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Why, hello there! (Ranger in training)

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Hello from another Canuck rebel! 


A friend of mine mentioned this place, as we've both been more or less following Primal/Paleo for the last year and a half. She mentioned the awesomeness that is Acountibilibuddies, but must have forgotten to mention the whole 'pick your class/guild' part (!?!?!?!11!!) which speaks to my inner DnD nerd (it's been awhile since I've played 'pen and paper', but I do heart the NWN, Balders Gate, and Dragon Age games.) The only TV I'm really interested in watching is either documentaries, or, BSG (new one) and GOT (also reading the books).


I'm both a nerd and a bit of a 'geek' I suppose, as I'm finishing up my PhD (though, not in the hard sciences, so maybe that makes me less of a geek?). As I'd said, I've been more or less following the primal way of eating for the past year and a half - though it's always the sweets (chocolate, usually) that get to me and if there's something convenient around and I'm hungry. I do feel way better when I avoid wheat (no digestive issues and over the past year and a half the eczema on my right ear has totally cleared up! I'd had it since I was 2), so I 'know better'; it's a matter of making sure I don't have those temptations around. 


As for my chosen class, Ranger fits me well - both as it is written here and in the DnD universe. I'm 5'6, somewhere between a small and medium build, 130lbs last time I looked, though I seem to hover around the 127-130 range. I've never been a long-distance runner, but can do a 5K well enough (though, I'm going to focus more on it as I've just downloaded the 'Zombies, Run!' app). I walk or bike *everywhere*. Lots of long-distance 'slow movement'. I don't own a car (or really care to), so I either walk/bike or take public transit - my friends and husband will often ask 'is it *really* a walkable distance, or is it a 'walkable distance for PhDifferent?'. It's normally the latter :redface:  I'm pretty light on my feet, my husband often joking that he has to get bells for me to wear so I don't just silently 'appear' in the room and scare him. Maybe he just constantly rolls a 1 on his listening and spot checks?

For my combo 'strength/endurance' work, I started using a kettlebell (20lbs) with the 'Iron Core Kettlebell' workout DVD set about a month ago and having a lot of fun with it! I also started doing yoga again, I mix it up between hatha and flow-type, as it's both good for strength and flexibility (well, it doesn't hurt that it also helps shut my brain up from its constant nattering!). As for goals, I would like to start lifting and doing heavier strength training work and get more serious about my 5K runs. 


Beyond the physical and training aspects, the more I'm outdoors - the happier I am. I enjoy hiking, camping and 'just being outside' - which I get a lot of when I'm hunting (some of the best naps I've had have been under trees). I typically hunt with a crossbow, but use a rifle now and again during that season. I grew up in a rural area with family members that hunted, though I didn't pick it up until later in life (I was a vegetarian for 5 years, and then switched and decided to hunt). While I do hunt, it is not from the perspective that 'humans are above nature'; but that humans *are* nature/are a part of it. I think that is often forgotten, and hunting is often a reminder; and a humbling one at that, because the 'failure' rate is pretty high. 


Currently I'm part of the 'BSG Escaping Caprica!' mini-challenge and looking forward to starting up my first 6 week challenge once that gets rolling. 







A Level 3 Wood Elf Finding Her Way


“A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for.†William G.T. Shedd



 My People  :livid:


Current Challenge: Taking Time




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