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Rooks - Tracking the Daily Grind...

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Both of you need to spend $12 and buy a shitty Gold's Gym ab wheel from Wally World. It takes up no room, very little time, and tears your abs apart like Leatherface. FFS... crunches?


You are so ornery.  :tongue:  I do plan on ordering one up.



Total time:  45 Minutes



  • DeFranco's Simple Six

TNG Bench

  • 5 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 95lbs
  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 5 @ 155lbs
  • 2 @ 185lbs
  • 4 @ 205lbs (for 8 sets)

Notes:  Smolov Jr., Day 3 Week 1.  Nothing of real note...



Total time:  45 Minutes



  • DeFranco's Simple Six

TNG Bench

  • 10 @ 45lbs
  • 10 @ 95lbs
  • 8 @ 135lbs
  • 3 @ 185lbs
  • 3 @ 220lbs (for 10 sets)

Notes:  Smolov Jr., Day 4 Week 1.  Was supposed to be 217.5 but I was swapping weights as I had a friend working in today.  Hence I didn't want to do the trick of doing 3 collars so I just bumped the weight to 220.  No worry about failing.  Feeling very solid on my Bench right now. 


UPDATE:  Forgot the most important part.  Did some air squats today and my knee felt great.  Seems like things have healed up finally.  I'll give it another week or so, then try it with some weight and see how things feel.

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UPDATE: Forgot the most important part. Did some air squats today and my knee felt great. Seems like things have healed up finally. I'll give it another week or so, then try it with some weight and see how things feel.

Happy to hear. No more bro life of not knowing leg day

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Total time:  45 Minutes



  • DeFranco's Simple Six

TNG Bench

  • 10 @ 45lbs
  • 10 @ 95lbs
  • 6 @ 135lbs
  • 4 @ 155lbs
  • 6 @ 187.5lbs (for 6 sets)

Notes:  Smolov Jr., Day 1 Week 2.  Decided to up the ante a bit and go with a 10lb jump in Week 2, since week 1 didn't feel challenging at all.  It's going to be really interesting to see not only where my TNG max is after this round of Jr, but what my Competition Bench since to this day, I'm really wondering if I've ever actually done a true competition bench. 


Tempo Squat

  • 3 @ 135lbs

Notes:  No pain in the knee what so ever.  So pumped.  Only did these to test everything out.


After I did the Squats, I sort of just mashed together sets of Neutral Grip Pull-ups, Dips, Kroc Rows, and some ab work for about 15 minutes.  Got in quite a few sets and got a pretty good pump going.  It's funny how I used to laugh and chuckle watching old 70s clips of Arnold talking about the pump, and I'm starting to get to the point where I understand what he's talking about.  It feels good to just destroy your muscles and then keep going.  It's a very strange thing.  Also, did this in the morning as I have an all-day training session so lunch workout wasn't going to work. 

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Rooks, I can't remember. Do you already use knee sleeves? I've really liked mine after having some tendonitis. I never thought I'd really need them before that, but now I hate squatting without them.

Which ones do you have?
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Rooks, I can't remember. Do you already use knee sleeves? I've really liked mine after having some tendonitis. I never thought I'd really need them before that, but now I hate squatting without them.


I don't.  Never felt like I've needed them because until recently, I've never had any sort of knee issues.  And even the recent one I attributed to just an overuse issue since I was in the middle of running Smolov.  I've thought about giving them a try, but not sure...

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I bought the Tommy Kono for price reasons. I've heard they fall apart after awhile, but I haven't had any issues so far. If I were just picking what I thought was best with no concern for cost, I would definintely buy the SBD sleeves.

I want the Slingshot knee sleeves. Apparently they are cheaper but still pretty good quality.
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I have been running a pair of Titans for about a year and a half now. They keep my knees nice and warm and add nothing perceptible to my squat. With all the injuries I've dealt with my knees have always been fine since I started lifting despite sounding like Rice Krispies every time I bend them since I was 12.

My training log




Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (USS), April 16th Contest report


Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (NAS), April 18th Contest report

Eighth Annual Vis Vires Outdoor Strongman Competition (Unsanctioned), August 1st Contest report


"What's the difference between an injury that you train around and an injury that you train through?"

"A trip to the hospital"

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I bought the Tommy Kono for price reasons. I've heard they fall apart after awhile, but I haven't had any issues so far. If I were just picking what I thought was best with no concern for cost, I would definintely buy the SBD sleeves.

It's worth saying on the SBD sleeves that they're not knee wraps.  You're not going to get bounce with them, no matter how tight a set you try and squeeze into (and too tight sleeves are going to do more bad than good.)

Well worth it if you can afford them.

"Gentle means tired."

Battle Log / Youtube Channel / (lol am an..) Athlete Page

Level 4 Halfling Monk: STR - 181 | DEX - 12.5 | STA - 4.5 | CON - 6 | WIS - 4 | CHA - 7

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It's worth saying on the SBD sleeves that they're not knee wraps.  You're not going to get bounce with them, no matter how tight a set you try and squeeze into (and too tight sleeves are going to do more bad than good.)

Well worth it if you can afford them.


