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Hi, I'm Hope.  This is a long intro and if you'd like to just skip to the end and see how you can help me, feel free.  ###

I'm 36, 5'7†and 228.4lbs (when I started 3 weeks ago I was 231.8lbs).  

I have never been fit.  I have never been athletic.  The last time I even came close was when I was 15, and played soccer and tennis at a school where they were simply looking for warm bodies to fill spots.  It was made very clear to me from a very young age that I just wasn't cut out for “physical activities.† This suited me fine in most ways.  Most activities I enjoy are more sedentary in nature: reading, movies, crocheting, knitting, video games, scrapbooking, spinning (yarn, not the exercise class) and all things sci-fi & fantasy related.  I began to accept my place in the empire.  I was always going to be the clumsy, chubby girl who was bright, creative and had lots of friends, but always got picked last for the sports team.

Over the years though, a lack of fitness and a love of food has taken it's toll.  I became a woman who, though still very young, had bad knees and struggled to get up a few flight of stairs without hyperventilating.  I was sore all the time for no reason and I sometimes grunted and groaned like someone twice my age when getting out of a low chair after a long day.  I began to realize that I really had to think about a physical activity before agreeing to do it.  First, to determine if it was even possible and second, to acknowledge how embarrassing it was going to be for me to “showcase†how out of shape I really was to those around me.  I began to ask myself a hard question, "If I feel like this now, how am I going to feel at 50? 60? 70?  Am I really even going to have a chance in hell of living that long?"

I have tried to get in shape before, but with limited success.  I knew I wanted to lose weight and what my ultimate goal was to be healthier (whatever that meant).  Like clockwork, I'd usually make it about 3 weeks before I'd need to “skip just this one day†of the gym or had to have “just one doughnut†and it would all fall apart.  At which point I usually added another 5 pounds from depression eating.  For the last year I've been looking at the 70lbs I need to lose and knowing the shape I'm in and thinking there's about as much chance of that as me getting up and climbing Mt. Everest tomorrow.

But today is different.  Today is the start of my 4th week of working out and eating better, and I couldn't be happier or more determined.  I even woke up this morning after a lousy night of sleep (usually the perfect “excuse†to skip) saying, “Screw no sleep! It's not making me miss my goals this week!† This is the first time in my life I believe that I can really do this, and it's because of doing these things differently:  

* I've asked for help, embarrassing as it was, and my Jedi Council is in place.

* I've got realistic and specific goals.
* I've cut out about 98% of the wheat in my diet, and it seems to be making me a lot less hungry (plus cuts snacking since most snacks are wheat based).
* I'm doing everything I can to educate myself about fitness and nutrition.


Even after just this short a time, I already feel better than I have in years.  I KNOW that I can do this, but I also know I need all the support I can get.


Here's where I could use a little creative help.  Along with my goals, I'd like to set up a reward/consequence system for each goal.  In the past, I have always rewarded myself with food and obviously that isn't going to work any more.  I don't have lots of cash, so I can't just always buy myself something.  Got any advice or suggestions?

Thanks, and I'm looking forward to getting to know some folks around here!




The right thing starts at the beginning of the day, not after you've been caught." -John Crichton, Farscape


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Welcome to the Rebellion :)


Sounds like you're on the right track - just remember to take it one day at a time. Focus on the habits you're trying to build every day and the rest works itself out.


I've always found that money is a great motivator for the consequence.  Nothing worse than having to give money you can't afford to a friend...or using that money to donate to something you don't believe in, or having to buy something that you hate :)


As for the rewards, what are your hobbies?  Maybe you can take a weekend trip to stay with a friend (that's free), or go hiking, attend a free event that's in your area?  Stuff like that!



Rebel Leader. I post videos of my dog on Instagram, and sometimes even share fitness wisdom. SOMETIMES.

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Thanks Steve!  I have considered rewarding myself with yarn (as a knitting nerd) and I know I could depend on some friends to take my money ;).  Also, your articles about about the Paleo diet are great!  I have already been moving in that direction, but my hubby's been a bit of a holdout.  I sent him your articles and now he's really keen.  That alone is going to help make it a little easier to stick with things.



The right thing starts at the beginning of the day, not after you've been caught." -John Crichton, Farscape


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I'm working on a reward system as well.


Yarn's a great choice. What about a new book? I love taking bubble baths with a good (or even trashy romance) novel. Just one of those things that relaxes me soooo much.


I know you said you don't have a ton of money, but what about things like a manicure? Those aren't too expensive. And you can maybe splurge on a facial or a massage or something once in a while.


It's a struggle. I also have the temptation to reward myself with food - which does NOT work.


Congrats on the success you've had so far - now keep it going!

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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 Welcome to the Rebellion. Good luck on your goals

As for rewards, my wife and I like to go on dates. Days at the beach, hikes, cheap movies, a one or two day camping trip.

I wish my wife would get on board, I am Paleo she is vegan :rolleyes-new:


Lvl 2 Dwarven Warrier

(STR) - 3 (DEX) - 2 (STA) - 3 (CON) - 2 (WIS) - 2 (CHA) - 2

"Ride to meet your fate.Your destiny awaits" Amon Amarth "Twilight of the Thunder God"





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MirGSS - Thanks!  I do love a good book and I've been reading so much nonfiction lately maybe I could treat myself to a fun one for a change.  Also, I havne't had a bubble bath in forever, so it really would be a treat to make the time for one.  Great idea!





I wish my wife would get on board, I am Paleo she is vegan :rolleyes-new:


That's tough.  I'm impressed you guys make that work.  And day trips are a good suggestion, thanks.



The right thing starts at the beginning of the day, not after you've been caught." -John Crichton, Farscape


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It was tough at first, but it is not too bad now. I just have to use her set of pot/pans to cook her food and then my set to cook mine.


You are welcome on the day trip idea.


Lvl 2 Dwarven Warrier

(STR) - 3 (DEX) - 2 (STA) - 3 (CON) - 2 (WIS) - 2 (CHA) - 2

"Ride to meet your fate.Your destiny awaits" Amon Amarth "Twilight of the Thunder God"





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