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I'd point out that he has an overhead squat added in. If you notice he's jerking, catching then going deeper. This is an assistance (or in this specific case warm up) exercise. I'm not saying do or don't so it, just pointing out that the thing he's doing has a specific purpose in a similar fashion to the strongman example before.

You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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I assume he's talking about this:


That's typical of what I saw and did when I did strongman. It's more of a "power jerk" if I had to classify it. Truly jerking a log or axle is a very different beast from a normal barbell.


Yea, it seems to be a real small percentage that I've seen actually pulling off a split or even squat jerk. I couldn't imagine just how tight the groove is when trying to split jerk a 12" log. That said, if the goal is to have a pretty jerk then disregard anything you see a strongman doing.

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My training log




Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (USS), April 16th Contest report


Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (NAS), April 18th Contest report

Eighth Annual Vis Vires Outdoor Strongman Competition (Unsanctioned), August 1st Contest report


"What's the difference between an injury that you train around and an injury that you train through?"

"A trip to the hospital"

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I'd point out that he has an overhead squat added in. If you notice he's jerking, catching then going deeper. This is an assistance (or in this specific case warm up) exercise. I'm not saying do or don't so it, just pointing out that the thing he's doing has a specific purpose in a similar fashion to the strongman example before.


See that's where I get confused.  I feel like when my loads are lighter (and the case of my video example, obviously that's a light load for him) I just naturally force the weight to go high enough where I can catch it before I hit full depth and then have to ride it down. 


I know Diane Fu (from her conversations with the Coach Yu, who I believe is the Chinese coach) talks about learning the skill that is to only exert enough energy as needed for the weight you are doing (i.e. doing the movement exactly the same no matter the weight).  Obviously a bit more of an advanced technique and probably not something I'll every have to worry about.


Yea, it seems to be a real small percentage that I've seen actually pulling off a split or even squat jerk. I couldn't imagine just how tight the groove is when trying to split jerk a 12" log. That said, if the goal is to have a pretty jerk then disregard anything you see a strongman doing.

At some point, I'd like to get under a log, but it won't be anytime soon.


Also, if I was going for a jerk approach with an axle, I'd imagine I would take an approach similar to Rob Orlando to get a bit more stability with the wider stance.  There's video of him doing the same thing with an axle, it's just not good, so I didn't link it.  


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I think the Oly lifter was just warming up the hips, hence the depth. When you're prepping to do a heavy squat do you every take a light weight and get really deep and kind of hang out maybe even move around a bit? That's more of what he is doing as far as I can tell. I would guess he's done thousands if not millions of reps of his actual lifts and they're pretty locked in.


However you chose to jerk, just remember why you're doing it. A jerk is designed to allow you to move the heaviest possible weight from your chest in a standing position to overhead. If you jerk the most by dropping to a wide stance or splitting or finishing with a push press instead of a jerk, do what works.

You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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Trying to be perfect and explosive is strongman only seems to work for a few. That's why Shaw and Thor are so good at kegs but Eddie and big Z own then on static events. Strong wins when you're allowed to use it.

My training log




Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (USS), April 16th Contest report


Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (NAS), April 18th Contest report

Eighth Annual Vis Vires Outdoor Strongman Competition (Unsanctioned), August 1st Contest report


"What's the difference between an injury that you train around and an injury that you train through?"

"A trip to the hospital"

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July 30th, 2015

Time:  55 minutes


(load/reps x sets, weights in pounds)

Competition Bench - 200/5, 220/3, 240/2

TNG Bench (E2MOM) - 175/6 x 7

Dips w/ Slingshot 10 x 2

DB Curls 30lb DBs/15 x 2


Got +1 on the last set.  Originally was supposed to be the 3s day of Deadlift, but due to so many missed days of working out and my low back feeling a bit off today, I chopped 5 workouts out of my program and moved to 1s day of Bench.  Went great.  Everything felt strong.  220 felt super easy.  2nd rep of 240 was slow, but it went up.  Don't think I'm hitting my dream of 275 come comp time, but 260 should be doable.  We'll see. 

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August 1th, 2015

Time:  70 minutes


(load/reps x sets, weights in pounds)

LBBS - 265/5, 300/3, 335/3, 275/3 x 3

HBBS - 230/5 x 3


1s day for Squat.  I absolutely annihilated the 335 today.  Triple and I probably had 2 or 3 more in the tank.  I wanted to hit 3 to make sure I could use that as my opener come meet time.  Felt great.  Felt a small twinge in my upper back but only when I was putting the belt on.  Also for reference, all the Low Bar stuff was belted, all the high bar wasn't.  Never felt it during the squats.  Made sure to mobilize that crap after getting done and it's feeling solid now.  Overall, I'm feel pretty good about everything, except Deadlift and that's mainly because I have no idea where I'm at right now.  Next week will be 3 low volume high intensity days where I work up to 5 heavy singles plus a day where I work up to my openers for each lift with the singlet and all (pseudo meet).  I'm thinking about going slightly below my openers for each day.  Not sure... I'll play each day by ear. 

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August 3rd, 2015

Time:  30 minutes


(load/reps x sets, weights in pounds)

Conventional Deadlift - 405/1 x 5


High intensity, low volume week has began.  Last one was the only one that felt not rock solid, and even that was still 3 whites IMO (although what do I know)/  Still playing around with whether this'll be my opener or I go even lighter to save a bit more for my 2nd and 3rd attempt.  Honestly though I'll be surprised if I can hit a PR in deadlift, but who knows.  

