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Rooks - Tracking the Daily Grind...

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The weight right now is way more evenly distributed then a sledge.  I'd assume as you get better with it and mount more weight to the end it would feel more end loaded.  But yeah... it's way longer at least then my sledges.  Don't have exact specs, but yeah.  It's fun to play with and I get torched in just a few minutes usually.  Biggest issue I have right now is I really have no idea how much this will help / hurt my bench or if it'll help my shoulder health.  


Probably a waste of money for me, but whatever... can't take it with you right?  

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The weight right now is way more evenly distributed then a sledge. I'd assume as you get better with it and mount more weight to the end it would feel more end loaded. But yeah... it's way longer at least then my sledges. Don't have exact specs, but yeah. It's fun to play with and I get torched in just a few minutes usually. Biggest issue I have right now is I really have no idea how much this will help / hurt my bench or if it'll help my shoulder health.

Probably a waste of money for me, but whatever... can't take it with you right?

Why a waste? If it helps at all with the shoulder health and longevity then it was worth it.

I know my shoulders felt much better when I was doing swings with the sledge and I was doing a shit ton of overhead work.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

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Don't push the Vibrams volume fast at all. I got multiple foot stress fractures that way. The bets way for my to guage was once there was soreness while running, call it a day and walk the rest.

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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Don't push the Vibrams volume fast at all. I got multiple foot stress fractures that way. The bets way for my to guage was once there was soreness while running, call it a day and walk the rest.


Yeah.  I know.  Just gotta accept that I can't go that far in them yet and work on it as much as I can.  It would help if there were some off-road trails nearby, but living in the concrete jungle, I'm always afraid of stepping in dog crap from the lazy dog owners running just off the trail in the grass.  


Why a waste? If it helps at all with the shoulder health and longevity then it was worth it.

I know my shoulders felt much better when I was doing swings with the sledge and I was doing a shit ton of overhead work.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk


Guess I'm just sort of questioning whether it was worth $200 on what is in essence a warm-up / health tool that I could probably build a make-shift version of for far cheaper.  It's just what I do though.  I 2nd guess all my expenditures after I spend the money.  

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September 10th, 2015

Time:  60 minutes


(load/reps x sets)

Hang Snatch - 45/3, 55/3, 65/3 x 2

Hang Clean - 65/3, 95/3 x 2

Squat Jerk - 95/2 x 3

Snatch Grip Deadlifts (w/ Straps) - 225/3, 275/2 x 2

Front Squat (EMOM) - 185/2 x 5


Oly day.  All the lifts felt way better today.  I was able to catch things and ride them into the hole and have everything dead center.  Felt great.  Gives me hope that someday I'll be able to do something respectable.  Just gotta keep grooving the movements.  Snatch Grip Deads went great.  275 felt surprisingly easy, but I couldn't get my damn grip to stay wide.  With the straps, I wasn't loosing grip, but the straps were sliding inwards on the bar.  Front squats also felt good, but figured I do them EMOM to really hit the cardio.  Wanted to do some HIIT work, but time was short today.  


Also, did more ShoulderRok today.  Even bumped it up to 5lbs.  Felt really good on my dominate hand, but could tell it was a struggle for my non-dominant hand.  Dropped back to 2.5lbs and did a handful more swings with both sides for good measure.



Besides the barbell hold, sets were E3MOM.  Everything was easy here.  Next week I'll bump the time down to 2:45 between sets to see how much that impacts things.  Barbell hold was pretty as per usual.  Did it today on my Fringe Bomba barbell which doesn't have knurling in the middle, but is 28.5mm instead of the standard 29mm Powerlifting bar.  Overall, still brutal.  Dropped it at like 28 seconds on my left hand of the 2nd set.  Overall, another good day.

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September 11th, 2015

Time:  60 minutes


Overhead Press - 135/2, 155/1, 175/0, 165/0

Deadlift - 385/1, 435/1, 455/0


Planned to go for a run today.  Should have gone for a run today.  Wanted to lift heavy crap so I did with a "Shortgorilla" workout.  Set a new OHP PR at 155.  Given how 135 went up I thought I'd have a least 165... apparently not.  Deadlift, worked up to a heavy single.  Again, wanted to prove I could pull 450+, but again failed.  Not a great day, but whatever.  Hopefully get a run in tomorrow morning.

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September 15th, 2015

Time:  60 minutes


(load/reps x sets)

LBBS - 330/2 x 3

HBBS - 315/2 x 3

Competition Bench - 185/5 x 4

Competition Bench w/ Slingshot - 185/10 x 2

Random Back Exercises until it felt tired


Working sets were E2:30MOM (excluding the switch over to Bench and warm-ups sets there).  Last set of bench was pushing it pretty hard.  But my program has benching working a bit harder then Squat.  Also, back has always been a weakness so I'm adding back stuff into most if not all workouts for now.  Tried pull-ups but couldn't get anything done.


Also, as I promised awhile ago, once I get the program squared away, I'd post it.  Let me know if you have any questions.  Basically going to do this same program with shorter and shorter intervals until the race.  Only 3.5 weeks until this race.  



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What were the back exercises?


I'm also putting an increased focus on back work lately. Lots of lat pulldowns, seated rows, Yates rows, Pendlay rows, and Kroc rows if I stop being a bitch on squat days.


Have anything I can steal?

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The one I primarily focused on today was the 2nd exercise talked about in this video.  Just standing cable rope row, but I found his tip of not gripping the rope very firm extremely helpful today to get the back to fire a bit more.  Pull-ups if I can manage them, but I'm so bad at them that I'm lucky to get 2 per set.  

