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Come to say hi, and look for some extra motivation!

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Hello all! I'm Lee from the UK. I have always found "health" sites to be intimidating places full of people who were already fit, talking in a language that was alien to me! I would be too scared to ask a question for fear of being shot down......but then I found NF! Health, computer games, Star Wars, 80's references, what is not to love! So firstly I wanted to say hello, and hope you all welcome me to your collective bosom!


A little back story:


Since I was 10/11 years old I have been unhealthy, weight has alwasys flucuated, but I have only ever once been a "healthy" weight (I did WW for a year before my wedding and lost 6 stone). I would say I am a good 5/6 stone over my ideal, desired weight at the moment. I dabbled in Paleo last year, but it all kind of fell away as I lost the passion for it and the constant prep and work required as my family were not doing it (I had to make seprate meals for all my meals a day). When I did it I started off feeling a little tired and energy sapped (sugar come-down? Getting used to no wheat?), anyways that soon passed and I felt great, got great comments about how I was looking.


So here I am, ready to start again, but this time with these boards motivations I hope I wont lose focus again! I guess the thing I struggled with most were snack ideas and dinner (evening meal) recipes that could be adapted to be non-paleo for my carb and wheat happy family!


Any helps or tips from your own journeys will be greatly appreciated! Should I start a weight blog? Post on FB, let me know! I will check in here often to keep on the straight an narrow!


Here is to a happier and healthier Lee :nevreness:

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Welcome from another newbie!


Good luck in all your endeavors and I hope joining NF helps. You should go check out the Battle Log forum and start one. Also, if they are available in the UK, and you own a smartphone, check out the Fitocracy and Fitbit apps. You don't need an actual Fitbit device to use their free app, and it's helping me track my food habits very well. Fitocracy is just fun because it makes a game out of working out, and is also free.


As far as your initial troubles with paleo go, I by no means think you should try and make your family go paleo as well, but have you sat down and discussed your goals with them? When I decided to go paleo I sat down with my girlfriend (who normally eats vegetarian/pescetarian) and explained why, as well as all of the health benefits. She was very supportive and has made minor changes to her diet in order to accommodate me. While your family may not change their own eating habits, they may make minor changes to better facilitate your own. This is especially important if you eat out a lot, because restaurant choice matters a lot when you go paleo.


The best thing I've found is that I can easily feed myself on a large steak/chicken breast/whatever and a generous helping of steamed vegetables with grass-fed butter on them. Making her a vegetarian substitute instead of the meat (I'm the cook in the house), then making a single serving of rice gives her a meal, while I get to stay 100% paleo. Easy as pie.

Level 5 Viking Berserker

Str: 10 | Dex: 10 | Stam: 8 | Con: 15 | Wis: 18 | Cha: 12

Battle Log || Current Challenge Log


Fitocracy | My Fitness Pal | Runkeeper

Twitter | Xbox Live: ravnos13 | PSN: CrawlingChaos13

Nintendo ID | Steam ID | Battle.net: ravnos#1547

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I agree with Ravnos - as long as your family is supportive of your choices, it might at least make it easier for you to stay motivated. The Battle Log is a great idea (I've gotta get on that myself) as is any app that helps you keep track. I found that MyFitnessPal worked pretty good as a calorie counter, but was totally annoying/useless for figuring out the amount burned in workouts. 


Welcome aboard! Cheers to your happier, healthier self! :)

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