So what is the point knee sleeves and/or wraps?  Is it just knee protection?  Not totally sure I understand the biomechanics on how a knee wrap could protect the knee as I always thought the biggest danger to knees during a squat was if you caved in and I don't think a wrap would prevent that.

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So what is the point knee sleeves and/or wraps?  Is it just knee protection?  Not totally sure I understand the biomechanics on how a knee wrap could protect the knee as I always thought the biggest danger to knees during a squat was if you caved in and I don't think a wrap would prevent that.

Knee sleeves keep you warm and are and added bit of protection.  Have you ever cooled down during a work out and then twinged something because you've got cold again?

Knee wraps are for bouncing out the hole and wearing with a squat suit. 

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"Gentle means tired."

Battle Log / Youtube Channel / (lol am an..) Athlete Page

Level 4 Halfling Monk: STR - 181 | DEX - 12.5 | STA - 4.5 | CON - 6 | WIS - 4 | CHA - 7

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Total time:  75 Minutes



  • DeFranco's Simple Six

TNG Bench

  • 3 @ 45lbs
  • 3 @ 95lbs
  • 3 @ 135lbs
  • 3 @ 185lbs
  • 3 @ 227.5lbs (for 10 sets)

Notes:  Smolov Jr., Day 4 Week 2.  Got through it... right elbow feels a bit tender so I'll be voodoo flossing the crap out of it tonight.  Otherwise, nothing too extraordinary other then these damn 10 set workout take forever!  Was taking nice long breaks with the weight this heavy and damn did it take a long time.  Also, this is the first time I've ever done sets with 2 plates during a bench workout.  Even if it is TNG, still pretty exciting.

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Total time:  60 Minutes



  • DeFranco's Simple Six

TNG Bench

  • 6 @ 45lbs
  • 6 @ 95lbs
  • 6 @ 135lbs
  • 6 @ 155lbs
  • 6 @ 192.5lbs (for 6 sets)

Notes:  Smolov Jr., Day 1 Week 3.  Did these with my Lifting shoes instead of my Vibrams, and I actually did feel a bit better with how my feet were planted.  Not sure if it was just mental or not.  Also, I think my elbow tenderness yesterday was from the bar path being too far up my chest.  Today, focused on the bar hitting right at near the bottom of my sternum and didn't feel anything with my elbow the whole workout.


Tempo Squat

  • 3 @ 135lbs
  • 3 @ 185lbs
  • 3 @ 225lbs

Notes:  Just wanted to get back under the bar.  Knee has started to feel wonky again, but only when I stand for long periods of time.  Didn't feel anything in my knee during this so that's great.  Tempo was 7 second descent, 3 second pause at the bottom, and up as fast as possible. 

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Total time:  60 Minutes



  • DeFranco's Simple Six

TNG Bench

  • 5 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 5 @ 185lbs
  • 5 @ 207.5lbs (for 7 sets)

Notes:  Smolov Jr., Day 2 Week 3.


Paused Squat

  • 3 @ 135lbs
  • 2 @ 185lbs

Notes:  Again... just experimenting.  Making sure the knee doesn't feel anything, and it didn't.  I did feel a good stretch in my Achilles, as I did these with my Vibrams instead of my Lifting shoes.  Related to knee pain, bu unrelated to squats, I have noticed that putting rotational force on my knee like with a Pigeon pose or even just bringing my right foot onto my left knee in a seated position does cause some pain.  Not sure what that means but I'll do some reading today. 


Ab Rollouts

  • 5

Notes:  Wow... this was humiliating.  Picked up a wheel from Target and tried a few.  Managed 5 and I was so tanked I couldn't even get 50% through another rep.  Core would just collapse.  These are getting added to every workout from now on. 

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So this weekend, I had a bit of time while the baby was napping on me, and got to watching some youtube videos.  I'm realizing more and more that I have so far to go, but so much to look foward too.  Came across a young man by the name Tian Tao.  20 year old lifter from China.  




Everything is just so smooth and so clean looking.  I don't know why, but the more and more I learn about Oly lifts, the more and more and I feel like the Squat Jerk is just a more natural way to do it.  Maybe my opinion will change when I start actually doing it, but I see Tian and Lu do these lifts and everything looks flawless.  Completely natural.  And maybe that's the point.  I know these guys have trained in this manner since they were 10 years old so it's probably no surprise that it IS NATURAL to them.  I just feel like it's more fluid. 


Won't be emdedded, but here's Lu dong some super clean squats.


Yeah... morning weight was 218lbs.  Getting back up there so once I finish out these last 2 days of Smolov Jr. going to start getting back down near 200 again. 

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Total time:  60 Minutes



  • Leg Swings
  • Shoulder Dislocation

Notes:  Didn't really document anything about what I did today.  Just got in there and decided I didn't want to do another bench workout.  Getting a little sick of all the Benching so I decided to just scrap the last 2 workouts of Smolov Jr. and goof around a bit.   Did some OH Squats, some Double Pause Bench, and worked up to a heavy single in TNG Bench.  Was able to get 265 with TNG.  250 is definitely reachable in Competition Bench.  With the OH Squats, I easily did a triple at 95 as well another easy 5 second paused single at 115 which is my current PR.  I feel like I might even have 150 in the tank but who really knows and I didn't want to push it. 


