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Hi everyone, I just joined yesterday and am planning to take part in the new challenge next week. I'm in my early 30s and live in N. New Jersey with my husband and dog. I used to run all the time, but got burnt out after training for and running my first marathon. I haven't done much in the way of exercise since, other than weekly yoga and walking the pup.


In general I try to eat low carb (which to me is basically Paleo with dairy). But I'm terrible with temptation and need to fully track everything to stay on target. Currently my goals for the next challenge are as follows:


1. complete 6 weeks of my running plan. It's a variation of Couch to 5k, but without the run/walk part. Galloway method works for lots of people, but I'm not one of them.

2. Track all food by logging BEFORE I eat it. I'm less likely to actually eat a cupcake if I've got to write it down and look at the nutritional content first.

3. Drink 60oz of water daily.

4. Organize how mail/other stuff comes into the house and gets to where it's going, a.k.a. stop dumping our crap on the dining room table.


If you can't tell, I'm a Whovian. But I also love Joss Whedon, Neil Gaiman and John Scalzi. I'm a voracious reader of hard SF and urban fantasy.

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welcome! I like goal #2.  on weightwatchers I always felt like a jackass if I ate something and THEN wrote it down and by switching the order I tended to just not bother eating it.  Something about seeing it on paper and knowing 'yes, I plan on ruining things' makes it more real.  gl and have fun with the challenge.  I'm starting it too.

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