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Guess it's time to stop being anti-social

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Hello! I'm Dianna and I've been using/reading/getting emails from this site for a LONG time now. At least a couple years if not longer. I'm not really sure anymore. But I've decided it's about time I got serious about my health and fitness. Past time. I'm also hoping my sister will join me on here so we can take this on together! (Aww how cute! :-P)

So, about me. I'd say I probably qualify more as a dork than a nerd. I grew up around D&D and I read fantasy books and play the occasional video game if it reminds me of the RPGs I grew up with. I'm not particularly tech savvy. I think that's a big reason I haven't been on the forums sooner! I think I was confused and intimidated by them. I need to get over that feeling for a LOT of things.

Right now I weigh 170 lbs and want to lose about 30 lbs. I don't want to be skinny like I was when I was younger, but I want to be strong and able to do whatever I want. I'm tired of feeling flabby and gross and super self conscious all the time. Yesterday I ran a mile and a half in 15:13. Today I did 15 rather pathetic push-ups in a minute and 36 sit-ups in a minute. Obviously I want to improve all of those! I also want to start biking again and swimming, and trying new things like Krav Maga and rock climbing. I want to create a love for activity in myself!

I plan on creating a new thread to track my progress, I already use another site called Nutrimirror to track my calories and nutrition - but I haven't been very consistent with it. I really need to work on consistency.

Well, I should get going to I can pack a healthy lunch for myself! I'm excited to get to know some people on here!

Level 1 Human Adventurer

STR 1 | DEX 2 | STA 2 | CON 4 | WIS 5 | CHA 2

"Where is the cake? I was told there would be cake! The cake is a lie." -Sten

Challenge #1

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I've never actually read either! Is that shameful?? I've seen the LOTR movies except for the newest one though and I liked them. I just recently got started on the Wheel of Time series. For the longest time I just dismissed that series, but I started them and I can't stop! As a kid (back when if you wanted to read fantasy or sci-fi you HAD to read adult books! I think all there was for young adults was stuff like the Babysitters Club :-P) I started reading the Valdemar series by Mercedes Lackey (although the later books in that series aren't as good as the earlier ones) and I liked her Bardic Voices books as well. What else... The Tiger and Del books by Jennifer Roberson, and the Farseer and Tawny Man Trilogies by Robin Hobb, and the Black Jewel trilogy and novels by Anne Bishop... and others that I can't think of off the top of my head! Oh, well also the Song of Fire and Ice books... When I started those I didn't realize the series wasn't finished and that it takes him FOREVER to finish a book, so I forced myself through the last 2 thinking I'd soon know how it ended... And no. Nope. No end. Left not knowing what is really going on with my 2 favorite characters and starting to just like some others. Grr.

I really need to go back and re-read the Tiger and Del books too - I heard she might write another on them soon! Right now I'm on book 9 of the Wheel of Time series.

Level 1 Human Adventurer

STR 1 | DEX 2 | STA 2 | CON 4 | WIS 5 | CHA 2

"Where is the cake? I was told there would be cake! The cake is a lie." -Sten

Challenge #1

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Starting a battle log will def help you with consistency! It really has helped me tons. Also, I think it may be similar to what you're using, but try out Fitocracy. It makes fitness into sort of a game. Good luck with everything and let us know if we can help! 

"It's always the ones that don't do anything that try to bring you down" - Henry Rollins

"There is no meantime, there is only now" - The Ditty Bops

 Trail Blazing Elf Ranger Sumdawgtwigg Level 3  STR-3 DEX-4 STA-4 CON-3 WIS-5 CHA-2


My Game Blog


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Thanks! I'll check it out! I'm also planning on finding a trainer to show me how to do the free weights properly. I figure once I know the basics I can do what I need to do for myself :-)

Level 1 Human Adventurer

STR 1 | DEX 2 | STA 2 | CON 4 | WIS 5 | CHA 2

"Where is the cake? I was told there would be cake! The cake is a lie." -Sten

Challenge #1

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How do, I'm the little sister. I would have made my own post but I kept getting a type error and I really didn't want to deal with it right now. So piggy backing off my sister. Hm, my name is Jamie, I've never really known what level of nerdom I fit into but the majority of people call me a weirdo, so I suppose that will do.


I have a lovely talent for randomness I tend to confuse most people including myself at times. I'm a gamer in all sorts of the word. I play computer games, console games, board games, roleplaying games. Have a group that gets together on Saturdays and plays Pathfinder mostly a few others thrown in there too, we are going to try a Dresden Files RPG soon I hear. There is rarely a time when I'm not on the computer or some other electronic device, I don't watch TV if I can help it what little attention span I have gets absorbed by it, I quit watching when I noticed I'd just watched Martha Stuart make doylies for the last hour or so. I love to read I read mostly on my computer now and have a kindle as well as my trusty books. Though I tend to have to put those in the weirdest places I can and hope they are safe, my husband is... talented at destroying things. So far he's flooded half my books and super glued one of my gaming mice, but there is justice for the super glue as he super glued himself to the floor once :) karma wins again!


