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Annoying comments you hear all the time

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It's nice that they were trying to help me because at the time I was very actively trying to find a girlfriend, so they meant well! Being single is honestly my preferred state right now, and I think a partner would get in my way


Hell yeah bro, single and happy about it! Things to do and stuff to see.


He told me i need to eat more candy because i'm too restricted. one of those "relax" reasons.

Also he knows that snickers, ice cream, and candy is my weakness. it is not just one..it is eat ALL snickers and ALL candy. eat ALL ice cream. which is why i do better if i just stay away in general. Also, he told me i need to gain weight, and that's when he grabbed my wrist and said it was unacceptable. Apparently if im going to gain weight, screw the healthy way, just load up on candy bars.


He asked if he brought snickers would i eat it, and then said he's gonna bring me a snickers ice cream bar. I asked him not to. Not sure if he's going to. I can have candy..i just choose not to. i have nothing to prove to him by eating a snickers. 


What a dickhead, grabbing you and disregarding your feelings are going too far. Actively trying to sabotage your efforts is just unforgivable.


You're right though, you have nothing to prove to him. Or anyone, you're just doing your own thing and being smart about it.

Adventurer Lv. 1

20/100 EXP

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when i get candy i can't eat or don't want to eat i just give it away. I'm not like the candy police where no one can eat it.


haha shove it down his throat. He's vegan, he'd have a heart attack. 


And it's becoming more and more apparent that these types of comments are going to be common occurrences. I'm used to comments about my size/weight from other girls. But now it's just become downright mean comments. 

Level 1 Elf Adventurer STR 2|DEX 2|STA 2|CON 2|WIS 3|CHA 4

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This is not one about fitness or healthy eating. I'm female and 27, divorced, and have no kids. I also have absolutely zero, zip, nada, zilch, desire to either be pregnant, or push out a kid. If I met the perfect guy and he really wanted a kid, I could be convinced to adopt, but it's not high on my priority list, and the idea of being pregnant and giving birth scares the shit out of me. So whenever the topic comes up and I express my opinion about not wanting kids, I constantly hear "It's different when they're your own though." and "Oh, you'll change your mind someday."


I'm sorry, I made this decision about 15 years ago and haven't budged on it since. The idea of having what amounts to a parasite that grows to the size of a small watermelon inside my abdomen, and moves, and kicks my internal organs, makes me have to pee every 2 minutes, gives me a gross herniated bellybutton, and then tears up my junk on the way out after hours of intense pain does NOT sound like a good time to me.

"When I can no more stir my soul to move, and life is but the ashes of a fire; When I can but remember that my heart once used to live and love, long and aspire - O be thou then the first, the one thou art; Be thou the calling before all answering love, and in me wake hope, fear, boundless desire." - George MacDonald


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One that bugs me on my College course is people going "Oh, I only want to get big arms. I want to become a Personal trainer so I can get big" 


Honestly? That's the height of your Ambition, You just want to get big? Best part is they do nothing but moan and complain about the Theory part of the course which is where we learn to train.


Don't get me wrong, I love when I see improvements after working out for a while and I can be narcissistic but As Mark Twain said "Appearance is a consequence of fitness." Aiming to get Big, With out giving a damn about over all fitness is just silly imo.

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it's funny really, i can very rarely be bothered to do curls etc, the closest i get is the odd set every now and then and some neutral grip chins which kind of makes me the exact opposite of most the guys in my gym but it works because i've got the respect of the stronger, legitimately bigger guys in my gym


goodbyeharrison i believe you've got yourself a grade A douche right there 


and i don't mean to start an argument but Vian... parasite?... really? (you were one once too... so were we all)

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well they are. they exist exactly as parasites do for quite some time. I call them all sorts if things including parasites. crumbsnatchers and crotchfruit being my two other regulars. they are disgusting. and while I'm profoundly gratefully my parents choose to have children it doesn't make the process less disgusting.
I truly find the idea repulsive as well and it's deeply annoying and insulting to assume things about another person's body to include popping out a screaming child.

furthermore it's insulting to insinuate my body gets to dictate what I'm going to do with my life. I'm a grown ass woman. my buddy doesn't tell me what to do. I do.


that being said... I do not judge people who CHOOSE to have kids (well only a little because I think at this day in age it's just pure selfish reason why people have kids)


BUT it's their choice and as long as they can be as good parents as they can be- go forth and multiple- just make sure you can feed them and take care of yourself. 


just don't put that evil on my ricky bobby- don't you do it!

