I give myself headaches. Mom, I'm now in a size 3 instead of 2. I'm not exactly the hulk nor am I going to be!

Warrior, Ravenclaw, book lover, history nerd, Red Sonja wannabe


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Battle Log

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"YOU'RE going to the gym?" In reference to my size.

How do you think change starts?! I hate how people who are overweight are shamed for trying to change themselves for the better. I've seen larger people out running, and there are always some kids laughing or mocking them because of how they look. It's absolutely disgusting.

Edward the Satyr 


Level 1

"Bad things happen to good people because they have the most to gain from them."

STR: 2|DEX: 2|STA: 1|CON: 3|WIS: 4|CHA: 3


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"YOU'RE going to the gym?" In reference to my size.

How do you think change starts?! I hate how people who are overweight are shamed for trying to change themselves for the better. I've seen larger people out running, and there are always some kids laughing or mocking them because of how they look. It's absolutely disgusting.

Agreed! People make a lot of assumptions based off of body type, just go and do it!

Warrior, Ravenclaw, book lover, history nerd, Red Sonja wannabe


Current Challenge

Battle Log

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I-Jo, I've always been small-ish but since I started weight lifitng I've jumped up a pants size. I went from owning 30 pairs of fress pants and jeans to owning 5, two of which were recent purchases, because my butt doesn't fit in anything anymore! And I have a very hard time finding pants that fit at all! I feel you so so much! I'll be making a TJMaxx trip soon too. The absolute worst part is that my mom keeps telling me it's because I'm "getting bulky" and I have rolled my eyes so many times that I give myself headaches. Mom, I'm now in a size 3 instead of 2. I'm not exactly the hulk nor am I going to be!

And even if you did want that... Who is she to tell you that's not what you want?


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I fully expect to get a LOT of confused / amused / smug looks next month.  Running my first real 5K race (also a 10K, 20K and duathlon at the same event). I also fully expect to be twice the size of everyone there. 

The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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So last Saturday I attended my niece's wedding reception. I'm dancing with my brother (we only see each other every 3 or 4 years) and he says "How come you are so muscular?"


I'm normal weight for my height and my body fat is appropriate and healthy at 17%, but given that I do work hard, my arms have definition. I have earned these muscles and I like them, yet this is the second time this summer someone has commented. Sheesh, a girl could get a complex!


- Do something everyday!


First challenge: Avoiding the Demons of Autumn

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I get the: 

"Oh, wow, I could NEVER do that!" or "I just don't have the time to do that"


To which I would like to respond: "Yes, you could, you're just not willing to put in the work.  You're not willing to get up early and put in the work.  You're not willing to get off your ass at night and spend an 45 to 60 minutes on the road or at the gym.  Instead you watch t.v. or movies or play video games."  Don't get me wrong, I love my video games - I have well over 100 hours on one character in Skyrim (my wood elf assassin totally kicks ass!!!), with several other characters in the works - just don't tell me you do not have the time to be active.  If you're working 80 hours a week with a family, then that makes sense, but none of my friends are (with the exception of one who is in PA school and even HE manages to stay in shape!)


I also get the: "You used to be fun! Come out and have a few more drinks with us!"

No.  To me, it is no longer "fun" to spend all night drinking in a bar so loud I can barely hear my self think, much less what you're trying to say.  Oh yeah, then there's that whole feeling like shit the entire next day.  That was fine in college, but to be honest, I didn't like it much then!  Again, don't get me wrong, I like a beer or glass of wine or two with dinner once or twice a week, I just don't see the point in binge drinking.  It's expensive and you never feel good afterwards.


To me, fun is getting up and out for a run when some people are just getting home from the night before.  Fun is pushing myself hard, feeling my legs burn and scream with fatigue.  Fun is being drenched in sweat, knowing you're stronger than yesterday.


And finally, I have been asked "Now that you've hit your goal (of qualifying for Boston), are you going to calm down/pull back a bit on training?"

HELL NO!  As long as I can keep getting better, I will keep pushing.  If I win Olympic gold, I'll keep pushing!  There is no better feeling than knocking down another "limit"/"barrier"/"wall".


Sorry, this has been a bit of a rant and vent session for me!


Fleet Footed Wood Elf


STR 2 | DEX 3 | STA 5 | CON 3 | WIS 2 | CHA 0

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Should have responded with "So I can smack my brother around."

