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High blood pressure at age 20 :(

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I got my blood pressure checked by my doctor, and I also bought a machine to check myself.


I am averaging 144/80.


Lost 5kg (10 pounds) in the past few weeks, been doing some strength training and so on.


Just wondering what I should do, I don't want to go on high blood pressure medication, or make anymore damage to my organs and so on.


Got a blood test done today results will come next week.


Any advice?

Race: Hobbit

Class: Warrior

Level: 3

STR: 12 DEX: 3 STA: 4 CON: 4 WIS: 3 CHA: 4


Check out my first challenge! http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/38158-lawrences-super-adventure/

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I'm sure it's nothing you haven't heard before, but clean up your diet and exercise... But to be a little less vague of course:


By clean up your diet I mean clean it up, don't necessarily drop calories. Lean Cuisine may sound cute, but processed garbage like that is, and always will be the enemy. Make as much of your diet as you possibly can consist of things that were either in the dirt or breathing in the last week. If that isn't possible, go with some more preserved forms of the same (frozen or canned vegetables, canned tuna and salmon, etc...) Don't focus on calories, focus on the quality off what you are consuming.


Secondly, GET UNDER THE BAR!!! Pick your beginner strength program of choice (Stronglifts 5x5, Starting Strength, etc...) and get to it. Video yourself when you start so people can critique your form, and get to it. Nothing does a body good like moving some cast iron. Conditioning work is important as well, but you'll get plenty of cardiovasular benefit from getting some weight moving around first. I honestly couldn't think of doing hill sprints or farmer's walks after a session on 5x5, and the days off are definitely spent recovering.


If your cholesterol comes back high, I would abstain from medication until you start getting stronger and more fit. Cholesterol is the precursor to testoterone, so is of paramount importance for building muscle and strength. Also beta blockers (blood pressure meds) will have a pretty profound blunting effect on performance in the gym. Talk it over with your doc and see if he is comfortable rechecking you after you get some time in eating right and training.


If you pick a commercial gym to do this in, don't let a trainer talk you into spending an hour a day on one of their hamster wheels. Steady state cardio will burn calories and improve cardiovascular health, but the benefits wane quickly when you stop. Muscle stays around for a much longer time during a break.

My training log




Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (USS), April 16th Contest report


Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (NAS), April 18th Contest report

Eighth Annual Vis Vires Outdoor Strongman Competition (Unsanctioned), August 1st Contest report


"What's the difference between an injury that you train around and an injury that you train through?"

"A trip to the hospital"

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Have you considered Paleo? Check out the book It Starts With Food by Dallas and Melissa Hartwig. I just finished reading it and it's great. They have a few chapters of scienc-y stuff that explains how the excess consumption of carbohydrates (specifically from lots of processed grains and sugar) react in the body to cause all kinds of health problems, including high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and heart disease (all at their root caused by chronic systemic inflammation). Check it out, lots of good info.

"When I can no more stir my soul to move, and life is but the ashes of a fire; When I can but remember that my heart once used to live and love, long and aspire - O be thou then the first, the one thou art; Be thou the calling before all answering love, and in me wake hope, fear, boundless desire." - George MacDonald


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Going Paleo helped me reduce my blood pressure. I think a major component in that was cutting out sugar. When I eat more sugar, my pressure rises. The other things you are already doing will help too, keep them up.


Add yoga/or stretching into your workout. Studies have shown that is helpful in reducing blood pressure as well.


What is you emotional life like? If you are easily angered/stressed that raises blood pressure too. I try and be aware of how often I am putting myself into a flight or fight mode. I realized that several times during the day I would get all stressed out about things. Now I try and deep breathe and put things in perspective. Someone cut me off in traffic, washing machine broke, dealing with grumpy people, those are all just part of normal life and really not worth getting all stressed about. Save the fight or flight mode emotional response for real emergencies

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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I got my blood pressure checked by my doctor, and I also bought a machine to check myself.


I am averaging 144/80.


Lost 5kg (10 pounds) in the past few weeks, been doing some strength training and so on.


Just wondering what I should do, I don't want to go on high blood pressure medication, or make anymore damage to my organs and so on.


Got a blood test done today results will come next week.


Any advice?


I've been on medication for high blood pressure since I was thirteen. I wasn't overweight; I have a genetic disorder and one of the side effects of it is high blood pressure; I've gained and lost weight and it doesn't make any difference. However, if yours is weight related, diet changes and exercise should help.

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I have high blood pressure.  I developed it when I was 21 (during my pregnancy) and I haven't been able to shake it since.  I take medication for it and it's not bad.  It's like a water pill or something.  Medication isn't the end of the world.  But I do hope that you can stabilize your BP without it.  I'm sure you know this, but watch for sodium like CRAZY.  You'd be surprised at all the stuff that has sodium in it! 


Good luck! 

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I don't touch grains with a 10ft pole now a days after reading about them on marks daily apple.


On the diet I have been on I avoid sugar as well, replacing most of it with stevia or not having it at all.

Have not been touching fruit because of sugar in it, but I will have that when I am at my desired weight.

I still have dairy in the form of cheese only (soft cheese that have about the same protein and fat and no carbs)


I also have almond milk with my protein shake, which has 1g of sugar but not much.

Race: Hobbit

Class: Warrior

Level: 3

STR: 12 DEX: 3 STA: 4 CON: 4 WIS: 3 CHA: 4


Check out my first challenge! http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/38158-lawrences-super-adventure/

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What is you emotional life like? If you are easily angered/stressed that raises blood pressure too. I try and be aware of how often I am putting myself into a flight or fight mode. I realized that several times during the day I would get all stressed out about things. Now I try and deep breathe and put things in perspective. Someone cut me off in traffic, washing machine broke, dealing with grumpy people, those are all just part of normal life and really not worth getting all stressed about. Save the fight or flight mode emotional response for real emergencies

Just started considering this myself.  It's. Just. Life.  Consider the alternative :playful:

The past is only smoke in a dream.

Lvl 6 Ranger Berzerker


Barfly ain't even tryin'...


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I know it is often overlooked these days, but simply going on a walk every single day for a while is a highly effective way to lose weight and reduce high blood pressure in a low intensity way. I know people who have lost significant weight over the course of a year or so in combo with better eating habits simply by walking to places like the supermarket, bank, etc., rather than driving there in 5 minutes. If you can find the time for a 40 minute round trip walk to the supermarket and back you'll get both the benefit of walking and also save some gas money in the process. Just thought I would throw that out there as food for thought. 

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