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Rooks - Tracking the Daily Grind...

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Well... 2 days post race.  The chunk of skin that ripped off my hand is healing up nicely thanks to a good bath in Peroxide followed by 2 days of Neosporin.  That said, I've got aches, I've got loads of bruises, and I'm pretty darn proud that I made it through this one.  Given I did hardly any training what-so-ever due to stupidity then injury, it's good to know I have a baseline that's good enough to basically do something like this.  Probably won't do much in terms of working out until Thursday, and that will probably be some light days getting back into my next lifting program.  Going to have 3 days of Powerlifting, 1 day of Oly lifting, and 1 General Fitness day where I just do something I want to get better at (running, handstands, pistol squats, jumping rope, etc.).  I've attempted 5 day a week programs before and I usually ended up cutting one of the days, but I'm hopeful this time will be different with the intent being that I WANT to do stuff in the 5th day since I get to pick the task.

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October 15th, 2015


It's been a pretty shit-tastic 3 days, leaving me in a pretty dark place.  I won't get into it too much, but basically a funeral hit home way harder than I thought it would on Tuesday, followed by another doctor's appointment for my daughter on Wednesday that had me wondering what good the whole fucking health care system is.  I literally, at one point, wanted to punch the doctor in the face, but I have no idea why.  He was being professional and wasn't being insensitve with anything he said, but I was angry and he was telling me bad news.  Just human emotion I guess.  Add in the (completely justified) emotions of my wife in the week, and it's been draining to say the least.  Desperately needed to get into the gym today just for my own sanity.  Originally intended this to be lighter workout getting back into the groove, but I needed some time in the void, as Dave Tate would say.  


Duration:  65 minutes


(load/reps x sets)

HBBS (E3MOM) - 260/5 x 6

Comp. Bench (E3MOM) - 180/5 x 4

Comp. Bench w/ Slinghsot (E3MOM) - 195/7 x 2

Pendlay Row (EMOM) - 145/5 x 5


Notes:  EMOM is probably a bit fast for the rows.  Form was pretty sloppy on the last set.  Everything else felt surprisingly easy for the weights.  And for now, I'm going full High Bar again.  It just feels better to me.

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Your daughter is in my thoughts constantly. Keep driving on.


EMOM on the rows doesn't work for me either. Need 2 min at least. Can't wait to get my new bar, one of the things I'll be doing is supersets e1.5mom or e2mom which will make the row rest 3 or 4 minutes.

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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From HoH thread:

One of the last nice days outdoors here in Minneapolis, so went outside to give my weightlifting a go (note, I have to go outside for Oly stuff as my basement gym isn't high enough for overhead stuff).  Form is still downright terrible.  Things go from feeling stupid easy (the openers on both of these lifts) to just feeling stupid heavy.  But maybe that's how Oly lifting goes.  Much less "grindy" than powerliffting.  Either way... I like that it's getting easier and I'm not "Power"-ing everything.  Actually do something that my resemble a true Snatch or Clean.  155lbs was my PR on C&J last time and it felt stupid easy this time around.  I just got super greedy and jumped too much.

  • 95lbs (43.10kg)
  • X - 115lbs (52.16kg) - Failed as I pressed this out.  Also sorts of crazy going on here.
  • 115lbs (52.16kg) - Definitely a Power Snatch, but I believe that still counts in competition.
Clean & Jerk
  • 155lbs (70.31kg)
  • X - 185lbs (83.91kg) - First time my bumpers have been dropped from height.  Held up nicely, although my wife said the entire house shook.   :)
  • X - 185lbs (83.91kg) - Just had nothing left.  


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Duration:  50 minutes


(load/reps x sets)

Deadlift (E3MOM) - 305/5 x 5

OHP (E2:30MOM) - 105/5 x 6

Standing Cable Rope Pulls - 120 (setting) /10 x 3


Surprised I actually crammed all this into 50 minutes, but got going fast and hit it hard.  Warm-ups sets were almost negligible time between sets.  I was in a hurry since I had parent teacher conference for daughter tonight (yes, they already have them even though she's not even 2).  Either way... I honestly couldn't remember the last time I did a full deadlift routine.  Probably before my meet in August.  305 felt heavy.  That said, I had no trouble getting through the 5 sets, and I suppose not having really deadlifting more than singles in awhile would make this happen..  OHP felt stupid light, but that was the percentage I had programmed.  We'll see how the following weeks go, but I might have to bump that estimated 1RM up.  


