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Hello all! Just kidding with my thread title.


My name is JR and I'm really excited about posting here. I've considered myself a nerd my whole life, but mostly get blank stares from others at the gym when I mention anything "nerd" related. I'm glad to find some like minded people that love fitness.


Some stats about me:


Sex: M

Age: 29

Height: 6'4"

Weight: 320


Lifting numbers (in pounds)

Squat: 420

Deadlift: 512

Bench: 315

Power Clean: 265

Overhead Press: 205


I love to powerlift. I currently do Wendler's 5/3/1 program and love it. But, not all is rosey. As you can see I weigh quite a bit. I wear a size 46 waist pants. I have no gas in my gas tank at all.

I'd say my main problem is diet. I have a lot of trouble staying on the wagon and I just love to eat out and eat fried foods.


So I'm here at nerd fitness to clean that up. I just started Intermittent Fasting and I feel really good doing it. I do 16 hours fast and 8 hours feeding


My quest here is:


-Continue to get stronger and compete in another powerlifting meet in the spring

-Compete at a much lower weight class than heavyweight at said meet

-Fit into a size 38-40 pant by next summer (i have a pair of shorts in my drawer I'm aiming to wear by next summer)

-Improve my conditioning. They always call me "Diesel" at the gym, but I feel like a diesel that's out of gas.


I plan to do this through challenges that involve:

-Going to the gym consistently. I train at a Crossfit gym and they have a met-con class that I attend. I will be lifting heavy twice a week and conditioning three days a week. This is accomplished through four gym days.

-Continuing IF and cleaning up my diet. I feel like IF is something I can do, I just need to clean up the meals that I eat when I do eat.

-Shooting to set PR's in the rep maxes I perform on Wendler's 5/3/1

-Having a more positive attitude about what I'm doing and not worrying about the little details.


That last one leads me into my bigger point. I've been going to the gym and training for a long time. However, I haven't really made progress because of the fact that I worry about little details. I have a lot of paralysis by analysis problems. I'll start a new program, do it for a bit then read something and think "This is better!' and switch while spinning my tires the whole time. I'm resolving to stay on 5/3/1 plus conditioning and stay on IF.


So that's me. Nice to meet you all.


I'm interested in the real life roleplaying and I've read the FAQ thread but I'm still not sure where to begin. It gives rules to create your character, but is there anywhere specific you post that character and introduce them?

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Sounds like you've got a hardcore existence and like it that way. I expect you'll be getting a call from someone in the Warrior's guild shortly. :-)


It does sound like diet is going to be your major hurdle. IF will take you part of the way there. It can be good for reducing overall calories (as long as you're not trying to "make up" for the calories you missed while fasting during the eating phase) and cycling your hormones. But if you're spiking your insulin during your feeding times by consuming highly processed, starchy, sugary foods, you could be negating what you achieved by fasting.


I'm by no means an expert, but you might consider pushing your "fun" foods to a cheat day once per week. Tighten the other 6 days up by eating clean, and you should be able to blow past your current sticking points.


There are several places people seem to publish their RLRP details. Most widespread seems to be in the signature of your profile. You could always include a character sheet in your Battle Plan thread or on this thread as well. I'm still working on my character as well. If I come up with another bright idea, I'll drop back by and post it. :-)


Keep on truckin'!

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From what I can tell, the race thing is very loosely defined.


Step 1. Look in mirror.

Step 2. Translate what you see into any fantasy-style race that's meaningful for you. (Half-orc, Ogre, Mer-person, Gremlin, Tribble, whatever....)

Step 3. Dream up your Epic quest (i.e., what does the ultimate level look like for my character), Main Quest (first big goal), and Side Quests/Objectives

Step 4. Start leveling up.

Step 5+... Join challenges, a guild, etc.

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Step 1: That's quite a handsome devil I'm looking at

Step 2: I feel more like an Orc than an Ogre. When I think Ogre I think of a really fat bald thing. I have all my hair and my fat kind of rests in the belly area. I don't have rolls or man boobs. So I'm an Orc, one that enjoys his mead too much so he's developed a belly.  

Step 3: Epic Quest: to weigh 215 pounds and be at 10-12% bodyfat. Also to Deadlift 600, Squat 500, Bench 400 and OHP 250.

Main Quest: To lose 25 pounds and improve my conditioning to the point I'm not lagging behind in any of the met-cons we do at the gym. I guess that last one isn't as quantifiable.....perhaps I could set a goal like "Finish last in a timed workout no more than once per week"


Guess I need to wait for the next challenge to start my first quest.


Did I do that right?

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No no, Warriors are calling dibs on you!  We all have to do conditioning work (even if we hate it)


As far as coming up with your character you can be most anything you want to be.  Look at my sig and you'll see what I mean ha!  


You have some great goals over the next year man, I can't wait to see what you do with them!  

The path to Swolehalla is paved with a lot of Swolehate, and you won't get there without being Swole of Spirit too.

Race: Fiendish Blue Extension Cord

Class: Warrior
Links:  MFP  Battle Log  Current Challenge

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Alright then. I've been called.


I don't think the 600-500-400-250 will be achieved in the next year...but my 30th birthday is July 26. I would like to be at least 225 by then.


As far as my lifting numbers...I don't test maxes in the gym so we'll see where they are when I get to my powerlifting meet in the spring! :)


Since I do 5/3/1 I like to test my estimated 1 RM using Wendler's formula. Weight+Repsx.0333+Weight= E1RM. I will probably incorporate those into some challenges too.

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Yeah, I mostly just use my challenge as a battle log.  I do have a battle log that I'll dust off on occasions if I'm not doing a challenge.  


We have some virtual powerlifting meets here on the site too (the next is in January) that are fun, but you might not want to do those since you've got an actual meet in the spring, I don't know if that would mess up your routine or anything.  


Oh and welcome aboard! 

The path to Swolehalla is paved with a lot of Swolehate, and you won't get there without being Swole of Spirit too.

Race: Fiendish Blue Extension Cord

Class: Warrior
Links:  MFP  Battle Log  Current Challenge

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