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Rooks - Tracking the Daily Grind...

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Total time:  60 Minutes


Overhead Press

  • 5 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 65lbs
  • 5 @ 95lbs
  • 5 @ 125lbs
  • 5 @ 130lbs
  • 7 @ 140lbs

Notes:  Felt nice and strong here.  Nothing else really.


Push Press

  • 3 @ 140lbs
  • 3 @ 150lbs
  • 3 @ 160lbs

Notes:  First time I've ever done Push Press.  All these felt pretty easy.  Will probably bump working weight up around 170 or 175 next week.


Squat Jerk (Clean Grip)

  • 2 @ 45lbs
  • 2 @ 45lbs
  • 2 @ 45lbs

Notes:  Originally planned on doing this with 95lbs to have some weight above my head, but wow.  I couldn't get comfortable with even 95lbs.  I get the weight above head, but when I would try and drop into the hole, every fiber of my being said NO!  Really have to work on my shoulder mobility as even with 45lbs, my shoulders were getting pulled pretty fiercely and felt very uncomfortable.  Definitely going to keep doing these as well find some Mobility drills to get my shoulders back farther.


Power Snatch

  • 3 @ 45lbs
  • 3 @ 45lbs
  • 3 @ 45lbs

Notes:  More snatch practice.  Watched the video mattyboy linked and tried a handful of the them.  Took a video of the 3rd set.  Editing it up now and will post it into my Form Check thread in a bit.


Sprint Work

  • 1:00 @ 2.5MPH
  • 1:00 @ 5.0MPH
  • 1:00 @ 6.5MPH (0:30 break)
  • 1:00 @ 7.5MPH (0:30 break)
  • 1:00 @ 8.0MPH
  • 1:30 @ 3.0MPH

Notes:  Originally intended to work up to closer to 10MPH and get at least 12 minutes on the treadmill, but felt something in my right hamstring.  Will mobilize over the next few days and hopefully get my legs back into the running groove a bit.

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Total time:  80 Minutes

Overall Notes:  This was supposed to be deadlift day, but I donated blood yesterday and my arm was still a bit tender from the poke.  I probably could have got through it, but just decided to swap my deadlift day and my squat day to be safe.  Overall, it felt good.


Overhead Squat (Snatch Grip)

  • 3 @ 45lbs
  • 3 @ 65lbs
  • 3 @ 95lbs
  • 3 @ 105lbs

Notes:  Going to start all my Squat workouts from now on with Overheads.  I want to get more time in that position, and they don't tax my legs really at all.  105 felt pretty good actually.  Given my current PR is 115, I'm pretty sure I'm well above that, but I'm not going to test again until I get some Bumpers. 


High Bar Squat

  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 3 @ 225lbs
  • 5 @ 265lbs
  • 5 @ 285lbs
  • 5 @ 300lbs

Notes:  Had to really psych myself to even attempt that last set, but hell if I didn't do it, and I didn't even really have that much trouble.  I think it was a pretty big mental block that I'm just so afraid of sets in the 300 range. 


Low Bar Squat

  • 3 @ 225lbs

Notes:  This was just an experiment.  Again, sort of feel like I'm trying to expand my movements in this cycle to make sure I don't have weaknesses.  That said, these felt terrible compared to the weight I was using.  My lower back felt a little twinge on rep 3, and my abs felt terrible after the set was over.  Will probably take a form check video of these in the near future.


Tempo High Bar Squat

  • 3 @ 210lbs
  • 3 @ 210lbs

Notes:  7 second descent, 5 second pause.  Probably should have cut the pause down to 3 seconds.  Or sped up the descent.  Not sure.  Was originally planning 3 sets, but was getting pretty good knee cave coming out of these, and felt a little wonky in my right knee (the one that I hurt during Smolov) so I called it a day with squats before anything got too bad.


Cable Machine Leg Press

  • 10 @ 285
  • 10 @ 240

Notes:  No idea if this is pounds.  Again, just the numbers on the cable machine.  That said, dropped it down way to like 240 and that felt better as I was able to really hammer out the reps which I think is more what I want out this accessory work.


Cable Machine Leg Extension

  • 10 @ 80
  • 10 @ 80
  • 10 @ 100
  • 14 @ 140

Notes:  Again, no idea on units, but definitely started to get a pump in the quads towards the end.


Ab Wheel

  • 10
  • 1

Notes:  I got to 10 and actually got a rep in my 2nd set.  I'm improving! 

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btw, the is a powerlifting meet at Movement Minneapolis today. a little late for you to register but I thought it might give you some leads on where to start looking for local meets.


This place?  I'll check into more tomorrow.