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August 6th, 2015

Time:  40 minutes


(load/reps x sets, weights in pounds)

Competition Bench - 225/2 x 5


Originally planned on these being singles since this is my opener, but first rep felt so good, I just bumped it to doubles the whole workout.  Felt great.  Never had any fear or missing a rep.  Should be a very easy opener to get the blood going.

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Do exactly that. Have fun.

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Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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August 22nd.  Plan to work up to my openers in my singlet Saturday, then do a deload week, then have an off week prior to meet.  We'll see how it goes.  Got any advice?

Awesome! Good luck! 


As far as advice, I can offer a few thoughts from my first meet:

  • I do agree that you should take it easy prior to the meet, but I've actually been shifting more towards doing single reps with moderate weight during the week prior. At my first meet, I felt a little surprised by the bar weight because I'd been resting or maybe because of nerves. I wouldn't do anything that makes recovery an issue, but I like to frequently have a bar on my back personally.
  • I wouldn't worry too much about cutting weight, especially if it's a two hour weigh in. You're not going to be setting records and you'd rather have a positive experience where you're lifting well and your body is in good condition than a crappy dehydrated experience.
  • I wish I'd started lower on bench press at my meet. I felt intimidated because every other lifter was doing more than me and warming up with weights way over my max on bench press. I only got my first attempt and it was harder than it should have been. I wish I had started lighter and built up some momentum and confidence. (You can apply that to any lift - I just happen to particularly suck at benching)
  • Once you see the setup, think about where the crowd will be and where you're going to look. This can be a little strange. At mine, there were people sitting where I would normally look and it threw me off a little.

I think you'll find once you get there that it's no big deal. Everyone is just looking to have fun and interested in getting stronger. You'll do great. Just focus on making your attempts and setting modest PRs unless you're just feeling off the charts great that day.

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The iron never lies.


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Do exactly that. Have fun.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



Awesome! Good luck! 


As far as advice, I can offer a few thoughts from my first meet:

  • I do agree that you should take it easy prior to the meet, but I've actually been shifting more towards doing single reps with moderate weight during the week prior. At my first meet, I felt a little surprised by the bar weight because I'd been resting or maybe because of nerves. I wouldn't do anything that makes recovery an issue, but I like to frequently have a bar on my back personally.
  • I wouldn't worry too much about cutting weight, especially if it's a two hour weigh in. You're not going to be setting records and you'd rather have a positive experience where you're lifting well and your body is in good condition than a crappy dehydrated experience.
  • I wish I'd started lower on bench press at my meet. I felt intimidated because every other lifter was doing more than me and warming up with weights way over my max on bench press. I only got my first attempt and it was harder than it should have been. I wish I had started lighter and built up some momentum and confidence. (You can apply that to any lift - I just happen to particularly suck at benching)
  • Once you see the setup, think about where the crowd will be and where you're going to look. This can be a little strange. At mine, there were people sitting where I would normally look and it threw me off a little.

I think you'll find once you get there that it's no big deal. Everyone is just looking to have fun and interested in getting stronger. You'll do great. Just focus on making your attempts and setting modest PRs unless you're just feeling off the charts great that day.


Thanks guys. 


Honestly, Squat is the only opener that I think might be "heavy" feeling at all... but I've hit all of them enough recently, that I'm not worried at all.  Right now, thinking I'm doing 335, 225, and I'm leaning 385 for DL opener. 


Dream scenario would be a 375, 275, 450, but that'd be a stretch on bench I think. 


And I haven't been cutting for awhile.  I was originally going to cut down to the 205 class, but with all the life crap lately, I just decided to compete in the 231 class.  I'll be somewhere between 220 and 225. 

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Video session from Saturday's openers test / gear test.  That's right.  Singlet goodness in below video.  Honestly, everything felt heavy, but from the video and from my training I know I can nail all of these any day of the week.  Left elbow and right hip have been flaring up on my lately, so I'll be focusing on getting those healthy before the meet.  Otherwise, let's just go have some fun.  :)


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Video session from Saturday's openers test / gear test.  That's right.  Singlet goodness in below video.  Honestly, everything felt heavy, but from the video and from my training I know I can nail all of these any day of the week.  Left elbow and right hip have been flaring up on my lately, so I'll be focusing on getting those healthy before the meet.  Otherwise, let's just go have some fun.   :)


Looking good. The speed on all of those warmup sets was super fast. I thought the bench attempt looked easy too, even with a long pause. 

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The iron never lies.


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Looking good. The speed on all of those warmup sets was super fast. I thought the bench attempt looked easy too, even with a long pause. 


Yeah.  I actually dropped 10lbs off my planned Bench Opener and 20lbs off my planned Deadlift opener just to make sure I nail the first ones, then worry about the big weights.  


August 15th, 2015

Time:  45 minutes

Just screwed around with Front Squats, Front Rack Holds, High Bar Back Squats, and High Bar Holds.  Worked up to 185 single Front Squat, then a 315 Front Rack Hold, then up to a 225 single Back Squat, then up to a 455 High Bar Hold.  Also, did a negative Low Bar Back Squat at 405 just to see what the descent would feel like.  It was shaking as hell.  Wouldn't feel real confident going that high in the comp.


August 18th, 2015

Time:  25 minutes

Just worked up 3 triples at 185 on Bench.  Easy-peezy.  This'll be the last workout (if you even want to call it that) until Saturday.  Feeling good.  Should be a fun time.  

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If I don't remember to drop in before your meet, good luck. Smash some fucking weight, bro.

My training log




Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (USS), April 16th Contest report


Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (NAS), April 18th Contest report

Eighth Annual Vis Vires Outdoor Strongman Competition (Unsanctioned), August 1st Contest report


"What's the difference between an injury that you train around and an injury that you train through?"

"A trip to the hospital"

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