On a side note, I've started a conversation with someone who I believe to be in charge of the facilities here at my job, and I'm hopeful I'll be able to propose some potential gym improvements.  No idea who much we'd be talking about, but my head is already dreaming of a cage with a lifting platform and bumper plates.  B)

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With VVLL starting this weekend, I'm basically treating this week as my deload week going into the competition.  Will max out on Sunday.



Total time:  60 Minutes



  • Leg Swings
  • Shoulder Dislocation

OH Squats

  • 3 @ 60lbs (for 5 sets)

Notes:  Just sort of messed around with grip on these.  Did 4 of the sets at a "Clean" width grip which ended up being extremely difficult mainly because I really had to force my shoulders to stay over my center of gravity.  They wanted to come forward something fierce.  Need to keep working these as well as other mobility drills to get my shoulders to where they need to be.


Klokov Press

  • 5 @ 100lbs (for 3 sets)

Notes:  Again, just playing around.  Weight wasn't heavy which is surprising and not surprising.  I'm assuming since my bench has gone up about 40lbs, my Press has gone up as well, but this used to be a pretty rough weight for me on Klokov's.  Not so much anymore.  Also, could be that this was the first press I did and it's normally the last in my routines.


Snatch Grip Deadlift

  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 5 @ 190lbs

Notes:  Just playing around.  190 felt pretty easy actually.  Grip felt strong.  I think doing things with this Snatch grip is finally getting my wrists used to the position.  They used to get very sore but no so much anymore.  Now if I could just figure out the front rack position.  Also, did these in my Romaleos to get a better feel for what a Snatch pull would be like as I'm planning on starting to practice some Oly stuff soon.



  • 3 @ 225lbs
  • 1 @ 275lbs
  • 1 @ 315lbs
  • 1 @ 365lbs

Notes:  All these felt very good.  Haven't DL'ed in almost 3 months I think so it was good to get back to the basics so to speak.  Switched over to my Vibrams before doing these.  Only issue I had was I forgot my chalk so 365 almost slipped as I had a pretty good sweat going.  With chalk it wouldn't have even been close.  I think I'll do an opener at 385 or 395 for VVLL and work from there. 

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**WARNING:  This video contains a slightly overweight male busting his ass and grunting like a gorilla in heat.  Yes... watching it now, it seems so exaggerated, but in the moment, I can't help it.  It feels right.  Just giving primal yells.  Sorry... apparently, it's what I do.  So yeah...  you've been warned.  Turn down your speakers. 




Total time: 90 Minutes

Morning weigh-in:  217.6lbs (98.70kg)

  • 315lbs (142.88kg)
  • 335lbs (151.95kg)
  • 350lbs (158.76kg, PR)

Notes:  Went 3 for 3 for the first time ever I think on Squats.  Knew I had 315 in the bag as I did 10 sets of triples at 295 the last time I really squatted heavy.  Tried the 2nd attempt without my jogging pants, but my breaks were long enough, I felt like I was getting cold.  Hence I just kept the pants on the rest of the way.  Also, no idea what was going on with the light on the 2nd rep.  Felt great to nail the 350.  Clearly something is going on with my right side though as the weight dropped on both the 2nd and 3rd attempt.  Not sure if the I'm just off centered or what.  



  • 240lbs (108.86kg)
  • 250lbs (113.40kg, PR)
  • 260lbs (117.93kg)

Notes:  Went 2 of 3 here.  240 and 250 felt really good.  No struggles at all and didn't really expect any given I did a 265 TNG Bench not 2 weeks ago.  Really happy here.  Thought I had 260 in me, but it just wasn't meant to be.  Still not sad given I crushed my recent marks here.  Felt like my pauses were maybe a bit short, but again, maybe you more experienced people can speak up.  Going to keep hitting this hard in hopes of improving and maybe getting 1.25x Bench soon.



  • 395lbs (179.17kg)
  • 405lbs (183.71kg)
  • 442.5lbs (200.71kg, HUGE PR!)

Notes:  Went 3 for 3 here.  Went really conservative on my second attempt as I needed 400 to hit the 1k pound club.  Hit it pretty easily at 405 and then just threw caution to the wind.  I literally loaded every plate I had in my basement onto the barbell.  And it went up.  So so pumped.  Good excuse to tell the wife we need more weight.   :)  I was so so pumped.  


Fun fact... you can hear my wife laugh about 90% of the way through the lift cause she thought I had no chance at it.  Then when the weight drops, you get to hear my kiddo start crying.  Apparently, weight dropping scares her.   :)


Total:  1042.5lbs (472.87kg)


Pumped that I finally broke the 1k barrier... and not only that but got a 200kg DL out of nowhere.  Previous PR was 183.71kg (or 405lbs), which also didn't even budge during the last NF Virtual Meet.  Improvements all around even if I was up nearly 8kg from my last weigh-in.  I'll gladly take it with this kind of improvement.  

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