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I think we react so strongly because the pro kid people can be VERY offensive and aggressive.

"your life is pointless without kids"

whose says that?

that literally devalues women to the point is being brood mares and men as sperm donors and that's it. what the fuck. that's about as offensive as you can get. so yes. some of us feel very strongly about It lol

:-) no worries though

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"your life is pointless without kids"

whose says that?

that literally devalues women to the point is being brood mares and men as sperm donors and that's it. what the fuck. that's about as offensive as you can get. so yes. some of us feel very strongly about It lol


Oh yeah, I even said "Come on, that's a overreaction, my life is not pointless because I don't want children"

"No, it is, it's why we're HERE! To have children!"


I tried to engage the whole "we're here to live life and experience the world" but her biological clock became so loud and obnoxious that I had to leave

Go BIG, or go home.

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I get the "what do you eat?" bit after I tell people about the paleo diet.  "Err... real food? You know, vegetables and meat and fruit, nuts and seeds."  I do cheat once in a while, like my once a week can of Vanilla Coke, or when I haven't had a chance to go shopping and the only thing in the cupboards are the granola bars my hubby keeps on hand.  Which reminds me, I need to go grocery shopping today...


I get the children thing to, as I'm still iffy about having them.  The thought of having children scares the ever-loving crap out of me.

6th kyu in Aikido

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The irony of it all is great.


And i've pointed this out to him before. Apparently he just doesn't get it.


Still, there's a grim satisfaction to be had in all that; irony is delicious. It'd be better if he could just stop being a dick though :c


I tried to engage the whole "we're here to live life and experience the world" but her biological clock became so loud and obnoxious that I had to leave


Saying we're here to 'experience life' is just an opinion, and I'd probably agree with loud and obnoxious girl if she weren't so loud and obnoxious. The position is much more logical; life makes life. Though I'd never force my opinions on other people, and choosing not to have children is a perfectly acceptable choice. Acting like it isn't an alternate or minority view, or being surprised people disagree with you isn't though.


But you're far from worthless for not wanting children, regardless of what anyone thinks on the matter.

Adventurer Lv. 1

20/100 EXP

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Too right Timmy, I see people all the time who shouldn't have had children!


Life makes life, but it doesn't mean we HAVE to reproduce. I mean I COULD do a lot of things, but I don't have to do them. I could be outside right now, naked, on top of my car, covering myself in whipped cream and red paint...but I'm not!!

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Go BIG, or go home.

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I'm sorry, I made this decision about 15 years ago and haven't budged on it since. The idea of having what amounts to a parasite that grows to the size of a small watermelon inside my abdomen, and moves, and kicks my internal organs, makes me have to pee every 2 minutes, gives me a gross herniated bellybutton, and then tears up my junk on the way out after hours of intense pain does NOT sound like a good time to me.


I totally agree and sympathize with your feelings on pregnancy.  I've been through pregnancy and childbirth twice, and I find the whole thing completely repulsive.  I forced myself to go through it the second time, because I wanted two kids, but I've mostly blocked the experience out of my memory. 


In addition to having a parasite within you, you also get the joy of having your abdominal muscles get shredded, putting on 20 lbs of fat that you'll have to lose, having your balance be completely thrown off, and having to quit a bunch of your favorite leisure activities because they're "not safe". 

Level 30? who the hell knows anymore? Direwolf Assassin/Ranger - current challenge

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My tutorials:

handbalancing: crow, flying crow, side crow, crow->headstand->crow  Bo staff: strikes 1 2 3, spins 1 2

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Swordfighting while riding motorcycles?


At the time, kicking and throwing people (with the obvious reciprocal of being kicked and thrown).  Martial arts + pregnancy don't mix very well.  :(

Level 30? who the hell knows anymore? Direwolf Assassin/Ranger - current challenge

 ACL rehab thread      2016 parkour

My tutorials:

handbalancing: crow, flying crow, side crow, crow->headstand->crow  Bo staff: strikes 1 2 3, spins 1 2

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Could care less.


people should have fewer kids.


