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I'm CambriaGuy. I'm 23, live in Arizona, and have no Idea where to start with my fitness.


I guess a back story comes in here?

I recently started this job at an IT firm. I got to know this guy at work. One of those really friendly and charismatic types. Fantastic guy who is so fit it hurts to look at him. As for me I'm pretty introverted until you get talking about computers. I decided when I took this job to NOT be the overweight computer nerd who sits at his desk all day and never sees the sun. So I decided to take this coworkers offer up on a trip to the rock climbing gym. Now I thought I was in alright shape, not really fit but not overweight either. Holy. Crap. I made it up three climbs before I couldn't take anymore. Him though, he climbed those things like a lizard. It inspired me to start working towards that.  So here I am. 


Unfortunately this guy was a temp and moved on so I no longer have any contact with him.

I'm here to get advise from people on where to start. I've never taken a weight training class and the closest I've ever come to a Routine has been the awkward sessions at the gym.  My goal (as of now) is to gain some muscle and definition. And ultimently I want to climb that wall like a boss. Haha


After reading a bunch of articles and stories I feel like I should do more weights and strength training. But I have no idea what to do, how much, how many times, etc,etc. Any Suggestions?

Cambria Guy- Level 0 - Adventurer Recruit


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Fantastic guy who is so fit it hurts to look at him.





Okay, so the program most often suggested is Starting Strength.  It's a good one.  The book is a great read for beginners, too. 


You'll find most beginner plans laid out like this:



Squat: 3x5

Bench: 3x5

Deadlift: 1x5



Squat: 3x5

OHP: 3x5

Clean: 5x3 OR Pendlay row: 3x5


Rotate these workouts on non consecutive days. For instance: M-A, W-B, F-A, M-B, W-A, etc. 


Start with the bar and work form a lot. A lot, a lot, a lot.  Form is key.  Once you've got form down you'll increase the weight by 5lbs total each time.  So, you successfully lift the bar with good form, the next time you'll put 2.5 pounders on each side.  Rinse and repeat until epic levels of bad assery are achieved.


Check out the area of the Strength Related Training Forum.  There you'll find form checks. You can watch those and read up on the suggestions-great learning tool.  Also, programming and a lifting knowledge center area with great information. 


Oh, and get some climbing in.. that'll help, too :)

"I'm just going to remember to not eat like an asshole most of the time" - MoC

three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: one must squat.- Brobert Frost
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Special thanks to AkLulu for drawing my awesome avatar!

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welcome to NF CambriaGuy! i'm also a newbie here, though i have had a LOT of experience with not reaching my fitness goals and fizzled-out workout plans.

here is my plan of attack this time around:
4 sets of squats and 4 sets of pull-ups one day, then 4 sets of pushups and 4 sets of dead lifts the next, varying the amount of weight to get to 20 reps total for each exercise, and then doing high-intensity interval running for 15 seconds on, 35 off. so that whole routine is one day, and then i'll alternate that with the simple beginner body weight circuit Steve outlines here:


[5 minute warm up, 20 body weight squats, 10 pushups, 20 walking lunges, 10 dumbbell rows, 15-second plank, 30 jumping jacks, repeat 3x]

hopefully that wasn't too confusing. if it was, here is a breakdown of the days [which will probably only make the confusion worse...]:

Day A: high intensity interval sprints, 4 sets of squats, 4 sets of pull-ups [tweak weight so that a total of 20 reps over those 4 sets is a good, tough workout]
Day B: body weight circuit
Day C: min. of high intensity interval sprints, 4 sets of pushups, 4 sets of dead lifts [tweak weight so that a total of 20 reps over those 4 sets is a good, tough workout]
repeat Day B, repeat Day A, repeat Day C, and so on.

however, my goal is to drop my body fat percentage, so if your goal is to gain muscle your routine should probably focus more heavily on the weight training and not so much the sprints.

Laura is very right about the form thing, though. that can't be stressed enough.

consider checking out the "find a sidekick" subforum. it's a great resource if accountability is what you need to stay on track.

the other advice i'd give you isto try workouts even if you think you won't like them. i used to feel like this about both lifting weights and HIIT, but now after i do my routine [which is 90% HIIT and weights] i feel like this. all because i actually tried them and stuck with it. after all, the best plan is the one you'll follow through with.

and of course the last big thing is living a generally healthy life, getting lots of sleep and especially having a good diet. being healthy, no matter what your goal, is roughly 20% exercise, 80% diet, and 100% mindset.

i had an experience similar to yours with climbing, but mine was in a class, the credit for which i needed to graduate. the good news is, after a week or two i was able to do quite a few more climbs per session - i'm sure you could find similar success if you kept at it. find what you love, stick to it, and have fun!

level 4 elf ranger
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