Yep, that would have been a great response! Next time...


And I know just what you mean, Kruser - "Well, now that you've done "X" you can relax and slow down." 

Heck no! Now that I've finished X, I am planning for what's next, and mapping out a training plan to accomplish it.


- Do something everyday!


First challenge: Avoiding the Demons of Autumn

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I hate it more then anything when people use the term "overtraining". It's not real, period. It's an excuse to not work hard.

I am sore today better deload don't want to overtrain and lose this sweet sweet 100lb bench 1RM. (It's not the weight I'm insulting its the attitude)

"You should not workout so much you will overtrain and your muscles will deteriorate." - from an evolutionary standpoint how the fuck does that make sense.

Then I might explain to them that given you are getting enough calories and sleep your body will always adapt to what you need it to do. How else would people like Olympians or pro sports players be able to train everyday an not deteriorate. To which the reply either "genetics" or "steroids"

GTFOH with that. I'm so fricken sick of hearing about how genetics dictate everything we are and can ever be. Put down the Cheetos and pick up a weight and stop making excuses

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Hey Errah -


Overtraining is a very real problem. Wikipedia (yes, not the best source, just wanted a definition for you, more to follow) describes it as:

"a physical, behavioral, and emotional condition that occurs when the volume and intensity of an individual's exercise exceeds their recovery capacity."  


Mark's Daily Apple gives a clinical definition:

"a state of chronic fatigue, depression, and underperformance that persists despite rest"


In the above article, Mark also gives several signs that you may be suffering from over training including the following:

  • You repeatedly fail to complete your normal workout
  • You’re losing leanness despite increased exercise
  • You’re lifting/sprinting/HIITing hard every single day
  • You’re primarily an anaerobic/power/explosive/strength athlete, and you feel restless, excitable, and unable to sleep in your down time
  • You’re primarily an endurance athlete, and you feel overly fatigued, sluggish, and useless.
  • Your joints, bones, or limbs hurt
  • You’re suddenly falling ill a lot more often
  • You feel like crap the hours and days after a big workout

He goes into detail about each of these in his article, and I highly recommend reading it.  Adaptation will only occur when you rest.


In this article from Runner's World, they give a similar definition from Neal Henderson, an exercise physiologist at the Boulder Center for Sports Medicine:

"a collapse in performance that occurs when the body gets pushed beyond its capacity to recover. Overtraining doesn't plague only elite athletes or those clocking mega-miles. Because it is often a problem not of too much training, but of too little rest"


The fact is that overtraining is a real problem and can cause many psychological and physical issues and rest is absolutely a necessity when one wants to increase their fitness.  While some people may use it as an excuse as you describe above, you will still need "deload" and allow for recovery during certain points in your training.


The recovery phase is different for everyone (because we're all unique!).  A new runner may need to take every other day off to adequately recover, where an Olympic marathoner may only need to go for an easy run paced at 6:30 min/mile, regardless, we all need to recover to improve.


I'll leave this with an example from a video game.  In Morrowind, whenever you gained a level you had to find a bed to rest in to actually gain the level and apply your new skill points.  This is taken from real life!  I loved that about the game, though it could be frustrating at time when you were lost somewhere in the desolation of the Red Mountain...


Hope that helps you with your training!


Fleet Footed Wood Elf


STR 2 | DEX 3 | STA 5 | CON 3 | WIS 2 | CHA 0

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Kruser I can't figure out how to quote on this new app :P

all the examples you gave state that its a problem brought on by not enough rest or to deep of a calorie deficit. Or in some cases it can be brought on due to outside influence.

I stand by my original statement that given enough rest and enough calories you can not overtrain. As you give your body less time to recover but continue to give it the nutrients and the sleep it needs your body will adapt to need less and less time to recover.

I do agree that if you don't give your body what it needs it will deteriorate or that outside mental factors can effect your workouts as I have personally gone through both of these things. I have also "overtrained " such as sparring 15-20 rounds every single day for weeks an months on end on top of my normal training. More rounds on the weekend. Through all the soreness and all the bruises and all the beating I took and administered I continued to always get better because I have my body what it needed. Over training is either a mental state or a problem somewhere else in your life.

I will concede the point on running and only on running because of the wear and tear on your joints but I also belive this to only be in extreme conditions.

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