Total time:  60 Minutes


Competition Bench

  • 5 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 95lbs
  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 5 @ 190lbs
  • 5 @ 205lbs
  • 5 @ 215lbs

Notes: 215 set, last 2 reps were grinders but got it done.  Comp bench done in sets is so brutal.  That pause on each rep just drains you.


Double Pause Bench

  • 3 @ 155lbs
  • 3 @ 155lbs
  • 3 @ 155lbs

Notes:  Feet up off the floor and bench.  3 second pause at the bottom.  3 second pause mid rep.


Close Grip Bench

  • 8 @ 155lbs
  • 8 @ 155lbs
  • 8 @ 155lbs

Notes:  Again, feet up off the floor and bench.  Fingers just at the edge of the outer knurlings. 


Wide Grip Bench

  • 3 @ 155lbs
  • 6 @ 155lbs
  • 6 @ 155lbs

Notes:  Again, feet up off the floor and bench.  No idea what happened on the first set, but it just felt heavy.  Then pumped out sets of 6 on the next 2. 


2V2L Weightlifting

Notes:  Pumped out some Snatch practice, then hit one at 95lbs, then hit a few Clean & Jerks.  Power Clean, followed by Squat Jerks.  Not pretty, but they got the weight up.  Need to keep working on form on all these.  Go check my Form Check thread for video. 


Hammer Curls

Notes:  No idea on reps.  Just grabbed a set of 24lb DBs and pumped out a set until I had a good bicep pump going.  Just for giggles.  :)

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Are you loving this volume?  It looks like a fun workout.


Trying a bit of a different approach with this iteration of 5/3/1.  I've scrapped the BBB model as I felt the 5 sets of 10 was just too much of the core lifts.  That said, I'm going to do variations of all the core lifts for most of my accessory work.  I'm all of 3 workouts in, but so far, I'm really liking it.  I get to work on movements I hardly ever do, so in theory I should be finding some weak spots a little easier.  Also, I'm not programming my accessory lifts really.  Just sort of picking a weight and seeing what I can do with it.

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Total time:  90 Minutes



  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 5 @ 185lbs
  • 5 @ 225lbs
  • 2 @ 275lbs
  • 5 @ 335lbs (Switch Grip)
  • 5 @ 355lbs (Switch Grip)
  • 5 @ 380lbs (Switch Grip, Belted)

Notes:  All reps were done with a pause at the bottom, i.e. no touch and go.  That was fun.  First two working sets felt great, even without a belt.  That last set was tough, but got through it.  Last rep was a grinder or at least felt that way.  Barspeed was probably still solid.  That said, I was pretty wasted after just this.  So the rest of the workout got toned down quite a bit.


Kroc Rows

  • 20 @ 50lb DBs
  • 20 @ 50lb DBs
  • 20 @ 50lb DBs

Notes:  Half reps with each arm.  Tried to go real slow to make sure the back was firing and I wasn't using momemtum, almost to the point of doing a hold at the top.  Still struggling to really feel it though.  I always feel this more in my arms then my back. 


Single Leg Curl Cable Machine

Notes:  Just did 2 sets on each leg with a weight setting of 30 and pumped out reps until each hamstring felt a good little pump.


Barbell Rows

Notes:  Played around with these.  Still can't get a good feel for how these work.  Feel like my back never fires enough.


Ab Wheel

  • 5
  • 5
  • 5

Finished up the day with about 15 minutes of mobility work, going through my hamstrings, feet, hips, and lower back.  Feeling pretty good. 

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Total time:  60 Minutes


Overhead Press

  • 5 @ 80lbs
  • 5 @ 80lbs
  • 5 @ 80lbs
  • 3 @ 130lbs
  • 3 @ 140lbs
  • 4 @ 150lbs

Notes:  Felt nice and strong here.  Nothing else really.


Push Press

  • 3 @ 170lbs
  • 3 @ 170lbs
  • 1 @ 170lbs

Notes:  Only managed 1 on the last set so will drop this back to 165 or 160 and stick with that for the rest of the cycle.


Squat Jerk (Clean Grip) & Snatch Balance

Notes:  Really just played around with Squat Jerk at 60lbs and Snatch Balance using both the standard 45lb bar and a 30lb Curl bar.  Was actually feeling very comfortable with all this. 



Notes:  More snatch practice.  Did 5 or 6 reps with just the bar and felt good.  Pull I think was still getting out away from my body, but I'm working on try to get it closer.  It's tough when I feel that the bar is just so damn light.  That said, I threw on some 10s and tried to snatch 65lbs.  Lost it backwards but rather than let go, held on just muscled it back overhead.  Probably not great for the shoulders.  I'll stick with the bar until I can get some bumpers plates from now on.  Called it a day after this since my lower back was starting to get grumpy.

