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I'm a 25 year old swedish female med student who wants to start being the best version of me. I found this site by accident a couple of weeks ago, and I've been here every day since. This forum seems like a great community, and I really like how everyone supports one another.

I was pretty fit until the age of 17 (or something like that). That was when I stopped swimming competitively. Until that point I was swimming or working out in other ways at least 15 h a week, but it took too much of my time, so I decided to focus more on my studies. I dropped almost everything that included physical activity, because I was so tired of it. Now, 8 years later and almost 20 kg heavier, I realise I have to do something about my health. I'm not in really bad shape. I'm overweight, but not extremely so. I'm 1,84 m (~6 ft) and weigh 92 kg (~202 lb). 


My goal's first and foremost to become stronger (I want to be able to do a pull up to start with), and by working towards that goal I hope to lose som weight and fat. 


I read the article about how to build your own workout, and created two that I alternate between so I don't get bored as easily. I also try to push myself and increase the difficulty of every workout. I've been doing this for the past 2 weeks and can aldready feel the changes in my body. And I love it! I'm also cutting down on sweets and unhealthy food, trying to eat as much natural  as possible.


I really hope to stick around a long time and get to know you all better!

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Thank you! I too live in Stockholm, since january last year! It's a fascinating city, with so much happening (as compared to Jönköping). :D What are you doing in Australia? I imagine it's warm och comfy over there compared to our weather right now.


How do you work towards the pull-ups and are you getting any closer? I really lack any upper body strength, so I need to work alot with this. But I do hope to be able to do at least one by the end of this year (is that a realistic goal?). I was thinking about joining the 6-week challenge when it started but decided to do my own challenge instead, starting the same day. Or, I guess it's the same challenge, I just haven't registered it anywhere. How about you?

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I've relocated for work, and yes it's awesome! :D 


For pull-ups I'm doing inverted rows and negatives and I think/hope I'm getting stronger! It's hard to tell though... I'm aiming for a pull-up by the end of the year too. Time will tell if it's realistic, but it doesn't really matter as long we make progress. Have you seen Steve's article? http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2011/04/25/do-a-pull-up/


You should definitely join the 6-week challenge! This is my second one, and it's amazing how a bit of accountability makes you push harder. :) It's also a great way of getting to know the people around here. And it's fun!

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That sounds great! I'd lie if I said I wouldn't want to be in Australia myself. :D


I hadn't read that one, actually. Although my workouts seem to include the first exercises working up to a pull up either way. I'm currently working with standing dumbbell rows and inverted rows in two workouts that I'm alternating between. So it seems like I'm on the right track! :) It sounds like you're on the right track too, and way ahead of me with the negatives and all. Maybe I should try them out. :)


Yeah, maybe I should join, even though it's almost halfway through. It can't hurt, and the only thing that changes is that I can talk to even more awesome people! :) How's your challenge going?

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