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Hi from UK

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Morning everyone,


Got introduced to this lovely website a while back and I've started doing the beginners body-weight workout (but I caught a cold boo :( ). Love the articles and hopefully I'll be able to get healthy and join the ranks with you guys!


So, my story goes: 24, in an office job, quit smoking for about a month and going strong. A big gamer so long periods of sitting on my backside are a regular thing with me. Used to play sport in school (basketball) and started Japanese Ju-Jitsu (Got to orange belt) at University but then student life took over (shock horror!). Now I've finished and out in the real world I want to get back to being able to walk, run, climb and do things without being out of breath.


I'm 5'7 but can't remember what I weigh currently (at work) however it's not about losing weight for me, it's about being healthy and enjoying the exercise.

Don't really like gyms so I try and do workout circuits at home (hence starting on the body weight workout), I have an exercise bike, iron-gym pull up bar and a set of dumb-bells (Up to 20kg).


Other things about me: I like to photograph things (Use an Nex-5n), I go to conventions in the UK and thats about it for now!


Pleased to meet your acquaintance. 


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Hey Drift! \o


Welcome to the rebellion! Good to have yet another gaming nerd here. :D What sort of games are you most into? My favourites are M&B, Oblivion, Skyrim (when my new laptop arrives I will actually be able to play it properly!) and most other games with RP elements.


The beginners body weight work out is a great place to start, and it's really motivating being able to see yourself getting better and better at it, using more challenging variations. Good luck with all your goals of getting fitter. If you have any questions, just ask and there's bound to be someone who can answer it. :)

Level 2 Gnome adventurerSTR 3|DEX 3|STA 5|CON 8|WIS 11|CHA 3


Challenge 2

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Hey there Drift, welcome aboard! Your goals sound great, all-around health is one of the most satisfying places to get to, I'll bet. :) Best of luck to ya!


Those are awesome sports btw, do you think you'd ever get back into practicing Ju-Jitsu, or another martial art like that? 

Level 5 Dryad Druid + Adventurer

STR 7 | DEX 10 | STA 9 | CON 8 | WIS 13 | CHA 10.5


Leo's Dawn of Dragons Challenge


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Sorry for the slow response! I'm currently spending time at weekends away from the PC as much as possible.


JustAStudent: I'm mainly into fighting games (really big into my Street Fighter) but apart from that I'll play most things, currently trying to play the first American McGee's Alice game but my 360 is giving up the ghost :(


Leonine: Thanks! I don't think I'll be super ripped for a long while! (living at home with my parents mean I don't have very little control over my diet, being Chinese also means my diet consists of 90% rice, but at least I have chicken, beef, fish and a ton of veg!). Unfortunately I don't think I'll practice Ju-Jitsu again unless it's in the same environment. It was relaxed and not super hard-core but we still pushed each other to do gradings. I'm not a fan of screaming and shouting for a couple hours straight :(


What do you guys do for a warm up? 

I'm currently doing 15mins on a stationary bike (3mins going fast, 3 mins cool down) before I go into the bodyweight circuit. 


With the weather picking up I'm going to look into getting a skipping rope so I can enjoy the sun for a bit after work. Does anyone have any recommendations?



EDIT: Just weighed myself and I'm 11st according to my scales.

Also does anyone use fitocracy? my tag on that is Drift so add me and I'll add back!

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