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I loved my athlete, feel so bad looking at it hanging on the wall ever since I got my prime cut.

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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Do I have to choose just one???


And sir, I can never remove the seared image of your pasty white torso from my brain.  So yes, you are often on my mind lol

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Morning weigh-in:  217.something.
So after officially stopping my cut and decided to eat whatever due to life right now, I've maintained the exact same weight.  Good to know gorging myself with ice cream and beer doesn't affect my weight.  Probably just switching calories over to carbs and losing strength overall... but yeah.  
Last week was a deload week and as per the norm of the last few cycles, it just turned into an off-week.  Most people probably wouldn't recommend it, and I probably do lose some strength by doing a full week of nothing, but it gets me recharged and ready to hit the gym again.  Plus life has been complicated lately so yeah... 
So... 6 weeks out from my meet.  So here's what I'm thinking for a program.  One more run through of 5/3/1 although I'm switching back to OHP cause I miss it.  Then a low volume heavy intensity week, then a deload, then an off week before the meet.  Just sort of making this up as I go.  Also, I added in some Oly-based stuff like Snatch work with a Barbell and Squat Jerk work on OHP day. I want to get better at it, and it'll never happen if I don't. Finally, I added in a General Fitness Day where I'm going to try and get 2 of the 3 done pre-day. More stuff I want to get better at, so just need to find time to do it.

Some other notes for those interested.

  • Sumo will be done with Hook Grip since I'm trying to learn both of those.  Might have to go lighter then planned, but we'll see.
  • OH Squat are done with Snatch Grip
  • Tempo Squats will be High Bar with 7 second descent and 5 second pause
  • 8 x 8 Bench will be TNG.  All other stuff will be paused.

On the personal front, baby girl began her first round of chemo last week.  Overall, it went great.  She made it through the weekend and seemed happy all weekend, so either she's a rock-star or the anti-nausea meds worked perfectly.  Or both.  So now we just wait and see how treatment goes.  We got into a study that lets us do treatments every 4 weeks instead of every week so that'll be nice.  It's supposed to be just as effective, but obviously if it doesn't work we'll change things up.  Now that we are few weeks into this, overall, it's tough for me to imagine a better situation.  We life 20 minutes from an premier hospital in the US.  Both our jobs are being super supportive.  My insurance is amazing and been super great (so far).  Loads of people have been coming out of the wood-work offering us help and support.  This almost seems like a brag, and frankly, I guess it is.  It's been pretty astounding to witness all this, and I feel pretty damn blessed.
Finally, I leave you with Klokov.  Just cause Klokov.  

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Not sure if you saw this, but I'm also looking into training HG for sumo (I feel weird with my lockout with MG)...


Hook Grip Explained
I'm also thinking about training hook grip. I have no issue with mixed grip when pulling conventional but when I do sumo the mixed grip makes my lockout weird.
My bullshit/rest/deload weeks usually turn into off weeks too.  My biggest problem is trying to get back into the routine of waking up at 5:45 and actually getting in the gym.
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Yea, I can't really do them for reps, but I got up to 275 or 315 for 1 rep. My biggest "issue" was when the weight hits the floor.  It's a different kinda of impact "for me" various the other grips.


Seems like a bunch of people are trying to learn HG now.

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My 10-12 week or whatever it is between my qualifier this weekend and nationals is going to be spent doing all kinds of silly variations to all my lifts. Squatting I'm going high bar with oly shoes, deadlift I'm going to try George's higher belt placement as well as hook grip, bench I'm going squat shoes and adding the belt. All kinds of fun.

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Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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bench I'm going squat shoes and adding the belt. All kinds of fun.


I like this. I don't have Oly shoes yet, but I like benching with the belt. I don't think it helps in the way like it does for squats or deads, but it helps me brace and get that big belly of air.

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I like this. I don't have Oly shoes yet, but I like benching with the belt. I don't think it helps in the way like it does for squats or deads, but it helps me brace and get that big belly of air.


I prefer benching in my Oly shoes over flats.  But I've never benched with a belt.  Just never felt a need.  Guess I should probably try at some point.

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Per the norm... my head had much more grandiose ideas about how much time and capacity I have.  :)  


Had to scrap the Spoto Press and lower the reps on push-ups as I was just wasted by the end of this.


July 14th, 2015

Time:  80 minutes


(load/reps x sets)

Overhead Press - 125/5, 130/5, 140/5

Bench - 185/3, 225/1 (This was more a warm-up for the Overload stuff)

Overload Bench - 250/3 x 3

Close Grip Bench - 210/5 x 3

Squat Jerk - 95/3 x 3

Push-ups - 15, 10, 10


Overall, was a good workout.  Definitely had to force myself to get down to the gym to do it, but glad I did.  Squat Jerk was supposed to follow the OHP stuff, but just forgot and wanted to get it in, so yeah.  

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Just noticed your post over on the NF Christians thread (sorry for not noticing before) Anyway, wanted to let you know that your family is in my prayers. Glad that the chemo isn't making your daughter sick.

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Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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Just noticed your post over on the NF Christians thread (sorry for not noticing before) Anyway, wanted to let you know that your family is in my prayers. Glad that the chemo isn't making your daughter sick.


