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The story of the girl who lose 60 pounds by herself and who didn't know what to do for the last 50

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Hi everyone! I'm new to the community even though I receive Nerd Fitness email for a while now.


First of all, I want to apologize for my poor English skill, I'm form Quebec, Canada and I speak French, but I cannot let that keep me away from that amazing communauty.


Here's about me. I was a pretty skynny girl until around 26. I do workout (both cardio and streingh training) and I must say I was pretty fit. Then I move out of my parents home (my mother who, at this time, was the person made all my meals, is a lifetime member of weighwatcher, so I never worry about what I eat).


When I move, I begin too eat real bad... alot of pasta, fast-food, take-out. I was already 40 pounds over my weight when I get pregnant and took another 70 pounds on that in 2008. After 2 pregnency I found myself à 250 pounds (so far from my fit 125, and sooooo depressing). My last baby boy born in september 2011, and I menage to lose aroud 60 pounds from september 2011 to may 2012, with a lot of thing (weight watchers, south beach, beachbody programs...) and then I stop losing weigh and fight still then too lose another 50 pounds. Since may 2012 till today, I see my weight moving around 190 and 200, and I'm 5'7'' so it's obviously too big... I know what I'm doing wrong: I'm not consistant in my weigt loss goal and I'm just looking for the magic pill... Untill today.


After receiving the last Nerd fitness's email, I decided to go on the website and read some articles. It was so motivating for me!!! And absolutly a revolution...


Here's are my goals:


-I don't want anymore to be skinny, I want to be fit (it's something that I wish for a long time, but I tought I should be skinny before...). For that, I will less focuse on my weight but really on my body fat % (35,1% this evening... ouch....). First goal 30%.


- I will return to basic and consisder myself as a beginner (since I didn't workout for a while because I had I calf injury). Today I did theBeginner Body Workout of Steve. It was very «doable» but I feel my body had a good workout... I plan to do that 3 times a week with cardio the other day (do you have a good intervals workout to suggest (steve said 20 minutes interval cardio, but what kind?)


- I will make a transition from my actual diet to paleo. That's  the easy part for me, I'm very good with food when I have a plan that I trust. My challenge it's to not drink my calorie... especially wine...


I'm looking foward for your comments on my plan!


I will be one of the success story here...






Level 1

(STR)  2 (DEX) 2   (STA) 3 (CON) 2(WIS) 4 (CHA) 4 


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I will be one of the success story here...





with that attitude yes you will be!


my cardio is bike riding... I loathe the treadmil and refuse to use it (I occasionally do 5 min to warm up for weight training if I feel very very stiff) I LOVE LOVE trail riding and biking... and hiking... and climbing the beautiful mountains around here :)



welcome to the rebellion!

Level 10.4 Wood-Elf, Ranger - specializing in demon fighting

"doing the impossible since 2012 :D" - Librarian of Doom

facebook battle log level 50 WOOT   Backstory CNF2014  current (not challenge - doing a battle log this time)



* This is the day the Lord has made, rejoice in it and be glad. God, The Bible. * Do or do not, there is no try. - Yoda
* There are three options in this life; be good, get good, or give up. -- House * Never take counsel of your fears. Stonewall Jackson. 

* level 50 isn't gonna just POOF happen - alienjenn, NF IRC chatroom


* I'm not about to give up - Because I heard you say - There's gonna be brighter days… I won't stop, I'll keep my head up - No, I'm not here to stay ...  - 

 I just might bend but I won't break - As long as I can see your face - When life won't play along - And right keeps going wrong - And I can't seem to find my way - I know where I am found - So I won't let it drag me down - Oh, I'll keep dancing anyway - Mercy Me - Move



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Welcome to the Rebellion!

Congratulations on the progress you've made so far. Seriously kudos. Also your English is good, better than my French from two years in High School anyway.

You goals sound perfectly reasonable. As to the cardio thing, it can be anything, though it should be something you enjoy, be that walk/run intervals, cycling intervals, or jump rope. Finding cardio you like doing is a godsend, nothing worse than forcing yourself out on runs if you hate it.

Again, welcome to the community.

"By trying to please everyone he had pleased no one, and lost his ass in the bargain." - Aesop 2,500 years ago.
Level 4 Half Ogre Ranger
STR 6|DEX 4|STA 13|CON 11|WIS 5|CHA 8
Zombies, Run! Profile

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