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Ink, who's got ittttt

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I've got three.

First one I got is Calvin from Calvin & Hobbes. He's standing with one hand stroking his chin and the other on his hip, probably thinking "where the heck is Hobbes?" I got it done way before Calvin started appearing on pick up truck windowspissing on various truck logos! I might eventually get Hobbes behind Calvin in mid pounce ! Still thinking about that one though.

Second one is an armband on my left bicep of my wife and 4 of my 5 boys names. I originally had my wife's name and 3 of my boys done at the same time, leaving a space big enough for a 5th name... Just in case! Well, along comes son #4 and his name fills in the space nicely. Done! Well, not quite yet because along comes son #5! So to add his name to the armband means either rearranging names so they all work together or totally redesigning the whole thing!

Third tat is one i designed myself with some finessing by my tattoo artist. It is a sacred heart on my left forearm. It has wings and has sunrays coming out of clouds in the background. In the crown above heart and flames are three symbols: a maple leaf, a star and a sun to represent my being Canadian, American and Filipino.

As I was sitting in the chair prepping for that last tat, I was already thinking of my next one!

I'm planning on finishing my left arm and getting a full sleeve eventually. My next tat planned is probably going to be an old school pinup but with my wife's head/face. Just not sure if it will be part of the sleeve or if it will go on my right forearm.

I also wanted to get a fixed gear bicycle on one of my wrists as well as some inspirational words on the other wrist.

I find the sound of the needle humming away and the pain it inflicts quite soothing!

MOAR! I need moar!


"Yeah, I got this!" -andygates

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Not the best pictures?? Please......those look great!

I meant like, not the clearest pictures of JUST my tattoos... I know I have one lying around, but my photos are scattered around on my hard drive in severe disarray. Too much work looking for just the one. My photo mentor maaaany years ago said that if I ever wanted to torture her, tell her to find ONE specific photo. I now know what she means, lol.

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I've got five tattoo's.

- A swallow on my left shoulder.

- A hibiscus flower on my right shoulder.

- My three younger sisters names in hearts going down my spine.

- A Gryphon holding an A on my left leg. Bonus friendship points if you know what this is from.

- A butterfly on my right foot.

And all of these are pretty decent sized tattoo's. I know they take up a lot of prime real estate but they're all too beautiful to regret.

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I actually have six, but only have pictures of three. I'll get two more up on here at some point, which are a dolphin tramp stamp (because I was 19 and silly, but I still like it), and a paw print on my foot to remember my family dog after I had to put him down. My first tattoo will never be seen in public again. I'm getting it covered because I was 18 and stupid. It's a dolphin in a heart on my hip, but it looks like a Lisa Frank sticker. *Bonus points if you know what Lisa Frank is!* It's also the only one I haven't had done by my artist, Ryan Tanton at American Graffiti in Sacramento, CA.

This is my most recent. Yes I know it's a Lady Gaga song. I don't care. The first time I saw this was on the Born This Way Blog. These three words speak to me. I love this tattoo.




I drew this one. It's my first of many cat tattoos to come.



90+ Masters Weightlifter

Current Lift PRs
Snatch: 93kg/205lb // Clean and Jerk: 113kg/248lb // Back Squat: 170kg/375lb



2016 USAW Senior Nationals - 6th place

2015 USAW American Open - 8th place
2015 USAW Senior Nationals - 9th place
2014 USAW Senior Nationals - 9th place

2013 USAW Senior Nationals - 9th place


Instagram - MyFitnessPal

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Thanks!!! I heart him. :)

90+ Masters Weightlifter

Current Lift PRs
Snatch: 93kg/205lb // Clean and Jerk: 113kg/248lb // Back Squat: 170kg/375lb



2016 USAW Senior Nationals - 6th place

2015 USAW American Open - 8th place
2015 USAW Senior Nationals - 9th place
2014 USAW Senior Nationals - 9th place

2013 USAW Senior Nationals - 9th place


Instagram - MyFitnessPal

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This is sick! What is the whole quote cause I can't read the bit at the end as it curves round.

For my first tat I'm looking at getting a pretty gypsy lady in black and white with some subtle accents.

[ATTACH=CONFIG]3078[/ATTACH] <---- Something like that but without the skull and less green. I want my tats to predominately be black and greys cause I plan on travelling extensively ( Thus the nomad part of my name huh :P )

And I want all my tat's to be as resilient to the sun as is possible... Because all though I'll definitely take good care of them, ie sunblock etc.. I expect there'll be times where I simply forget and/or run out of sunblock.

Which brings me on to the subject..

Do colours really fade that fast? My friend has an egyptian thing on his leg (Think a lady anubis, sexified. Dont ask..) and went away for 3 months to spain, when he came back the colours had mostly faded from it. Is this true with most tattoo's?



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Finally got my first tattoo yesterday!


When I first decided earlier this year that I was going to get a tattoo I was planning on going with text - probably a bible verse. I even started rereading the New Testament with a highlighter to note stuff that I thought would make a good tattoo. Then after doing some research I decided against that; a picture is worth a thousand words and all. Anchors have been a christian symbol since the first or second century, and I thought it would make a pretty cool tattoo. Essentially based on Hebrews 6:19-7:1 and/or the hymn We Have An Anchor.

I like bold, traditional tattoos and Chris Lombardi of Hand of Doom Tattoo in Buffalo, NY did a fantastic job. I couldn't be happier with it.

(I'll replace this picture with a healed one eventually)


Level 1 Human Ranger STR 2|DEX 2|STA 2|CON 3|WIS 3|CHA 3
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Awesome tat bro!

My wife has a dove with Hebrew for Father and Son on her ankle.