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That was my biggest issue, followed by several others, with the snatch.  The bar would always float out away from me.  Pretty sure I was using my hips to push the bar away from me instead of up.

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Total time:  80 Minutes
Overall Notes:  Funny.  I hit the PR of 315 back in September of 2013 (see below video).  And today is the first time I've ever done sets of 315.  Strange how I'm not that much stronger than I was back then, but I feel 100x stronger.  My form is way better.  My deadlift is a whole different level now.  Bench is way up.  Just strange looking back at only seeing an increase of 35lbs in my Squat numbers. 


High Bar Squat
  • 3 @ 45lbs
  • 3 @ 95lbs
  • 3 @ 135lbs
  • 3 @ 185lbs
  • 3 @ 225lbs
  • 3 @ 280lbs
  • 3 @ 300lbs
  • 3 @ 315lbs

Notes:  Funny how I was so worried about that set of 5 at 300 only 6 days ago.  The 315 set felt easy (in relative terms).  Stable, chest up.  Everything felt locked in.  Probably could have done 4, but played it safe as I knew I had load more work on the day.
Form Check
Notes:  Lowered down to 225, did a set of 3 High Bar, then a set of 3 Low Bar, then lowered to 155 and did a set of 3 Front Squat.  Just want to see the form comparison specifically in the first two, but figured I'd do them all.  Low bar still felt heavier than high bar, but the weight moved pretty easy at 225 (as I'd sort of expect).  Will post the video up in a Form Check thread later.
Overhead Squat (Clean Grip)

  • 3 @ 45lbs
  • 3 @ 65lbs
  • 3 @ 85lbs

Notes:  Honestly, had planned to open with these, but just spaced out once I got to the gym.  Overall, these are feeling better.  At this point, not sure if I could hold more weight with Snatch Grip or Clean Grip, but I'd imagine the hope would be Clean Grip (since theoretically I'd be Cleaning more weight than Snatching).


Leg Press

  • 10 @ 240
  • 10 @ 240
  • 10 @ 240

Notes:  3 sets of 10 at weight setting of 240.  Nothing out of the ordinary.


Leg Extension

  • 10 @ 140
  • 10 @ 170
  • 10 @ 210
  • 10 @ 170
  • 10 @ 140

Notes:  Ohh... quads were feeling nice and fiery after this.  Did no more than a minute break between sets.  Didn't intend to pyramid like this, but 140 felt easy, then 170 felt easy, 210 felt hard, and so on. 

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Total time:  45 Minutes


Competition Bench

  • 5 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 95lbs
  • 3 @ 160lbs
  • 3 @ 205lbs
  • 3 @ 215lbs
  • 3 @ 230lbs

Notes: Last rep on the 230 set would not have counted in competition.  Damn that was the definition of grinder.  Left arm got damn near lock out and the right start to lag just a bit, but I somehow got it all the way up.  I think butt came off the bench too.  Overall, I think this was just too hurried.  I was working out with a guy doing 5x5, but he's at 70lb bench right now.  So yeah... he flies through the sets.  I think I just need to take my time no matter what. 



Notes:  Tried doing EMOM of 1 pull-up.  Got 5 minutes in and couldn't get another.  So then did 3 minutes of negative hold for long as you could.  I don't get why I'm so terrible at these. 


Notes:  Tried these with 50lbs.  Was probably too much.  Only got 5 and 3 reps.  Then did like 10 without weight. 

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Total time:  30 Minutes



  • 3 @ 135lbs
  • 3 @ 185lbs
  • 3 @ 225lbs
  • 3 @ 295lbs (Switch Grip)
  • 3 @ 355lbs (Switch Grip, Belted)
  • 3 @ 380lbs (Switch Grip, Belted)

Notes:  Scrapped the final set (3 @ 400lbs) and the rest of the workout.  Something felt way wrong with my lower back on the left side.  I'm not thinking it's any sort of injury at this point, but just rather my lower back telling me that it was getting close to an injury.  Very glad I stopped when I did as it was 100% worse by the time I had the bar unloaded.  I've already spent around 10 minutes on the Rumble Roller and the Super Nova trying to get the back loose and now I'm loaded up with Icy Hot and some beer.  Hopefully I can work through this without too much issue and be back and ready to go by Monday. 


I can think of about 3 reasons that might have contributed this all of which I should know better.  First, fourth day in a row with a workout.  I don't get near enough sleep or have nearly the proper diet to hit things that hard.  Second, I didn't eat a ton of food today after breakfast so I was probably riding low going in.  Third, I didn't get a great warm-up in because I wanted to get through the workout fast.  I should know better on all of these things so my own fault. 

