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House is in the House... er, Rebel Base!

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Hello Rebel Alliance!


I am a 20-something, male, I.T. pro, hailing from the Heartland region of the States. 


In my history, I've never been athletic (by my sense of the term), but have casually engaged in some athletic activity once in a while. (Do, in part to my lack of interest in people my age. Socially awkward penguin...) When I started working at my current job about a year ago, I was somewhere around 300 lbs, but have put on a few more over the past year. Looking in the mirror just this morning, I've resolved that something has to change in life. 


My goals for short term (3 months or less) include the following:

-Go full paleo. (After doing extensive research, I believe that it is the best thing.)

-Start working out at the gym five times a week. (I'm thinking 1-1.5 hours on this, mix of cardio and strength training, thoughts?)

-Becoming more active with people my age, because I now realize that socializing is actually a good thing for humans in general. 

-Lose weight. (I'm not, however, sure what my target for this should be. I would REALLY like to be able to put a goal/number on this one. Maybe somewhere around 180-200, or is that too unrealistic?)


Long Term (Greater than three months) Goals include:

-Decrease Body fat percentage to 20%, then 15%, then get to 10%.



Going forward, I look forward to meeting everyone here as we go through this journey together. It really is inspiring to read everyone's stories here. I hope that someday, I can also be as inspiring as everyone else here. 








Spreadsheet: House Notes

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Hi, House. You have solid goals as far as i can tell, but spending 1-1.5 hours in the gym seems to be pushing it a little.


As Steve wrote in one of his articles, "You don’t need to spend 2 hours in a gym six days a week to see results.  Just three 45-minute weight-training sessions is enough to pack on some serious muscle if you give it everything you go each time you’re in there.  If you’re trying to lose weight, go for higher intensity and less time, rather than 2-hours of steady-cardio (ugh)."






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Hey House! Diggin' the name. 


I'd suggest making a good battle plan before you get to the gym. Check out Steve's post on warming up and how to make your own routine as they're really good to make a good well rounded strength workout. He doesn't have as much on running (though I'm still reading through back posts) but there are plenty of people on the running board you can ask for help.


But in terms of heading to the gym 5 times a week, please work up to that gradually. I've had more then a few friends injure themselves by tackling too much too soon.

Level 5 Orc Citizen Soldier

STR 7.5|DEX 9.5|STA 11|CON 12|WIS 20.5|CHA 8.5

Old Challenges 15/4 3/6 7/25

"Do it now."


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welcome aboard.  as a fellow non-athletic indoor type - i just wanted to say, you can do it!!!


remember that moment - the one where you looked in the mirror and you just knew it was time.  Remember it.  Take some pictures (seriously - you don't have to share - but take them).  Hold on to that decision and never let go.  In 3 months, you can look back and reflect, take new pictures and keep going.  and in a year - you could be an entirely new person.  


your post reminded me of my start on the fitness journey.  it is a life changing moment.  sign up for the next 6 week challenge - it starts in a week.  you are more than welcome to join the Druids - though you may find the Adventurers more your speed for now.  


also - there is a board just for paleo/primal things.  if you haven't checked it out - you should.  also there is a recipe thread that Spezzy started all about bacon...

Introspective Bookworm (Lvl 6)STR 8.5 | DEX 10 | STA 11 | CON 13 | WIS 15 | CHA 11Look, I... I may not be an explorer, or an adventurer, or a treasure-seeker, or a gunfighter, Mr. O'Connell, but I am proud of what I am. I... am a librarian. (Rachel Weiss, The Mummy)Intro/Current Challenge | Fitocracy | MFP 

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Hi! Ditto on the advice to work up to 5-days-a-week workouts gradually. In addition to the risk of overtraining, there's a psychological risk that when you set an overly ambitious goal, it's harder to appreciate and adhere to the progress you'll make if you're only capable of half of that.


I suggest setting a starting goal of something you feel you have a good amount of control over - maybe one or two days a week - and when that feels easy and you know you can consistently do it, set the goal higher.


Good luck!

eliz, Level 2 Cookie Monster Scout

STR 6 | DEX 3 | STA 6 | CON 5 | WIS 4 | CHA 4

Current Challenge: Piles of Miles

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