Although i think it sucks that there are kids who need adoption and can't be placed for various reasons- including the shitty net work we have (which I know is just trying to do it's job)- I just think people shouldn't be so effing wrapped around the hilt about producing munchkins the world doesn't need. 


As well as missing out on that biological connection and permanency that people crave



which is completely selfish and not a rational reason to produce more humans. Sorry- it just isn't enough.

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I have 2 biological and 2 step children, all of whom I adore. I actually planned on having more children, but my life didn't work out that way. I really enjoy my children and the opportunity to raise them in a way that teaches respect for others, kindness, and other things I consider to be more important than who dies with the most stuff. With that said:

-Yes, having and raising children is scary as hell. You never realize how awesome the responsibility is till they hand you a tiny bundle and tell you to go home with it.

-Having babies absolutely racks up your body. Worth it for me, maybe not for some folks.

-I respect the views of people who do choose not to have children and absolutely agree that many people have had children who should NOT have. to each their own, and so long as you can care for them I put that in the category of everyone's very-personal-none-of-my-beeswax-life-areas-we-all-have.


I always ate pretty healthily even before I started trying to get in some kind of shape, so I don't get too much from people on that front. I get it on the workout end. My least favorite:


"You're going to work out AGAIN?" (Said with great incredulity, as if they've been told that doing it once will be sufficient for-well-forever!!??)

followed closely by

"if you keep lifting those weights, you're going to look like a MAN." I blinked a little on that one, primarily because it was said by a coworker who I'm not really very close to, so it seemed a little over the comment line. I let it ride and told the coworker it was nice of them to be concerned.....sheesh. Asshat.






Half-Elf STR 5 || DEX 2 || STA 4 || CON 4 || WIS 4 || CHR 2.5

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I'll have to give a bit of background to provide context to the following annoying things people tell me:


I'm fortunate enough to have been born to a well-off family.  My late father was a good businessman and inspiring leader, and by the time I was born we already had a decent business empire consisting of several companies.  My brother has three daughters and one adopted son.  My sister (who is adopted) has two sons (from different fathers) and two daughters (from her second husband).  My other sister is single with no kids.


Okay, now to the annoying stuff people tell me (italics represent my reactions, both expressed and repressed):


"Oh you have a son?  That's great!  Your family now has one who will carry the family name."  Uh, say that again?  What about my nephews and nieces?  (Not to mention my soon-to-be-born daughter?)  


"Oh but you know, the girls will get married and they'll have to change their surnames." Right, because you're so sure they WILL get married.  Besides, my wife doesn't even use my surname in legal documents so - FAIL.


"And your sister is adopted so her sons are not of the same blood.  It's also the bloodline that your son will continue."


Okay first off: my sister is my sister.  I don't give a shit that she came from someone else's uterus.  None of us siblings came from the same uterus! (Actually me and my other sister.  It's complicated so I won't explain).  But we don't go around saying, oh that's my half-brother and there's my step-sister and she's my biological sister.  We say, he's my brother, they are my sisters.  We're FAMILY AND SO ARE OUR CHILDREN.  None of this "blood-line" bullshit, which to me implies we're royalty making our kids vie for the "throne".


(and here's a variation on the above statements) "Oh I'm sure your father was happy when he found out you're having a son.  Finally, he has a real grandson who will continue his legacy."


Excuse me?  What does that make my nephews?  My father loved his grandchildren - every single one of them.  They were all real grandchildren to him.  And whether or not my children will go into the family business will be entirely up to them.  I'm not going to assume this early that they want to.


Level 1 Lycan. Druid/Monk at heart, training with the Assassins
STR 7|DEX 5.75|STA 4|CON 3|WIS 3.75|CHA 3


My blog, "Zen, Music, and Movement": http://raffyayaladvo.wordpress.com/

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Too right Timmy, I see people all the time who shouldn't have had children!


Life makes life, but it doesn't mean we HAVE to reproduce. I mean I COULD do a lot of things, but I don't have to do them. I could be outside right now, naked, on top of my car, covering myself in whipped cream and red paint...but I'm not!!


Hey, no ones forcing you to breed! And why aren't you outside covered in cream and paint? That sounds like a great conversation starter.

Adventurer Lv. 1

20/100 EXP

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