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Finally, I've found my shorts and can start lurkin'!

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Okay, it's more like "I think these ladies and gents can be my support group, I'll give it a shot!" (still lookin' for the -good- shorts. These ones have grease stains on the front.)


Seeing as how this is my introduction, I'll get on with it. Also, I meant to say "Stop Lurkin"... That's what I get for not proof reading...




"So, what did you get when you rolled your stats? 8 STR?! ouch, man... at least your INT is decent, I guess."


    Well, I'm 6'5", and last I checked, around 220 pounds. If I wear the right shirt, I can still look like I'm in better shape than I really am, but the moobs have become a bit of an issue lately. Most of my life, I've been a weird mix of all and gangly, but stocky at the same time.. Gancky? All and all, I physically fit the profile of the gamer. At least the profile as it was before FPS games flooded the market and introduced consoles to legions of Bros, who changed what a "gamer" is. But I digress... I'm tall, slightly overweight, and pale... Like, white white to the white white. Thank Glob I don't sparkle.




"Alright, where did you drop your skill points? Profession: Minotaur Therapist? What?"


    Like I stated above, I'm a Gamer at heart. PC Gamer, to be specific. I used to play consoles until the cows came home. When the great FPS invasion happened, I was forced to abandon my homeland and immigrate to the wonderful land of PC Gaming. It makes me sad when games like Mass Effect (yeah, 3 disappointed me, as well) and Skyrim are lazy ports to the PC. At least with Skyrim, we get the awesome modding community on the PC version. Other than Gaming, I like such things as Linguistic Studies, Physics, and Politics. Don't worry, I don't scream about my ideology unless someone baits me with it. Lastly, I enjoy Roleplaying. No, not -that- kind! I enjoy the type of Roleplaying that people typically associate with. "Lo! cast thy eyes towards yonder tree! If ye climbith fair tree, thou may looketh upon fair buxom wench in her bedchamber". Thank Grod people don't talk like that when they are in character. I roleplay on WoW, and used to on Forums. I don't LARP, but I don't bag on it either. However, If I ever do it, I'm definitely not going to be a caster, doomed to chuck beanbags at people that have "Fireball" written on them with Sharpie.


Also: Adventure Time and Regular Show... Because they are awesome.




"MMMM-kay... What's your background story. If it's got any major lore characters as mentors or parents, I'm slapping you with my sisters Nimbus 2000 toy!"


    I really hope people know what I'm talking about with the bold text above. If not, google it.

    I was born in Germany on a U.S. Army base, but spent (to much of) my time growing up just west of Portland, Oregon. Currently, I'm Living in Vermont with my Pregnant Wife, who is due in a couple of months. You bet your Silt Strider I'm going to pester her into tagging along with me on my "Nerd Fitness approved" workouts and, hopefully, the Paleo Diet. To be honest, Vermont is the best state I've lived in. Oregon is stupid-teous, and Colorado, where I lived and worked as a Security guard at Colorado Mills, feels too fake to me. That and the smell in the air got pretty bad around the beginning of the year. No offense to most Colorado residents, your state just isn't my cup of tea. Vermont is super awesome. No billboards... anywhere.




"Okay, you took 'Secret love child of Janna and Illidan' and 'ursurper of Bolvar Fordragon and new Lich King' out of your backstory... anything else?"


    I like joking about some of the things I see while roleplaying in WoW, it's fun. Some fan-fictons really creep me out. In fact, most do. 

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You had me at Minotaur, FPS and PC gamer. :)


Welcome to the forums bro! Fellow PC gamer here, fps especially, BF3, CS:S, currently, spiced with minecraft and age of empire 2 (the remake one on steam), I've been gaming on PC since 2000 when I got my first PC that came with Unreal Tournament :)


Do you have any goals set up? :o


If ever you need anything, let me know ^^

It's not 80% diet, 20% exercise, it's 100% diet, 100% exercise. Give it your all.

My journey (Date - Total - BF % - LBM)

2012-01-01 - 242 - 35% - 157

2013-12-15 - 172 - 10% - 155

2016-05-01 - 231 - 25% - 173

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You had me at Minotaur, FPS and PC gamer. :)


Welcome to the forums bro! Fellow PC gamer here, fps especially, BF3, CS:S, currently, spiced with minecraft and age of empire 2 (the remake one on steam), I've been gaming on PC since 2000 when I got my first PC that came with Unreal Tournament :)


Do you have any goals set up? :o


If ever you need anything, let me know ^^


Yeah, I have a habit of tangents. In this instance, I completely forgot about the goal thing. That and I had to go take my wife to a prenatal appointment. Time to fix what I forgot.... *ahem*


"So, you want to fist fight Med'an for his position as the most mary-sue character on Azeroth? Is that SERIOUSLY your goal? *sigh* How many times do I have to tell you that this campaign isn't based on Warcraft?!"


To put this in terms of that awesome post about "reaching your level 50", because it's awesome: When I reach my "Level 50", I'll be in about as peak of physical condition as my body is capable of, running a sweet Mead Brewery, because I had to forgo beer when I switched to a Paleo diet, and provide for my family. I might make up a "level 60" of sorts and include starting an affordable restaurant with a 100% Paleo menu. Maybe pull a kind of "Newmans Own" and extend the business to a myriad of things. I'm ambitious... Or at least, I like to think so. 


Additionally, thanks for your support. I'll remember the offer if I have any questions.


Welcome.  Hilarious post; great read.


Have fun here.


Thanks for the warm welcome!

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