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Am I able to do this?

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Ok. I'm overweight and I want to lose. sort of. (that's where I need help, really wanting to do what it takes.)


I'm 4'11", weigh 188, am 56 yo. As my name implies, I'm a fiber artist, and so mostly soft, dreamy music, flower-child art, lots of natural teas, Everything is slow & easy in my life.


My religious beliefs don't permit me to do yoga, tai chi, or any exercise that originated with another religious belief and activity. 


I've never played a single role-playing game in my life so all this nerdy stuff eludes me. BUT I do star trek, star wars, and sci-fi books and movies. (really a big reader.)


I already eat mostly well. On my own I'll eat fruit over candy, and love veggies and meats. but I don't exercise. period. HOWEVER, a new life change forces me to sit for 3 hours every evening to watch movies with my aging Mom & hubby to keep her company. (I'm trying not to resent this as it used to be my prime creating time.) They eat non-stop carbs the entire time, and it is hard not to join them.


I start off and walk a 1/4 mile (up and down my driveway 1x. (one mile is 4x) I am not allowed to join a gym, have only a pair of 3lb dumbbells which I have no idea how to use. I do this 2x a week, then give up.


See I'm really going to need ENCOURAGEMENT!!!



I look in the mirror and every day and say I want to lose weight

I run up and down the stairs to Moms at least 3x but usually 6 - 7 x a day

I eat healthy meals when I take the time to make them, I'm an excellent cook.

I have a strong will and can stick to stuff if properly motivated. (15 years ago I cut ALL carbs & sugar and stuck to it for 2 years to lose 30 pounds)

I took a stress test. The machine was set up for a person 5'6" and so I was forced to run all out, and made it to the end unable to hold my breath until 30secs had passed. They said I was "remarkably fit, heart-wise." So I know that I can exercise if I choose to.


Weaknesses to overcome:

I walk up and down my driveway for exercise, and 2x I'm breathing heavily.

I've always hated warming up and exercise, hated gym, hate being alone & working out. I prefer group sports, but am in a situation where I can't do group anything, as I'm the sole caretaker for Mom.

Since I'm at home being caretaker, I've got limited funds and need to watch my expenses big time.


So my question to the group is, where do I start? What can you all say to get me to be an adventurer, big step for me.




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Maybe if you start looking at it as a health goal and not a weight goal you would find some motivation. For me, my weight really doesn't matter but regulating my blood sugar, breathing better, and feeling better were my motivators. It's also about the small changes, one huge overhaul can be very difficult to stick to. You do need to really want it, but I think you can find reasons that will give you that desire. Is there anything you want to do that your weight prevents you from doing? You could try to focus on that. You absolutely CAN do this, just keep telling yourself that :)

And in this existence, I'll stay persistent

And I'll make a difference, and I will have lived it- MFTP


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I have a lot of the same "weaknesses" as you. I've never really liked exercising or sports at all; in fact, I didn't start until I was in my 40s (we're the same age). I don't do group anything and I don't spend any money on memberships or equipment or running gear.


You simply start where you are, then add to it incrementally: walking your driveway becomes walking with jogging 15 seconds every couple of minutes, for example, and slowly increasing the ratio of jogging to walking. This is how I started off.

Or walking holding your dumbells (put them down when you tire and pick them up on the return trip - try to carry them farther on the next lap.

Before you know it, you'll be jogging to the end of the driveway, knocking off a quick 15 reps of curls, and jogging back to do 15 shoulder presses at the other end of the drive.


Believe it. My philosophy is: other people do it, it's no big deal, I can do it, too.


Hope this helps :pride:

The past is only smoke in a dream.

Lvl 6 Ranger Berzerker


Barfly ain't even tryin'...


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You can do it! Have you thought about Pilates? Unlike Tai Chi or Yoga, it was developed quite recently by a physical therapist to improve the core. You can rent a DVD at the library to check it out. 

I'm 50 and stress-fractured my hip a year and a half ago, so I had to start from the beginning just last year.  Your heart and lungs will improve faster than your muscles. My Orthopedist told me and he was right. I was out of breath when I first started running again and my legs were weak, but my heart and breathing regulated after a few very short runs and then my legs got stronger, too. I've run 3 half Marathons since then.

I find willpower the hardest battle, but you seem to have mastered that and I envy you there.


Best of Luck with your goals! :redface-new:


PS: Star Trek and the Song of Ice and Fire series is the extent of my nerdy knowledge

Name: 50Fit

Striving to be: The Khaleesi of Middle Age Fitness

Level 1: STR = 4, DEX = 4, STA = 4, CON = 3

"Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken" - House Martell

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OK! Thank you for your kindness in replying!


I MADE myself walk 2x up and down the driveway. The first time I dragged a weight, lol, the trash can. (a purpose for going down), the second time just to do more. I got winded but I said if I do this every other day, I will someday be able to jog it. 


porchcricket13 -- I am telling myself that it may be ESSENTIAL that I learn to jog up and down my driveway, because Mom's life could be in my hands to get help. Right? I can't help her if I can't do it. And I love her, so I will do this for her and me. Thanks for the great idea!


Barfly -- ok, I started where I am, ate mostly great so far, am looking at the mostly part and not the "oops" part. Thank you for replying, too! I need this help!


50Fit -- great suggestion!!! didn't want to wait to check out Pilates from library, so did the Amazon instant video thing -- found it -- Easing into Pilates -- yay! The video said I should watch it before trying, so did that, tomorrow will do it!


Made my first "goal" to walk as far and/or long as I could every other day, Pilates in between. Thanks to ALL of you!


50Fit -- I can help you with the will power part, here's the story.


I was bemoaning my total lack of will power at a table eating with all my best friends. And ALL of them looked at me shocked, truly shocked and surprised. They said I had the MOST will power of any one they ever met. They were so sure, that guess what? I did it!!!


So 50Fit,  :surprise:    "You have the MOST will power of ANYONE I have ever met!!"   :encouragement:  :encouragement:

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If you'd like some help or advice on about putting a plan together, let me know (when you're ready). I generally do my own workout plans; I've found that the progressions on most are aimed at a much younger crowd (i.e. week 1: run 1 mile, week 2: run 3 miles... huh?)

The past is only smoke in a dream.

Lvl 6 Ranger Berzerker


Barfly ain't even tryin'...


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