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Anyone here participating in NaNoWriMo this year?

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The official stance is "November is for writing, December is for editing."  In past years I've written scenes that get cut entirely in the end, but I don't really call them gibberish.  Some of them are even scenes I really like, but ultimately, it doesn't add to the overall story so it's better left hovering in the text editor forever.

It's more about letting go of the EVERYTHING I WRITE HAS TO BE PERFECT RIGHT AT THIS MOMENT and just writing for the sake of writing.

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This is so awesome.


I'm actually pretty stunned at how easily the story flows sometimes. It literally started with some gibberish in a file, ideas, nothing coherent. I just finished writing a scene that I'm actually pretty proud of. It's smart, it's interesting and provoking. I also wrote a scene that I'm really not proud of because it's really dark, really emotionally damaging to the characters. But unfortunately it's a part of the life of one of my characters. 


Holy shit, where does all this come from?


... As I'm writing this I'm listening to a song that repeats, "it came out of your body, it came out of our bodies"

Amazon Warrior

29, F, 5'11 ft, 159lbs

#1, #2, #3, #4, #5


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How's it going, guys?  Yesterday was the 20k word mark.


I finished up the major "serious" parts of my book.  Now I get to start writing some of the more stupid, funny parts that will get filtered in through the book to kind of break it up.  I haven't written the very end of the main theme yet.  That part will come, but it's going to be emotional for me, so I'm putting it off a bit.  I've already cried enough while writing some of the other challenging parts. =P It will be a nice change to just write about stuff that makes me laugh instead.

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20k was this morning for me.


My characters were supposed to get on the space ship and go straight to the new planet, where there would be mayhem and mutations. There were supposed to be two crew (captain and pilot) and random passengers in cryostasis.


So far we're still bebopping around the known galaxy, and we have a full crew, fully awake passengers, and a former love interest on board, and now a vengeful captain on another ship who's chasing them.


In addition to shoehorning enough writing time into my schedule, now I've also got Dragon's Dogma trying to take up my time. My brother introduced me to it over the weekend, which is why I'm even further behind.

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Halfway there! I squeaked in over 25k today with two big days (>2k each) and a short bonus writing sprint this morning. That puts me 2k ahead of my amended schedule, and right on track with the official timeline.


I also ran across this blog post through the NaNo forums from a fantasy writer (she's doing a Q&A in the fantasy section, which also has a lot of interesting stuff in it) on how to go from 2k to 10k words/day. I read it yesterday and used Knowledge + Enthusiasm to crank out extra words almost immediately after. (The third element is Time, which I do not have big chunks of as she advocates. However, having the other two together is at least a way to squeeze more out of the time you do have.)


My characters were just lazying around too much, so I activated a quick GODMODE and jumped them ahead to a better part. Now we're entering the new solar system, and the ship has collided with something in space. Mayhem and mutations are beginning. Good.

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I'm right on the mark as of yesterday (a little bit ahead.)  I had a few days where I got swamped and didn't get to work on it - I was preparing for a job interview, slightly more important - so Saturday evening I was up until 2:30 in the morning writing and Sunday morning I got fully caught up.

My final goal is around 70k-75k words, but I'm going to crank the 50k out first, then my goal is to get the rest done in December and start editing next year!

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I don't know why I always write too much. Next year I will aim for a straight 50000.

Level 8 : Wizard Blacksmith 

[ STR 6 | DEX 6 | STA 5 | CON 5 | WIS 10 | CHA 4 ]

Jakkals, 2019 nommer 3




Adapt yourself to the things among which your lot has been cast

and love sincerely the fellow creatures with whom destiny has

ordained that you shall live.

-Marcus Aurelius



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