Thanks.  Just spent the past 3 days back at the Hospital after a 10pm trip to the ER on Tuesday night for baby girl.  She got a bit of stomach bug and with the whole tumor thing everything needs to be monitored more closely.  This next year of my life is going to be brutal if this keeps up.


July 17th, 2015

Time:  60 minutes


(load/reps x sets)

Conventional Deadlift - 315/5, 335/5, 355/5

Sumo Deadlift (Hook Grip) - 225/1 x 5

Snatch Grip Deadlift (Hook Grip) - 225/1 x 2

Snatch Grip Deadlift (Strapped) - 225/5 x 2

Banded Assisted Pistols (each leg) - 4

Kroc Rows - 90lb DB/8


Did manage to get in a deadlift workout today after getting back from the hospital.  End of the workout got cut a bit short cause I'm an idiot.  Did something stupid with baby girl and she ended up getting hurt.  Could have been much worse, but she just ended up with a skinned up toe.  Back to happy and running around in 5 minutes. 


Overall, it's great to be back home.  Being in a hospital sucks.  Multiply it by 10 when it's for your 20 month old kid who doesn't understand "stay still or you'll rip your IV out."  It's frustrated, saddening, guilt-trip inducing, and just overall suck-fest all rolled up into 1.  I seriously was researching nanobots at one point because I was trying to think of things I could potentially have a hope of building that might help my baby girl.  You know... nothing like trying to invent a technology that people have spent billions of dollars and years trying to come up with only to help your sick child.  Such is my mind.  Either way, we are home again, and she's happy.  Still not eating the best, but we'll get back to normal some day.  Hopefully...

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July 18th, 2015

Time:  60 minutes


(load/reps x sets)

Competition Bench - 190/5, 200/5, 215/6

TNG Bench - 175/8 x 6


+1 on the last set of bench.  That said, it felt heavy today.  Actually got +2 on this same weight last interval, but whatever at this point.


Was originally planning on 8 sets of 8, but form started breaking down bad on the last set around rep 5.  Wasn't going to grind out the last 2 sets just for the sake of it.  Happy with the overall volume of the day.

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July 26th, 2015

Time:  70 minutes


(load/reps x sets)

LBBS - 265/5, 285/5, 300/7, 265/3 x 3

HBBS - 230/3 x 5


So many squats.  Ended up skipping the tempo squats at the end and the Oly work at the beginning.  Just time crunch.  First workout in over a week.  Had stuff with baby girl at the beginning of the week (more time in the hospital) then stuff with work in the middle, and finally just social engagements Friday Saturday.  Felt good to finally get under the bar.  300 x 7 was damn near full out.  I told myself I was getting more then 5 when the workout started and 6 went up pretty well so just went for it.  Gives me hopes that something above 350 isn't out of the realm of possibility in a month.

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July 28th, 2015

Time:  60 minutes


(load/reps x sets, weights in pounds)

OHP - 130/3, 140/3, 150/4

Squat Power Jerk - 95/3 x 2

Squat Jerk - 45/3 x 2, 55/3

Bench - 185/3, 225/3

Overload Bench w/ Slingshot - 250/3 x 3


Happy with +1 at 150.  Hoping to a 175 OHP by years end.  Squat Jerk was meant to 95 the whole way around, but 95 is just too much weight for my technique right now.  I couldn't convince myself it was safe to drop under the weight.  Rather, I'd lock the weight out in a half squat.  Dropped down the barbell a just worked on straight technique.  Felt much better.  Then moved up a whole 10lbs to the try the last set which went very well again.  I'll probably start there next time and slowly work back up to 95lbs.  Ended up cutting the overall workout short as my left elbow started hurting a bit, and I'm not taking chances this close to a meet.  Alright voodoo flossed it and I'm feeling better.  Will do some more work on it tomorrow and hopefully still get a deadlift workout in. 

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Are you jerking because you want to do nice clean jerks or just to put a shit pile of weight over your head? If the latter, watch some of Chase Karnes' axle work in his EliteFTS log. His jerk is a lot different than anything an Olympic lifter would do but it's a lot less technique dependent, too. It's how I jerk a log and axle when I'm training them.

My training log




Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (USS), April 16th Contest report


Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (NAS), April 18th Contest report

Eighth Annual Vis Vires Outdoor Strongman Competition (Unsanctioned), August 1st Contest report


"What's the difference between an injury that you train around and an injury that you train through?"

"A trip to the hospital"

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Are you jerking because you want to do nice clean jerks or just to put a shit pile of weight over your head? If the latter, watch some of Chase Karnes' axle work in his EliteFTS log. His jerk is a lot different than anything an Olympic lifter would do but it's a lot less technique dependent, too. It's how I jerk a log and axle when I'm training them.


Starting out with just trying to get form down since it's obviously very lacking.  Long term, I've always had the goal of a 2000lb Super Total.  And realistically, I'll never get there if I don't start working on my Oly lifts. 


Not to be lazy, but I just spent 20 minutes looking through log entries of his with Axle work and didn't really see any videos?  Am I just a noob or am I just not looking in the right spot?  Don't spend much time at EliteFTS.

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