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Word up, all.


New here after checking out the blog for a while.


A little about myself, I'm a toxicologist from the UK and a brand new daddy. I'm also terrible at choosing a screen name, it would seem


I've been trying to lose weight and get fitter for quite some time and had made some progress, which went slightly downhill when my wife got pregnant, which meant chocolate and ice cream was once again readily available in the house. 


We've now got a beautiful little girl (now 9 weeks old!) so I want to make sure I'm getting fit and healthier so I can be a daddy she can have fun with and a good role model for healthy living. 


So excited to be here with a great community that sounds very supportive and totally awesome!





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Hi Jay! I just joined the rebellion recently and have already found support here on the forums, I'm sure you will too.


There's a 6 week challenge starting in a few days (June 3rd?) that you might want to check out. It seems like a cool way to keep yourself motivated and on track.


Also, I think it's great that being able to keep up with your daughter and being a role model for her is a big motivation for you. Good parenting move right there!


Welcome to the rebellion!

Silas Randwulf

Level 2 Ogre Adventurer

STR: 6.75 DEX: 2.75 STA: 6 CON: 6 WIS: 4 CHA: 1.5

First Challenge

"The coward believes he will live forever if he holds back in battle, but in old age he shall have no peace though spears have spared his limbs." - Havamal

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Hey Jay! I'm new here too :-) Congrats on the baby girl! Me and my husband are not planning on having our first munchkin for another few years but I realized I have to start making changes now to get healthy. I definitely feel ya on setting a good example!



Physician-Scientist Adventurer on her way to becoming a Scout/Druid hybrid - Level 1

STR - 1 DEX - 1 STA - 2 CON - 1 WIS - 5 CHA - 5

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." ~Mahatma Gandhi

Leveling Up: http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/29387-sruthis-first-attempt-leveling-up/

Intro: http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/29045-total-newb-joining-the-rebellion-despite-my-crazy-hours/

Battle Log: http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/29056-80-hour-work-week-aint-stoppin-me/

Accountibilibuddies Team: SoundTrekkers http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/30812-soundtrekkers-unite/


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Hi Jay! I just joined here too. I sit behind a lab bench all day in a histology lab so you might could sympathize with me about the sedentary nature a lab position promotes.


And congrats on the new baby!

Level 1 Adventurer


"... whatever the secret histories would say of her faults and virtues, the Light only knew, but they would be hers, not copies of some other woman’s."




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Thanks everyone for the lovely messages of welcome and congratulations. You're all awesome. 


Meaghan - Histology is so uber cool! I do a lot of desk stuff now cuz I'm managing people and stuff, but I can definitely sympathise with working in a histo lab and how it's not always conducive to being super fit and super motivated to work out after work. 


One of the things that struck me big time by being a dad is that we've all got way more energy than we think we do, coming home from work and DOING something straight away helps to unlock that tank. So many times I'll come home, slump on the couch and then moan that I'm super tired, even tho I've probably got loads more energy that I could be working with. 


Quick question: I'd really like to get going on the 6 week challenge thingy, thinking about going for the Adventurer profession, can someone please help me out with like assigning points, etc.? Not quite sure how to start.

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Hey Jay :) I can definitely help steer you in the right direction. There's a great list of information hidden somewhere on this site (I'm terrible at keeping links organized, especially on a work terminal like I'm on today where I can't favorite ALL THE PAGES!) but I did e-mail myself the information to print and take home. So here's what I have on it thus far.


Assigning Attribute Points To Goals

*note: this is completely optional and just for fun. It is not a required part of the 6 week challenge.
You will have the potential of obtaining 15 attribute points per challenge. These will be split up between your goals. 
You will decide on your own what attribute points to assign to each goal, based on the type of goal and what is involved. 
So lets say that our goals are:
Run 5k without stopping
Squat 250lbs, 5 times
Cut out soda completely
Pay $1000 towards debt
So what we do is we take these goals and compare them to our attributes.
As a reminder, we use 6 attributes in NF Real Life Roleplaying:
In this challenge, we have six attributes:
Strength (STR) - physical strength
Dexterity (DEX) - agility and speed
Stamina (STA) - Endurance and Energy
Constitution (CON) - ability to resist damage and disease
Wisdom (WIS) - intuition and sense of things around himself
Charisma (CHA) - force of personality and physical attractiveness
There is no list of rules as to what exercises or life goals go with specific attributes - you decide this on your own, but please make sure they make sense.

What I did with myself, is I assigned this way: (I haven't put them in my signature line yet though)

STR: 2  DEX: 2  CON: 3  STA: 2   WIS: 3   CHA: 3


I basically went with the assignments that were decently spread out (because I'm not super in any one category right now. Back when I was more fit, I would have probably put 4 in Dex instead) but I have a lot of room to grow in each area. I sword fight on a regular basis, so I've got bonuses in Wisdom and Charisma, from field awareness and I'm a knight of our fighting realm so I get Charisma bonuses for being someone that other members look up to.


As far as your starting 15 points go, it's really a matter of where your current strengths lie. After that, for the 6 week challenge you just assign points to whatever it is you're challenging yourself to do. :) Working on being able to do 10 full-on pull ups would be a strength bonus, running a marathon would be stamina, etc. Dropping soda? That'd be Con. Paying off a credit card? Wisdom - you're gaining a sense of financial security by eliminating a debt over your head.


If you have ideas for your SMART goals for the 6-week challenge, post them up and I'll be happy to help sort through which attributes go where if you need any additional help :)

"Even if you don't make it all the way, those last 10 seconds of trying and not getting anywhere - that's where you gain the most strength." - Jessie Graff


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Grats on the baby!

I too am a new dad and was a lab rat for a while. I transitioned to teaching about 2 years ago. You can assign your class under your profile options. I'm starting as an adventurer but hope to move into scout/ranger once I get back into the swing of things.

Fitness/Motivation Level Up Blog: IronEdutainer

twitter: https://twitter.com/pjr_ilstu

fitocracy: https://www.fitocracy.com/profile/pjrilstu/

My ScienceCom website and video channels.


"He who lives on hope, will die fasting" - Ben Franklin

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