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At least you were smart enough to call it quits before it became an injury but yeah you still should have known better.


Yeah.  Had me lamenting about how I'm not a "young buck" anymore last night.  Already had 2 10-minute sessions of mobility on the back today.  It's starting to loosening up finally so get in a few more today and tomorrow and I should be good to go. 

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So yesterday (Monday) woke up feeling like crud so I called in sick to work.  Ended up watching 2 movies that have been in my queue for awhile, first, Bigger, Stronger, Faster.  Honestly, I got pretty depressed after watching this.  First, it's depressing that we can't seem to make a rational decision about something.  We as a nation seem to always overreact.  I mean, there's a line where they are talking to Taylor Hooton's dad (who for those that don't know started an organization after his son committed suicide when he stopped taking steroids) where it outright states he doesn't care what science says, he knows how steroids work and they don't.  I mean I get that your losing your son would be super tough, but he seems to just ignore the fact he son was on multiple other medications which are actually linked with suicidal tendencies.  All that said, it's also depressing because the movie really gives the impression that steroids are lot more widely spread than you think.  Louie Simmons flat out says that anyone is who is anyone is on gear in the powerlifting world.  So I mean... it really makes you question EVERYONE.  But it also made me really question whether steroids are something to be outright feared.  Something I learned from the movie is that Cortisone is a type of steroid, yet, it's used in every sport.  How is that legit, but anabolic steroids are terrible?
2nd movie was Generation Iron which wasn't nearly as thought provoking.  It sort of felt like one of those UFC pre-fight shows, only it was bodybuilders talking about the 2013 Mr. Olympia.  Basically, just a bunch of the top guys talking shit about everyone else.  I found it ironic that the guys like Ben Pakulski, Dennis Wolf, and Hidetada Yamagishi, who everyone knew weren't really competing for the title were at least amiable.  Seemed like nice guys.  Kai and Phil both seem a bit self-centred, although Kai seems a bit nicer than Phil.  Phil Heath just seems like a giant d-bag who is just really good at bodybuilding.  They did briefly touch on steroids, but only one of the guys (Ben Pakulski) was even willing to appear on camera and say the word steroids, and he basically just talked about how the media has a lot of misinformation.  Sad, but I guess nothing to be gained from admitting to something that probably everyone in the sport knows and understands.  Also, I know bodybuilding is judged with mass as a criteria, but for real, I think Hidetada Yamagishi looks the best out of all the guys in this movie when is comes to aesthetically pleasing to my eye.  Guess that's why I'm not a judge. 


My back still feels a bit junky so probably going to hold off working out until Thursday. 

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So yesterday (Monday) woke up feeling like crud so I called in sick to work.  Ended up watching 2 movies that have been in my queue for awhile, first, Bigger, Stronger, Faster.  Honestly, I got pretty depressed after watching this.  First, it's depressing that we can't seem to make a rational decision about something.  We as a nation seem to always overreact.  I mean, there's a line where they are talking to Taylor Hooton's dad (who for those that don't know started an organization after his son committed suicide when he stopped taking steroids) where it outright states he doesn't care what science says, he knows how steroids work and they don't.  I mean I get that your losing your son would be super tough, but he seems to just ignore the fact he son was on multiple other medications which are actually linked with suicidal tendencies.  All that said, it's also depressing because the movie really gives the impression that steroids are lot more widely spread than you think.  Louie Simmons flat out says that anyone is who is anyone is on gear in the powerlifting world.  So I mean... it really makes you question EVERYONE.  But it also made me really question whether steroids are something to be outright feared.  Something I learned from the movie is that Cortisone is a type of steroid, yet, it's used in every sport.  How is that legit, but anabolic steroids are terrible?


With regards to the "every one who is any one" point in bigger faster stronger.  It's not as wide spread as you would think, and a lot of the people you'd think are on gear are just genetic freaks.  I have however seen a surge in divisional level athletes taking things that are either banned or pretty risky.  IMO it's not worth it.  You'd get caught and end up looking like a bit of a fanny as you were taking gear to get to the top of divisional level. 

I used to get asked on an almost daily basis if I honestly thought the majority of the GB team were clean, and if I honestly thought the same about some very prominant current lifters.

Then there's poor Sarah Robles.  She really had grounds for that TUE and although it resulted in her ban it was the best move for her own health an well being.  You can google the articles around this but this is one of the reasons we need more female coach so coaches are aware of weird and wonderful womens' hormonal issues.

"Gentle means tired."

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Level 4 Halfling Monk: STR - 181 | DEX - 12.5 | STA - 4.5 | CON - 6 | WIS - 4 | CHA - 7

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