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Better today than yesterday

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I have been prowling about on this site for awhile and found the information on this site to very much ring true for me.  I work as a Computer Software Engineer (sedentary) and I am a husband and a father of an almost 1 year old boy.  I want to be the best I can be for my wife and son and that means taking better care of myself.


I like the idea of the 6-week challenges and plan to join the next challenge as a Ranger.  Setting good goals has never been my strong suit.  I will always take feedback on any goals I set for myself to help me improve.  I love the attitude of doing something every day that makes me better than I was yesterday.  I currently track my workout details through Fitocracy and my diet through MyPlate.


I am currently about 20 lbs over my target weight.  I enrolled in a very nice weight loss incentive through my health insurance provider.  My main objective, however, is to have the energy, strength, and endurance to be active with my son as he grows.  I currently try to get at least 2 strength workouts in per week and at least one cardio (swimming is my preference).  I just enrolled in a Swim Challenge at the YMCA that I go to. Over the next 9 months, my goal is to swim 100 miles.  This is a tough challenge for me.  I can currently swim, with little stopping, about 1 competition mile (1650 yards) in about 45-50 minutes.  To reach the goal I figure I will need to swim twice per week for close to an hour each time.  Thankfully I work directly across the street from the gym and lunch is a great time to get in there.


I am very much an introvert so I don't know how active I will be on these forums.  I don't know what all I will talk about.  For starters I will probably post my progress, participate in the challenges, and see where things go.  I do hope to connect with people through here though that can help motivate me and keep me accountable.


Level 2 Hawk Assassin

Str: 2, Dex: 1, Sta: 2, Con: 2, Wis: 4, Cha: 1

Challenges: Getting Going, 1, 2(Failed), 2.1(failed), 2.2(current)

Accountability:  The Dai-Gurren Brigade

Current Challenge Goal Progress:  Food Log(7/36), Exercise(5/24), Sleep Log(6/36), Meal Plan(1/21)

Battle Log


Fitocracy  MyFitnessPal  RunKeeper


“Believe the incredible and you can do the impossible†- Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body." - 1 Cor 6:19-20

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Well I just joined on here too and you can see I have a few comments already.  I'm also going to be 'enrolling' in the next 6-week challenge.  Huge introvert so i'm iffy about forum-posting too.  However, I can say that it seems that making smaller goals is really important to track progress.  I think once the challenge starts, everyone has thier own thread for tracking progress.  Welcome.

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Welcome to the community!


Good to see the family folks coming out to better themselves!

Keep at your goals and remember that you are not only doing this for you, but for those that love you dearly :)

Level 2 Blood Elf Warrior

STR  5.80 / DEX 4 / STA  4.4 / CON 1 / WIS 5.9 / CHA 3.25

"When you punch - you bring your arms up. When you step - you bring your feet up. And you must ALWAYS KEEP --- your heart up!" - Von Kaiser, Mike Tysons Punch Out!


Challenge 1 - I Lift Heavy Things To Put Them Back Down

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I'm new and a bit of an introvert as well.  Don't really know what to say most of the times, so I just read what others post. I hope to do the next 6-week challenge along with y'all!

So happy to see you are wanting to better yourself for you family! It just warms my heart! Best of luck to you!

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Hi hi! I'll be joining the next challenge as a Ranger too! I'm super excited, and although I've only been poking around this site a few days I already really like it.


I know its intimidating and weird to just post stuff on line, especially stuff about health, weight, and body image (all of which I'm very tight liped about normally). However, this is a pretty non-judgemental place from what I can gather and I'm hoping I will get the results I want even if I'm on here every day.


Actually to motivate myself I've just posted a "starting" pic of where I am now. Hopefully I won't be looking like this again. And now I've gone and told all you people about it. So there you are Brader24, its about pushing outside your boundaries, its the only way to change! Good luck!

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