I thought about getting a NOTW (Not of This World) tat on my back. Will have to think about it some more.

Warriors don't count reps and sets. They count tons.

My psychologist weighs 45 pounds, has an iron soul and sits on the end of a bar

Tally Sheet for 2019

Encouragement for older members: Chronologically Blessed Group;

Encouragement for newbie lifters: When we were weaker


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Awesome Awesome tatts people have going on!!!

I have 3 -

1) Right Hip/Side - Tinkerbell posing on a Lily (I knew this was essentially what I wanted for years but could never find the right tinkerbell, or the right lily, etc. Finally a close friend of mine just drew it for me, and it was perfect. It was supposed to be smaller and on my inner hip area, but somehow ended up being like 5 inches and on my side. It was exceptionally done and the colors of the lily are so vibrant. Very happy with my first tat experience)

2) "tramp stamp" (I hate that term) - lily in some tribal-ish vines

3) back of neck - stargazer lily with leaves/vine extended out

So yeah, I have a lily in each tattoo and that will probably continue. Everything i do has to match or theme or something. My OCD like nature can't handle "random" lol unfortunately. But so far it has been 1 a year, and I'm at that time a year but don't really know what I want.

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The first one I got was the ankh, surrounded by stylized wings of Isis. The second was the eye of Horus. I will have more someday.





"What you want is irrelevant; what you've chosen is at hand." - Spock

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Currently i have 5 tattoos half of which were merely because i wanted others have some mean or purpose in my life so, to Start it off i have a Bear claw on my Left shoulder blade symbolizing strength as my 2 spirit animals are Bear and wolf will be getting a wolf paw or paws or a full drawing done next :) . Next on my wrist I have a project started forming the balance of the 4 elements in Chinese lettering 1/4 started with fire. Barbed wire around my left bicep was my first tattoo doesnt really have much purpose other then being abit bad ass but also cliche :P also have my Biohazard symbol on my neck which just so happens to be my gamer tag / a joke from high school about being contagious and addictive between my group of friends :P and last but not least my latest tattoo i finished up just over a month ago its a rose wrapped around a banner that says " I Mourn for those who never knew you" on my right calf for those people in my life that have influenced me made me who i am and that was my thank you to the ones who are no longer with us:) love me some ink just saying that and piercings cant get enough

Strength and Honor

"Get up, but never Give up"

The pain today, is your strength tommorow


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I have 6 tattoos and I plan on getting many more! I got this one last summer. It took 3 sessions to complete, with a total of 14 hours under the needle. It hurt.



Gnome Adventurer



What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Hi Folks,

I'm new around these parts, but thought I would show off my ink as it means a heck of a lot to me..

First lot of ink is on my left forearm. My children's names so they are with me all the time, and everything I do, I do it for them.


This is phase 1 of a full sleeve that will hopefully be finished later this year once I have the cash for it sorted..



Top outside is a Phoenix, rising from the flames. Representing rebirth and my change to a healthier lifestyle.

Full forearm will be a dragon wrapped around my arm with it's head facing up to the Phoenix, breathing the fire.

This represents my power, courage and strength to persist with that change in lifestyle to healthier life.

Phase 3 on my inner upper arm will be a Gryphon. Representing the values which I try to live my life - truth, love and power.



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There's some beautiful inks in here :) I only have one for now, got the Time Lord seal on my back :D Looking to get my left arm done with goldfish when I graduate, wooh!

Awesome, me too!



Level 3 Timelord Ranger


STR: 10 | DEX: 7 | STA: 11.5 | CON: 6.5 | WIS: 5.75 | CHA: 2.25


1 2 3

"The thing is, Adam, time travel is like visiting Paris. You can't just read the guide book. You've got to throw yourself in, eat the food, use the wrong verbs, get charged double and end up kissing complete strangers - or is that just me? Stop asking questions. Go and do it!"

"Don't ever judge me by your standards."

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I currently have 3, Dave Matthews Band firedancer on my left arm, sparrow and sunset on my right (yes its a Jack Sparrow tattoo lol) and the Hershey Bears logo on my left calf. My next one will be a reward for hitting the 250 lb mark, whenever that happens :)

July 2012 Weight: 330.2

August 2012 Weight: 325

"Could I have been anyone other than me?" - Dave Matthews

I am Co-Host of "Converse in the Ninjaverse", a podcast devoted to all things pop culture and nerdy! Check us out on itunes and Stitcher


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Currently have:

1. The greek letter "tau" on the inside of my left ankle, which I got after finishing the Camino de Santiago (500+ mile trekking trip across Spain). It's known as the "traveler's cross" and is also the sign of the Franciscan order.

2. A Firefly quote on the inside of my left wrist in a script circle, "You can't take the sky from me." Pic of that one attached!


Want to get:

1. A perfect rendition of the wolf/moon/stars pendant I currently wear done on the back of my neck, right where the pendant would hang if it were on backwards.

2. A branch of white yucca flowers starting at the bottom of my left shoulder blade and ending on the top of my left shoulder, shaded in an art nouveau style.

3. An iridescent hummingbird hovering at the above-mentioned yucca flowers. ;)

4. My head and heart cards, the fool and the star, SOMEWHERE (haven't decided where yet, those'll be big color pieces and LONG in the future) in the style of the dragon tarot deck I read with.

Such pretty tats here. Post more shiny pictures people, want to see!


You can't take the sky from me...
Level 4: Coyote Skin-Walker, Hunter, Ranger, Maker Of Dust
6'0" | white female | age: 25 | 42-35-42
CON: 7 | DEX: 8 | STR: 10 | STA: 8 | WIS: 10.5 | CHA: 7
Heaviest: 267.2 | Current: 206.1 | Final goal: 190

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