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If you could contact your past self, what would you say?

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Child self: Dad isn't picking fights with you because he hates you. He's picking fights with you because no one taught him how to be loving yet firm. Firm, yes. Loving, not so much. No one did that for him. Don't take it personally that he's yelling at you for the 2746528th time about not wearing socks in the house. He just has a really weird way of showing that he cares. Go ask for hugs from Mom to make up for the ones he never gives you. He won't tell you that he loves you until college, and that's only after he says some very hurtful things about you, so stop waiting for it. He's not withholding affection because you're a bad kid or undeserving of love. He's doing it because his parents did that to him.


Middle school self: you are surrounded by people who will live in this area their whole lives and never want anything more for themselves. Don't waste another moment trying to impress these small-minded plebeians. You will never make them happy because they will never make themselves happy. You shine much, much brighter than they can ever hope to. The problem is them, not you. Also, I know you feel like an ugly duckling when you look in the mirror. I know it makes you sad and insecure that Mom won't let you shave your legs and it doesn't feel good when people make fun of you in gym class. But you're going to grow up and be a superfox. Actually, a Superfox. Capital S. Yeah. Believe it. When Samantha breaks you and Thomas up by telling him that you have a mustache and aren't popular, it's going to hurt, but it shouldn't, because she is a troll both inside and out, and if he bails that easily, he wasn't good enough for you. AND? Samantha gets arrested in a few years. Karma's got her, booboo.


High school self: my god, stop acting like such an entitled brat to your parents. Seriously. Stop. They sacrificed everything for you and Felipe and this is how you repay them? Granted, they're being pretty strict, sometimes needlessly, but again, it's one of the few tools they have to show that they care. Also, take all the things about the way Dad treats you that hurt your feelings, and don't accept those things from boys. Ever. Even a little bit. It's okay to tell people no, and be direct and honest with them. What you want and how you feel matter so, so much. I'm sorry no one ever told you that. But I'm telling you that now. I know Mom and Dad can be pretty mean sometimes, with their back-handed compliments or just straight up being mean, but what they're saying isn't true. Build a tolerance against it, because the world will not be careful with your feelings either.


College self: I know you don't want to be at KSU, but being there will allow you to transfer to UGA. I know you're sad that you're the one staying home while all your friends go off on their own and have exciting adventures, but your time will come to have adventures of your own. Once you're at UGA... do more extracurriculars, but don't finish classes faster. Because if you do, you're going to meet and date a man who is absolutely awful to you, and if you finish school and move to California with him like you planned, it's probably going to take a turn for the broken ribs and black eyes. So for that reason, do nothing different with your schoolwork. Go to more lectures, panel discussions, write for the school newspaper, become an editor, run that bitch, whatever. Just don't sit at home, trying to avoid football/drinking culture. There's so much more to Athens that you're going to regret missing out on once you leave. Your life may not look the way you planned or unfolded in the timeline you anticipated, but it doesn't mean you're a failure or a disappointment, contrary to what Mom and Dad try to insinuate between the lines.


Post-college self: it's okay. You were never going to find a full-time gig with benefits in a newsroom in a major city straight out of college. Proceed as the way opens, right? Just keep being a BAMF, doing what makes you happy and fulfills you creatively, being good to people, staying humble and not entitled, and everything else will take care of itself.


And that brings us to now.

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-You're gonna date a guy after Grade 11.  Don't do all of the stuff he pressures you to do.  It'll come back and bite you in the ass.


-Audition for musicals starting in middle school and hone that soprano voice.  You are awesome.


-Don't quit swimming.  Sure, the coach is a bit of an ass, but don't quit.  Mom and Dad'll make it work and you'll be so much healthier in the long run.


-Do your homework, and don't half-ass it.  It's another thing that'll bite you in the ass later.

6th kyu in Aikido

I write stuff in my spare time

I love Star Trek

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There's a lot I would tell my younger self, but overall it would just be things get better try to find other to talk to you are not worthless.


Elementary- Face it kids suck, and there's not much you can do about it. They like to make fun of you because you're different, but you can't help anything about yourself you can't change how you were born. The teachers don't help either since they treat you almost the same as the other kids because they forget your age, but things will get better. Also about Dad he's an ass face that fact now and things down the line will be much easier in the end.


