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Because I Do Not Want My Head to Explode

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I actually started Paleo two weeks ago.  I have been enjoying my summer vacation (I teach English and social science, grades 10-12, at an alternative high school), and doing LOTS of research.  My children and husband are surviving quite nicely.  They get grains, but the kids are also not getting junk food or take out, and are having to eat fruits, veggies, and home made smoothies instead.  Doesn't seem to be bothering them much (they are 8 and 12).


My story: An entire life (48 years worth - pediatrician took me off the bottle at 6 months because I was too heavy) of overweight and  15 years of miscellaneous and undiagnosable neurological symptoms that really flared up in the last two years. After trying a bunch of different medications, the neurologist finally said, "fibromyalgia."  Humming "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life," to myself, I figure that's not so bad.  It's not degenerative, it's not fatal, and it IS manageable.  One of the management techniques is low carb.  Prior to that, I had lost 70 lbs with a combination of Atkins and circuit training via Curves.  I ruptured a cervical disk and had surgery.  Maintained the weight loss for a while, but without the exercise it got harder, and eventually I stopped the Atkins too. Since developing more pain, I've gotten very sedentary again and put 50 lbs back on.  The problem with Atkins, for me, is that I rely on WAY too many chemicals when I do it.  Easier to eat a bar or drink a can of shake than it is to cook. Considering that there is some evidence that the artificial sweeteners used could be impacting my neurological health, not such a good way to go.  So real food it is.  Gluten free it is.  Low carb it is.  I lost 8 pounds of bloat the first week when I was all gung ho.  The second week, I didn't eat much.  I wasn't hungry (it's been over 100 here), I'm not a breakfast person, and who feels like cooking? I ran out of raw spinach, and stopped making my green smoothies.  So the second week I gained a pound.  Moral, I guess, is that I have to eat :)


Here are my goals for the remaining 7 weeks of summer:


Walk my 5 month old puppies twice a day working up to at least 30 minutes each walk.  The first walk will be RIGHT after they wake me up at 5:30 am.  That'll teach THEM.


Plan weekly menus and grocery shop accordingly so that I have no excuses not to cook, and that there is always something healthy for  us to eat in the fridge.


EAT BREAKFAST every day when I get back from that walk.


Take my kids somewhere special to play at least once a week, preferably somewhere that will involve me moving as well.  This week, I think we're going to one of those indoor trampoline places.  I'll probably just bounce on my butt, but hey, it's still moving!


Practice this well enough all summer so that it is routine by the time I return to school in the fall, and therefore can't use the excuse that "I don't have time to cook, exercise, grocery shop, play with my kids."


Get through a couple of more seasons of stuff we have queued on Crunchyroll and still manage to sleep 7 or 8 hours a night.


Mostly, I want to stop hurting so much all the time.  I am hoping to not have to do the stricter AI Paleo, but if I don't get good enough results, I will try it for six weeks.  I'd ultimately like to be able to reduce my need for so many medications.


Nice to meet everyone!





Level 2 Halfling Adventurer

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Fit to Eat: my posts on the Sweatpants & Coffee Site

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Hi Marge!


How's your day? It looks like you've set some great achievable goals for yourself. Did you manage to eat breakfast today, or walk the dogs?

It is 7 am, and I not only walked the dogs for 35 minutes AND got some training in with them (one of them had Parvo when we got them, so they are quite a bit behind on their socialization), but I just finished my two hard boiled eggs!  Go me!  How's your day going?

Level 2 Halfling Adventurer

Strength 1 Dexterity 1 Stamina 3 Constitution 4 Wisdom 3 Charisma 2

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Fit to Eat: my posts on the Sweatpants & Coffee Site

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