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My name is Jacob, and I am new to both the site and the forums. I stumbled across the site a week ago or so through a reference to it on the Starting Strength forums.


I am a 30 year old, chronically scrawny dude. I'm 5'9", 140 lbs. I was one of those "I can eat 15 bowls of ice cream a day and lose weight" kind of guys up through the end of college, but then my metabolism started to catch up with me. I put on a little weight, but kept it under control through running and a little biking. Then I got lazy and good at cooking delicious but terrible-for-me foods and put on a fair bit more. At about 175 (which isn't huge, I know, but it was huge for me) I got disgusted with myself and decided to do something about it. I did P90X 2/3 of the way through a couple times and dropped about 15 pounds. Eventually I became disgusted by meat (for a reason I still can't figure out) and stopped eating it about a year and a half ago. I dropped 13 pounds in two weeks then leveled off at 147 for about a year during which time I was basically sedentary again.


I started exercising again about 6 months ago, doing a combination of running and a full body weight training routine I invented myself. I lost 7 more pounds and got quite a bit stronger during that time. 


I've now decided to switch my focus over to strength training and putting on muscle mass. I am going to start Starting Strength within the next couple of weeks, bump up my caloric intake by about 1200/day, and work my way toward gaining around 35 or 40 pounds before cutting some. It'll be my first time doing any barbell training, so I am pretty nervous.


I am a tax policy analyst by day, and if that doesn't qualify me as a nerd, I don't know what does. I also love cats. And Iron Man.


Looking forward to getting to know y'all!

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Guest Dirty Deads

Welcome! I myself am disgusted by most meat. I can't eat any ground or processed for sure. I do like fish so I'm a pescatarian... pescaprimal actually. I have the opposite issue as you though; I could eat 5 bowls of icecream and gain...well...a Wafflebox lol.

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Wow your story sounds a lot like mine. With the help of this community you'll achieve your goals! Welcome to the rebellion! 

"It's always the ones that don't do anything that try to bring you down" - Henry Rollins

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 Trail Blazing Elf Ranger Sumdawgtwigg Level 3  STR-3 DEX-4 STA-4 CON-3 WIS-5 CHA-2


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Welcome fellow rebel!


It seems you`ve always been in control of your weight, most of the time at least! If you need extra motivation give a shout! A great to hear your already workingout!

Lvl 2   Half-Orc Dúnadan Assassin Ranger of the North trained by Aragorn son of Arathorn and Connor Kenway - Slayer of the Witch-King of Angmar - Nazgûl Hunter 


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