Hopefully I'll continue to talk on this because I have an issue with Social Anxiety, its an irritating situation. As in I need someone to work out with otherwise I won't do it, especially if it involves leaving the house by myself. If my sister were nearby it would be perfect but unfortunately I can not drive about six hours just to work out. Currently finding anyone willing to hang out with me outside of when they have to is a challenge for me. As you can imagine having social anxiety doesn't equal a lot of friends. Add social awkwardness and well, lets just say I get a lot of weird looks, I'm working on that brain to mouth filter... honest.


I have never been skinny or anywhere close, I've always been what one would call "voluptuous" at my full height the lightest I've been would be 220, I managed to stop growing end of high school at 6 feet. Sadly I moved here and gained a massive amount of weight in a short period of time, then came the getting sick stage and after the second time in the hospital I had lost my ability to walk up stairs without panting like a dog at the top. Main factor in that I think was that I get Pneumonia every time I'm in the hospital. So my main goal is to get healthy again below 300 would be an excellent start. I've developed sleep apnea and that is not good.


My main problem is my motivation, I'm scared, I'm not even a hundred percent sure why but I'll be doing well and at the first little bump I'll stop and give up. I'm easily defeated and I never was before. I'm not self conscious in regards to what others think, I just disturb myself lately and I don't want to stress my family out anymore with my health and I'm pretty sure if I get sick again it isn't going to be pretty. I also want to be able to get out of the house, I'd probably be less mopey. Getting back some self confidence would be wonderful.


Oh, books! I'm sticking my dime sense in , its more important then two pennies ^.^, but my favorite books at this time are the Riyria Chronicles by Michael Sullivan, The Smoke Trilogy by Tanya Huff, and my favorite book is Villains by Necessity by Eve Forward. Gah... now I want to read, so I'm off maybe I'll get around to making my own thread but for now I say meh to it.

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Welcome both of you and don't worry about text walls, they make excellent workout aids.


That joke was terrible. But yes! Start a battle log as it really does help, make a character if that is your thing as it gives some of that gamer drive to your real life goals. Check out the book club section for good reads and people to talk to as well.


As for social anxiety I can relate. I don't get anxious but I'm so shy the first time I do anything outside of my bubble I either am horribly late or don't show up.

Level 5 Orc Citizen Soldier

STR 7.5|DEX 9.5|STA 11|CON 12|WIS 20.5|CHA 8.5

Old Challenges 15/4 3/6 7/25

"Do it now."


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Yay! You came!! :-D *hug!!* Have you decided how you're going to start out about getting healthier?? We can do eet! Here I'm going to email you some stuff. :-)

Level 1 Human Adventurer

STR 1 | DEX 2 | STA 2 | CON 4 | WIS 5 | CHA 2

"Where is the cake? I was told there would be cake! The cake is a lie." -Sten

Challenge #1

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LOL wheel of time... I so gave up after like book a million.


They were definitely good start though!  I really loved the Sword of Truth series too (they made the worst show ever about it too- god damn terrible day time C rated stuff LOL)


welcome aboard both of you!!!  


you can do it- don't be scared.  Really... the worst you will do is get tired- fall of the wagon and then get back up but no one can do it for you- so you have to try try and try again.   changes bring lots of things- including meeting new people- I have met some of the most awesome people ever through forums and making big life changes- I've had some of the craziest experiences- just gotta get out there and go do do do do!!!


baby steps and start doing!  :D

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Wheel of Time started great, but by the time Winter's Heart was out, I had gotten tired of huge books w/nothing happening outside of the last 20 pages except whole chapters of Elayne getting dressed :)  Big fan fo Raymond Feist's "Magician" series.  Last book in the series is due out this month, which I believe makes 30 books set in the same world.  Definitely read the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings.  I'm re-reading the Song of Ice and Fire aka Game of Thrones series right now. 


I'm pretty new here too, but welcome aboard to you and yr sister.

Level 1 Satyr Adventurer/Assassin    

Age: 36, Height: 5'9", Weight: 238.6, Pants Size: 40Str 2 | Dex 3 | Sta 2 | Con 4 | Wis 1 | Cha 3

My tracking thread: http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/26623-ssquirrels-list-of-everything/

Goals: 200 pounds, the old size 36 leather pants in my closet :)

Alice: But I don't want to go among mad people.Cheshire Cat: Oh, you can't help that. Most everyone's mad here.  You may have noticed that I'm not all there myself.


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Lol :-) yeah he can go on for awhile about things that don't move the plot along, but I don't mind that too much. It probably helps that I've been listening to them so I can do other things at the same time instead of spending hours reading about what kind of dresses they are wearing today.

I'll check out the books you guys mentioned!

I'm definitely ready for some big life changes! I've been not taking good enough care of myself for WAY too long. One day at a time right? :-) I'm looking forward to maybe meeting some people and getting out of my comfort zone a bit. Have some experiences and live life!

Level 1 Human Adventurer

STR 1 | DEX 2 | STA 2 | CON 4 | WIS 5 | CHA 2

"Where is the cake? I was told there would be cake! The cake is a lie." -Sten

Challenge #1

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