Middle school- Kids suck even more, and the teachers do less about it especially when you have bruises from other kids. Everything will be okay in the end though just tough it out. Anything you put your mind to you can do don't let these little speed bumps slow you down. Find someone to talk to about everything that is welling up inside from the way you are being treated it will save a lot of pain in the end and will keep you from doing stupid things. He'll finally come around again something he hasn't done in almost 6 years know now things will never change.


High School- Things are better because you put your mind to it you will graduate early and be away from all these jackasses. Ya things with mom get a little sketchy but she's just trying to help and doesn't do to well because you can't open up, but at the same time her freaking out over little things doesn't help you either. You will be bullied some and the comments they say will greatly hurt you, but ignore it and report it to the school. That guy you start dating at the middle of junior year leave him as soon as you can he will hurt you in so many ways and kill your soul. You'll meet your siblings try to spend more time with your brother he won't be the same the next time you see him.


College-Believe in yourself if you do and work hard you will finish school in no time. Also don't drink so much nothing good happens from that time period, and you will regret almost everything from that time period. You may have hated your job but it will still be one of best places you have ever worked. 

 Jigglypuff Adventurer
STR: 3.25    DEX: 3    STA: 3.5   CON: 3.75    WIS: 6    CHA: 4



Previous Challenges: 12

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To the child I once was:

Hey kiddo, don't beat yourself up for not being perfect all the time. The bar has been set too high on
purpose in an ultimate game that you can't win by a sadist bastard that can't even begin to imagine

the relationships he's about to lose out on. You have alot of potential, don't get discouraged by your

current situation, everything is going to change for in just a few years. Don't be so boy crazy, the

good ones chase you back. And stay off the Huffy Bike when you get near that dirt bluff just before

your house, the banks is too steep, you'll never make down in one piece and you'll never get the

mobility in your knee back if you don't.


To my high school self:

This will be one of the worst eras in your life. You will do just fine, keep up the anitconformist

attitude, it will serve you well later and you won't regret it no matter how much it dings your

popularity status. Dont sweat it that no one wants to be your friend, for whatever reason they will

totally  you once you get to college even though they made fun of you, and then ignored you the rest

of the time. Oh yeah and that rich girl that likes to make you feel the worst about everything from

your academic nerdy personality, your lack of experience with guys,your second hand clothes, your

socioeconomic status, don't worry she'll get hers in the end, her family will squander the fortune,

she'll become a valet in a humid miserable locale and have to crawl back to her hometown only to get

married and gain a ton of weight. Who's face is gross now bitch?

To my college self:

Get it together, seriously just because you have friends now doesn't mean you get to spend ALL your

damn time with them. Study up buttercup because you are going to need that degree later and you worked

too hard to just piss that excellent scholarship away. Don't let those crappy boyfriends tell you that

you can't get into computer science and that it's unrealistic to think you could have a career in

programming. Don't throw it all away for all night parties, hilarious pranks and stupid older guys

because in the end none of them will still be around when you've moved past this era. Except for

Kandi. But Kandi is awesome.  Oh yeah and check in on your family once in awhile you self involved


To my twenty-something self:

Ok man, I get it. You finally found yourself and you are a bad ass bartender but the binge drinking
has got to stop. You need to save your money and buy things that are worth some value, STOP buying
stickers and other useless knicknacks. Ditch hot narcissist stokebroker IMMEDIATELY,  he will ruin your life, in fact better yet, don't ever start
dating him in first place. Instead that night you gave him your number, instead befriend his sister

and go off to have a sister for life. Keep working at the bar and don't let anyone let you that's not
good enough.



To the woman I'm meant to be:
 Please think about what you are doing. It's time to stop messing around, you are the technical

definetion of an adult and there are no excuses for the mistakes you are making. It's time to get real

with yourself. I know it's hard to be strong but the alternative isn't much better and it doesn't run

in the family so don't start that shit now. I need you to stay commited to yourself. You are about to

find the love of your life and it's not going to be easy to love him. I don't really know what else to tell you right now

except to say that I'm proud of how far you made it and try to stick to your values and core principles. They wont steer you wrong.




