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- Mexico No. 1 Country for Obesity -

I've been meaning to become healthier, to be as active as I used to be but delicious, greasy food won every time.

Mmmmmm tacos (real tacos, with salsa, not sour cream, ew)

Time to introduce myself. Hello, my name is Cynthia but please call me Chi. I'm from the beautiful city of mountains known as Monterrey (boo drug gangs and stuff), Nuevo León (new lion, rad huh?)

I'm proud as hell to be Mexican, but not to be part of the most obese nation, so when I heard that, something in me told me "Ok, stop being lazy and a conformist and be the change you want to see in your country"

I guess knowing that is what I (unconsciously) was waiting to change.


25 years old

165 cm (5.4 feet)

80.5 kg (177 lbs)

Used to weight 65 (143 lbs) when I was 23.

Now I could use your help, those of you who have already been in the weight loss path. Do you think I can go back to that weight? If i go 80/20 paleo, and do bodyweight training (no money no weights no gym haha)

Can my goal of being a healthier me by October (want to be in tip top shape for the ACL Festival, second weekend) be achieved?

I've been down this road before, eating healthier and losing weight but it always comes back, well not all, a year and a half ago I was 198 lbs. But now I really don't want to be overweight. I really want to be an example that it can be done.

Btw, I love eating vegetables, I can't think of any that I don't like so that's a plus :D

Ok this went longer than expected. Looking forward to meeting you guys and I'll try and be a lot active in the forums (been lurking for quite a while)

Best regards from the fattest nation!! (yaaay)


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In the same boat, girlie.


Although I'm only half Mexicana, hate to admit that it's those dominant genes that took over :(


3 months to lose 30 pounds.....it's possible but you have to stay committed and focused. Basically it boils down to: how bad do you want it. Sticking to a diet that works for you and getting some kind of work out in (bodyweight exercise or the old fashion way: running/jogging/walking etc)


Not sure if this helps or not but....... http://nerdfitnessrebellion.com/index.php?/topic/32017-progress-pictures/

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Wow awesome progress, Megan! (it is Megan, right) what are your stats? How long did it took you to get there?

Now that you put it like that (30 pounds in 3 months) sound like a lot. In kilos it doesn't sound like much hahah

Well, I want it SO BAD. For the last 3 years, I've partially stopped having photo taken, I don't like how I look, and regarding the ACL, I want to be in pictures looking good.in the last the ACL there are like 10 pictures of me overall.

It may sound superficial, but I want to like what I look like. Besides a have a few threadless shirts that don't fit me

Is there a way to 'tag' people? So you know when I reply to your mmmmh reply? Hahaha sorry complete newbie in forums

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Started following this thread, so no worries I'll know :)


Starting pic was about 6 years ago I weighed 270lbs (ugh!!!!) and currently weigh 207lbs, I've gone up and down weight wise for most of those years but only recently have I actually put in effort and am in the best shape I've ever been.


Best advice I can give you that worked for me:

Cut down on the processed food. My grandma was heart broken when I told her I don't eat flour products "Pero mijita, no queres comer mis tortillas?", ugh to see her face :(


BE ACTIVE! Just move, and keep moving.


30 pounds in 3 months isn't a lot, if putting it in kilos sounds better than.........15 kilos in 3 months!


Also if you're just wanting to look good, lbs, kilos, stones, whatever...don't matter. This last month I only lost 5 lbs, but the visual difference is worth so much more than the lbs lost.


Don't let the scale be the judge of how you are progressing, took me a LONG time to figure that out.

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You're right. It isn't much about the number. Since I know that health-wise I'm all good, what I really want to achieve is to feel good and look good (for my standards)

I'll take pictures starting tonight, as I've seen everywhere that it's the best way to judge progress.

So you stopped eating your grandma-made tortillas? Sinner! Hahahah sucks but yep, unfortunately it's the way to go!

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