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So today I was feeling down.Like from a scale 1-10,1 being SOOOO near suicide and 10 being complete happiness,I was a 3,if not a 2.I used a quick power-up(a soft drink,potato chips and candy;I know,shouldn't have but I did) and got better (about a 5).Then I thought about happiness,what it is,how to achieve it,did a little research on the internet.Steve Kamb here says that progress is happiness.I don't fully agree with that.I've had a few instances where I progressed at something and felt nothing(although those are VERY FEW,usually you feel good about yourself when you progress,like I did when I suddenly realized I'm a lot better with changing gears than I used to be,but it wasn't blissful either,it was just nice).

Then I thought about dogs and giving love.Like how good you feel in the morning when your dog jumps on your bed,wiggling his/her tail,licking your face.You smile or even laugh,pet the crazy animal,maybe even kiss it and go outside for a walk(but if you're feelin' good,that walk will probably be more like a round or two of frisbee and interval running).

So I came to the conclusion(kind of) that GIVING love is,well,not necesarilly key,but important to happiness.

This thread is for that-to write down here what/who you love,maybe why you love them,how you love them.Doesn't matter,just write down your love here,share it,spread it.

I'll begin-I love YOU guys.Every single one.Even if you swear at me and talk down on me with sarcasm,I still love you(that may actually make me love you even more).Why?Because I do :D You guys are awesome,maybe you just don't know it yet.How I love you?By writing down this thread and commenting and acknowledging your progress in your threads(I know,not a lot of that recently,but I'm making up for it RIGHT now)

So,what do you love?Please share :)

I'm here because I wanna be proud when I look in the mirror and be an ispiration.What are YOU here for?

STR-1 DEX-3 STA-3 WIS-2 CHA-1 CON-5(I NEVER get sick.Don't make a noise when you punch me either).


I believe in the power of the mind and Law Of Attraction.

From now on,I proclaim myself not afraid of scorpions!



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Nothing to be sarcastic here about, you have a point and no one should talk you down for spreading love! :D

Last winter I went through depression, anxiety and panic disorder. It made me think about my choices and attitude towards life: what indeed makes me happy? I didn't want medication, so I had to find another ways. These have a lot to do with the things that I love and how I spread love. Here's a list of things, that make me happy and what I love:


1. Being myself. The number one reason I wasn't happy was that I didn't feel like I fit in anywhere. I tried hard to be like someone else, which only made me miserable. So, it's important to be yourself and do things that you are good at. Doing the things that I love, such as drawing and excercising, makes me happy.

2. Being grateful. Every night I spend a moment thinking about all the things I am and should be grateful for. I am a lucky person, and instead of wanting things happening to me I want to happen to things and help those, who might be less fortunate. This might be about being myself, too: if I trust myself and my abilities, I can happen to things. :D

3. Spending time with the people, who matter. When I was depressed and got regular panic attacks, I was afraid of being left alone by my family and friends. But what really happened was quite the opposite. It's only now that I understand just how loving and caring people I have around me. They don't always understand me nor I them, but they will always support and love me and I would be a douche if I didn't respect that. I spend more time with other people than I did before last winter, but only with the people, who truly matter and who don't pull me down. (I just to have very depressed friends who would talk me down and I would believe them. I'm not seeking their company anymore, since I can't have those venomous people in my life anymore.)

4. Meditation. Meditation was the thing that ended my panic attacks. I'm also interested in yoga and mindfulness. All these things teach me to understand myself better, which in return helps me to understand other people better, too.


The list could go on and on, but animals make me happy, too (especially horses!). There's just too much to love, I can't really make a list without forgetting something :D


So, umm. Yeah. I love NerdFitness, too, because every Rebel I've met has been a positive person that wants to make a change for the better. This community has actually made me spend less time on Facebook, because I feel like I belong here. :D

-:*~ Journal ~*:-

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