Blackheart Level 1 Assassin Pirate Vixen 


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Dear Me,

PLEASE don't get in over your head, because yes, too much of a good thing is a bad thing. Don't burn yourself out doing free art, because it will kill your motivation and you won't feel like doing art EVER again. That's a waste of your gift, and please take Spanish. It will open up a completly different world for you, and make your job easier in the future. AND DO NOT TAKE AP ENGLISH. Its a death wish.


With Love

- Older Me

I'm new here! :D

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Guest asdf

To my high school self 5-8 years ago:




Awkwardly staring in a blatant manner at all the gorgeous girls you're crushing on is not helping your chances of getting a girlfriend. Maybe try talking to them? Make them laugh, perhaps? I hear that

generally gets things rolling.(Thankfully I developed a personality in time for college.)


Don't you DARE drink half of that two liter pepsi vodka by yourself, you idiot.


Stop taking so much crap from people. You don't have to get into fights to stand up for yourself but stop letting people treat you like a doormat.


Start working out son.


You are a goofy, off the beaten path sort of person. Embrace it. Cultivate it. It may seem that nobody appreciates it in this cliquey and conformist based environment you are in right now, but once you hit college you'll find it to be the door to forming many a friendship.

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To my nine-year-old self: Report him.  What he's doing to you is wrong, and he needs to go to prison for it.


To my twelve-year-old self: The dizzy spells and seizures will go away.  Most of your problems are due to ADHD, not epilepsy or MS or anything else.  Talk to your parents and your doctor, get on some meds.


To my 14-year-old self: go out for wrestling.  It'll supplement your karate, teach you the value of conditioning, and give you a legitimate way to beat the snot out of those jocks who think you're easy pickings. And remember: protein and veggies good, starches bad.


To my 19-year-old self: stay away from the crazy women! Seriously!  And study computers!


To my 25-year-old self: stay away from the crazy women! Seriously!  And learn Mandarin, or Hindi, just for the hell of it.

"If you get into trouble, you can always eat something, blow something up, or throw penguins." - Jim Henson


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To my High School self: Sitting on the bench is going to save you countless brain cells that the others will lose from concussions, revel in that, you will use those cells later. Also, Stop eating garbage, it's a heck of a lot of work to loose the weight you are gaining.


To my University Self: Keep your focus on speaking, Go for the role as student body president, everyone will vote for you if all you did was try. Don't let the grades, social status, and praise go to your head.


To my self an Hour before my divorce: Things are going to get hard... Real hard. This is the great war you were looking for in life, your challenge to rise to. Stay strong, get strong, in 61 minutes the rest of your life will amaze everyone you ever met with what you are capable of.


To my self yesterday: Great job bud, No one can take the last year from you, you earned it.

Currently lost in Fitness.

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High School Self: Try out for the cheer team, don't let your dance friends tell you it isn't really dance so it isn't cool enough. Take Spanish, not 4 years of French. Your ballet teacher was on crack giving that advice.

College Self: Live one year on property at the sorority house. And go study abroad. Don't work 2 jobs and go to school- just spend less $ you nut job! Study less. Graduating with your GPA wnt get you any better of a job- you'll get the connections through making connections. Go have a beer (or 5) and for goodness sakes, CHILL!

Early working self: Cut up the credit cards. Now! Those credit card points really are a marketing tactic. Look up Dave Ramsey and listen to what the guy has to say. Don't rent the little house on the river. You have no way to maintain that kind of acreage, and are really horrible driving in the snow. Oh, and getting 3 puppies pretty much at once? Bad idea. The grow up to be 90+ lb monsters who will eat the couch. And the wall. And the linoleum. And your shoes. And dig holes to china. And throw up rocks on the carpet. Frequently.

Level 1 Druid Sea-Elf

Battle Log:


"The cure for anything is salt water- sweat, tears, or the sea." - Isak Dinesan

"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid." -Albert Einstein

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Little Sam: You're doing great! Once you move schools and they stop trying to make you write in cursive, it turns out your actually pretty smart. You don't need that 'pen license' where you're going!


High-school Sam: Don't ignore your friends because you have a boyfriend. I know you won't do it on purpose, but make more of an effort. You'll drift apart, and it'll take years to start to re-build.


