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Want to be the next Superhero? Same here! Let's do it together.

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Hey everyone! I hope to be meeting a lot of you soon. I'm Kaitlyn, and I've from Denton, Texas. I'm 18 and in college. Ever since I was 11, I have hated my body and wanted to lose weight and be thin like all the models and actresses you see in magazines and on TV. It wasn't until this year I realized that the reason I was failing was because I didn't LOVE myself enough! Besides, I was comparing myself to a body not even those actresses and models had achieved, since they had likely been Photoshopped. I have followed and failed countless diets.


Thanks to a kind user on Reddit, I found this site and Staci(spezzy)'s story, and I realized, like her, that I didn't want to be thin. I wanted to be strong and capable. I'm a fighter, and for once in my life, I have decided to fight for myself and my own health. 


Current Stats:


Age: 18 years old

Height: 5ft'8in

Weight: 151.7lbs

Body Fat %: Unknown (Will update!)

Skills: Not many, I'm quite out of shape. That's about to change!

Need to improve: Agility, flexibility, strength, endurance


Am I missing anything? Let me know!



  • Get my body fat percentage down to around 18% by August 26th, 2013
  • Improve my flexibility and be able to do the splits by August 26th, 2013
  • Improve strength and agility for participation in Krav Maga and Parkour
  • Complete my local Run For Your Lives 5k Zombie Run (June 1st, 2013)
  • Complete my first half-marathon by the end of the year (December 31st, 2013)

How am I going to go about this? Well, I'm glad you've asked!

  1. Get good sleep. Be asleep by 11:30 PM every night and wake up at 7 AM each morning
  2. Work out daily, doing strength exercises Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and endurance training Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Sunday will be my off day. 
  3. Follow the Paleo diet as closely as possible
  4. Dedicate 30min-1hr of my Sunday to stretching, swimming, or relaxation yoga to give my body a break to stretch out and relax
  5. LISTENING TO MY BODY. This is a big one for me, since I often exhaust myself and fail because I'm too tired. 
  6. If I'm stressed, I will go take a 10-15 minute walk around my neighborhood BEFORE reaching for comfort food.

I'll try and update every week, because I am a person that needs support in things like this. I have a lot of people that tell me things like "you don't need to lose weight!" and "you're fine as it is." But I know myself better than that, and I know I want to be healthier and stronger. 


So thank you all for being a wonderful community. Please please PLEASE, don't hesitate to drop me a message if you need help, support, or just want to chat. I'll be there for you :)



STR: +3 || DEX: +1 || STA: +3 || CON: +2 || WIS: +4 || CHA: +2


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Welcome to the site! Congrats on wanting to better yourself. I would say the community here is second to none. There is always someone here who is willing to help. And congratulations on wanting to become someone you are happy with and not someone that the rest of the world wants you to be! I'm sure you'll do great!!!


“The question is not how far. The question is, do you possess the constitution, the depth of faith, to go as far as is needed?† 
 -Billy Connoly , The Boondock saints
Level 2 Warrior
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I have to be strict, I'm the type of person that takes advantage of any leniency and I will rationalize myself out of things. If I keep a strict schedule, I can form a habit I can keep up. 

the 26th of August is when my summer break is over and Fall semester starts. 


Thank you both for the welcome!

STR: +3 || DEX: +1 || STA: +3 || CON: +2 || WIS: +4 || CHA: +2


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Guest Dirty Deads

2 peas we are!  Let's form a supper hero group! Seriously, You sound a lot like myself only lighter and a heck of a lot prettier.

Good luck!

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Not every body is capable of doing splits. When I was a dancer, after years of daily work, I was eventually able to come close to a full front split with my favored leg forward. I could never get closer than a foot off the ground when performing a straddle split. If your hips aren't built right it may not be possible. I'm not trying to discourage you from trying, I'm just saying you shouldn't make that a goal with an end date unless you already know that you can do them because you have been able to do in the past. Instead you should make it something like "work on my splits every other day" or whatever your schedule will be. Then when the date comes, even if you can't do a full split, you will have achieved your goal of working towards getting better at them than you are today.

Level 3 High Elf Enchanter in Half-Orc Illusion RAWR!


STR 2.5 : DEX 2 : STA 2 : CON 2.5 : WIS 5 : CHA 3.5First Challenge     Second Challenge     Current Challenge

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Thank you all for the support. 


Incantor, I know what you mean, and safety first as always. ;) 

I've been able to do the splits before, so I just want to get back to being able to do it again.

STR: +3 || DEX: +1 || STA: +3 || CON: +2 || WIS: +4 || CHA: +2


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