I haven't tried his first exercise yet, but seems interesting.  But yeah... I need to get more into Pendlay and Yates rows and stuff. 


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Yea, I'm subscribed to his channel.


1. Yea, I've never done them with a barbell before. Just DBs and cables

2. Again, I've done these, but not with the rope attachment

3. I can't do pullups cause of the bum shoulder...insert sad face


Hoping for a crazy strong back in a few months

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September 16th, 2015

Time:  45 minutes


(load/reps x sets)

Front Squat - 185/3, 225/1, 255/1 (PR), 275/0

Front Holds - 315/1 x 5

Cleans - 95/1 x 3, 115/1 x 3

Snatch Catch - 115/1


Taking 3 days off work so I had yesterday off work.  Originally intended on getting outside and doing Snatch and Full Clean & Jerk work, but it was raining all day here so switched it up to Front Squats and Cleans.  Hit a PR in the Front Squat of only 5lbs.  Damn near had 275, but just couldn't get the back to hold firm right out of the hole.  For the front holds, I walked the weight out then did 3 bounces a piece (similar to the below video with a walkout).  By the 4th one I was surprised at how much more comfortable it was feeling.  Cleans felt great.  115 felt really easy and I think I was doing quite well catching and riding the weight down.  Not sure how my bar path is doing, but soon I'll take some more video.  The snatch was just stupid thing I figured I'd try and the end.  Damn... it felt great.  Caught it perfect and just sat there in a full ATG with it overhead for like 5 seconds.  I'm pretty pumped to see that my Oly stuff is improving already.  Surprise surprise.  Just doing it helps.  (DUH!)


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September 22th, 2015

Time:  60 minutes


(load/reps x sets)

HBBS - 265/5 x 3

LBBS - 265/5 x 3

Competition Bench - 230/2 x 4

Competition Bench w/ Slingshot - 230/5 x 2

Rope Cable Pull 120/10 x 3

Pendlay Row 135/5 x 3

Did the Squat and Bench sets at E2:30MOM again.  Was quite winded at the end of the Squats, but got it back on the Bench.  Decided to go with High Bar first today.  Man it was feeling perfect today.  Felt way better than the Low Bar reps, but I'm not totally sure if that's just because it was the 4th through 6th sets.  Threw in the back stuff again as I need it.  My back is so damn weak.

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Watched Duffin's interview with Layne Norton over the past day.  My first real exposure with him other then knowing he set the IPF world record squat in the 93kg class at Worlds this year.  Good stuff.  Basic stuff (at least IMO) about just knowing your goals and keep working towards them.  


Also, I really need to meet Duffin some day though.  Him telling the stories about the home remodel project, priceless.  Good stuff.


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September 26th, 2015

Time:  50 minutes


(load/reps x sets)

HBBS - 330/2 x 3

LBBS - 330/2 x 3

Competition Bench - 185/5 x 4

Competition Bench w/ Slingshot - 185/10 x 2


E2MOM for all working sets.  Blazed through this workout and was quite gassed at the end.  Didn't do any accessories because I was a bit crunched for time.  That said... everything went up.  High Bar once again went first and felt very solid.  Almost lost the 2nd rep of the 2nd set of Low Bar forward, but saved it and got it up.  Overall, very happy to know I can get through this at E2MOM.  That said, the next workout could be brutal at that frequency with the 6 sets of 5 rep squats.  We'll see though...

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Are you having trouble with your calves any other time?

Are you still running in minimalist footwear?


Well it first calved up on my run on Wednesday last week.  On Saturday during my workout, it felt a minor twinge early in the workout, but other than that, it held firm and didn't really bother me.  Then today it cramped up almost immediately.


And yes.  Still running in my Vibrams.  Actually just thought about trying the next run in my Ascics to see if that feels better.

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And yes.  Still running in my Vibrams.  Actually just thought about trying the next run in my Ascics to see if that feels better.

I love minimalist shoes but I choose to run in clunky old running shoes because of this issue. You can train yourself past it but you have to start slow and build it like it's a new skill..

You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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October 3rd, 2015

Time:  60 minutes


(load/reps x sets)

Competition Bench - 225/1, 245/1, 260/0

Competition Bench w/ Slingshot - 225/5 x 5

Pendlay Rows - 135/5 x 5

Barbell Shrugs - 315/5 x 3


Calf is still a bit tender and I'm t-minus 7 days from my race.  Should be interesting to see if holds up during the race.  Probably will do a 1 mile test on Wednesday to see if I'm good to go.  Today was more just a goof around session.  Figured I'd see if I could nail 260 on Bench.  Annihilated 245, but 260 was a no go.  Such is life.  Next time.  Pendlay rows felt pretty easy today so might bump the weight next time.  Also, need to start coming up with my new program.  Going to do a full cycle 10 week cycle with an attempt at my Prilepin programming to see how things work.  

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Do you enjoy programming as much as I do? Lol I feel like it's the closest thing I get to video games these days.

And bump the weight up on those rows!

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

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Do you enjoy programming as much as I do? Lol I feel like it's the closest thing I get to video games these days.

And bump the weight up on those rows!

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk


I do especially now that I think I'm getting an idea on what it takes to really make progress having run through SL 5x5 to start (high volume) and 5/3/1 (linear progression and lower in volume).  I want something with a bit more volume than 5/3/1, plus I've been tossing around the idea of trying to get some sort of Trainer certification to see if I could swing it on the side in some fashion, so trying my hand on my own personal programming would be a good test to see if I have any ideas on how things work for myself.

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