Uni Sam: Don't settle. Your parents are right about him - you should have stayed broken up the first, second, and third times. No biggie, but you COULD have been having a lot more fun.


An hour ago Sam: You're doing awesome! You've always done the best you can, keep it up. I love you. What a freaking adventure we've been on!


To future Sam: Try not to freak out. It'll be fine, like it's always been fine eventually. Remember Frank, don't get so caught up in the hope that you lose sight of the crap pile in front of you and mistake it for an opportunity. You are fine and dandy without a man, don't just "long term" the first one who's willing - truly think about what's right for you. Most of all, it's not all so serious! Have the fun, stay up late, go to work still asleep from the night before. You'll be dead one day. You spent so many years being so responsible, take a chill pill and have some (safe) fun before you lose the ability! And again, past Sam loves you.

Warrior Princess
Eating Psychology Coach

Adventure's Guild Challenge winner: Challenge #24

â•‘ Live the Whole  â•‘ Bucket List â•‘Level up my Lifeâ•‘ 

"Don't ever save anything for a special occasion. Every day you're alive is a special occasion."

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^ Exactly what it says on the tin.


If you could go back in time and contact a past self, either in person or by sending correspondence across the spacetime continuum, when would you go and what would you say?


"Everything your mother told you that made you think she was full of shit, turns out she knew what she was going on about"

"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself" -- Tolstoy

Not sure if it was buzz or woody that said it though.


Spartan double trifecta progess:


Tough Mudder "10 x Legionnaire":

"Run ALL the things or die tryin'"

fitocracy Ogre Magi Lvl 16 Ranger STR: 38|DEX: 58|STA: 59|baCON: 34|WIS: 30|CHA: 30


Previously Completed: Spartan Trifecta, Enough TM Headbands to make a ski mask

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People will like you even if you don't drink. In fact, some of them will like you better. What's wrong with you is a chemical problem that can be treated. Calm down, civil engineering really is what you want to do and don't stop playing rugby. Out of everything, you'll regret that the most.

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2

joedog, level 15 Monk

Current Challenge

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To my High School Self: You have all the physical and mental tools to be a total badass.  Train hard.  Develop them.  Use them.  Yes, you can beat most people's 100% with your 50% now, but it won't work that way in college and beyond.  Make yourself better, you'll understand why later.


To my College Self(Freshman/Soph):  Spend less time on the computer, less time studying, and more time hanging out and going to parties(yes, seriously.  Drink a beer or eight).  And yes, hit the gym once in a while.  Just trust me on this one, you'll be happier this way.


To my College Self(Junior/Senior): Depression sucks.  You'll get through it.  Just pull yourself out of bed, get out the door and go to class.  EVERY DAY.  The first step is the hardest, and once you get things moving in the right direction, you'll be fine.


To myself circa 2009:  She's a nice girl, but the relationship just isn't working, and won't work.  There are tons of girls that want you RIGHT NOW.  Stop wasting time in a dysfunctional relationship, and enjoy what life has to offer.


To myself over the last couple months:  Dial it down a couple notches every once in a while.  Yes, you can go longer, faster, and harder for longer than most people and it's served you well recently, but you're still wearing yourself down with the sustained effort and it's slowly catching up to you.  Give yourself a vacation to relax and unwind. Enjoy life a little more.

"Restlessness is discontent - and discontent is the first necessity of progress. Show me a thoroughly satisfied man-and I will show you a failure." -Thomas Edison

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...I'm not sure I'd change anything. Except perhaps to not move out when I was 14 with my best friend at the time, and her parents. That was hell. But so was living with my mother at the time...


Primal Chai
Race: Human | Class: Adventurer
[Level: 0 | STR 0 | DEX 0 | STA 0 | CON 0 | WIS 0 | CHA 0 ]


"That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence."  - Christopher Hitchens

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To my College Self(Freshman/Soph):  Spend less time on the computer, less time studying, and more time hanging out and going to parties(yes, seriously.  Drink a beer or eight).  And yes, hit the gym once in a while.  Just trust me on this one, you'll be happier this way.


Couldn't agree more.

Level 1 Druid Sea-Elf

Battle Log:


"The cure for anything is salt water- sweat, tears, or the sea." - Isak Dinesan

"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid." -Albert Einstein

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