Plan on getting in a Squat / Bench session tomorrow, and then something on Friday or Saturday.  Probably some simple cardio or something.  
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Duration:  65 minutes
(load/reps x sets)
HBBS (E3MOM) - 260/5 x 6
Comp. Bench (E2:30MOM) - 180/5 x 5
Comp. Bench w/ Slinghsot (E2:30MOM) - 195/7 x 3
Pendlay Row - 145/5 x 5
Barbell Shrug - 315/5 x 3
10/24/2015 - 10/25/2015
Over the weekend, my wife and I went off the a church retreat sans kiddo (grandma was super pumped to take the kiddo all weekend long).  It was a good refreshing weekend mentally, but physically it was a bit tiring.  Lots of walking, and did some camp things (climbing wall, zip lines, crate-stacking).  I think the rock climbing really taxed my arms.  After all of it, my biceps felt really sore, liked I'd bench 4 or 5 days in a row.  Interesting to say the least.  
Duration:  50 minutes
(load/reps x sets)
HBBS (E3MOM) - 280/4 x 6
Comp. Bench (E2:30MOM) - 190/4 x 5
Comp. Bench w/ Slinghsot (E2:30MOM) - 210/5 x 3

Biceps weren't really loose yet from the weekend, but went with the bench stuff as well.  Decided to scrap any accessory work to just keep it a bit light.  

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Your climbing experience is typical for a noob, especially a gymrat noob. That's not to say climbers aren't strong, they are. They, however, learn that efficient is far more important. They learn to spent less time with their muscles all crunched up and more time with their weight distributed optimally, weight on their feet as much as is reasonable and with relaxed arms.

You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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Your climbing experience is typical for a noob, especially a gymrat noob. That's not to say climbers aren't strong, they are. They, however, learn that efficient is far more important. They learn to spent less time with their muscles all crunched up and more time with their weight distributed optimally, weight on their feet as much as is reasonable and with relaxed arms.


I quickly learned that when I tried the "hard" side of the wall (i.e. the knobs were significantly smaller).  Suddenly I couldn't muscle everything and if my weight started getting away from the wall, I quickly started slipping from the knobs.  My running shoes did not help matters either.  Good experience though.  Made me want to install a bunch of those knobs on my basement wall and just practice moving from side to side.  :)

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I quickly learned that when I tried the "hard" side of the wall (i.e. the knobs were significantly smaller).  Suddenly I couldn't muscle everything and if my weight started getting away from the wall, I quickly started slipping from the knobs.  My running shoes did not help matters either.  Good experience though.  Made me want to install a bunch of those knobs on my basement wall and just practice moving from side to side.   :)

You can buy packs of hand holds pretty cheap. They come with universal mounting devices you can install in plywood then shift the grips in and out as needed. You could also just buy a hangboard depending on whether you're thinking about movement or hand strength.

You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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You can buy packs of hand holds pretty cheap. They come with universal mounting devices you can install in plywood then shift the grips in and out as needed. You could also just buy a hangboard depending on whether you're thinking about movement or hand strength.


I just like the idea of functional strength.  And that seems very functional.  It's actually one of the hang-ups I've been having with just a powerlifting focus lately.  How much carry over does it really have?  I like doing it, so I don't see myself stopping anytime soon, but once you get passed say a 1.5x BW squat... is there really more carry over to be gained?  

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I just like the idea of functional strength.  And that seems very functional.  It's actually one of the hang-ups I've been having with just a powerlifting focus lately.  How much carry over does it really have?  I like doing it, so I don't see myself stopping anytime soon, but once you get passed say a 1.5x BW squat... is there really more carry over to be gained?  


You're starting to sound like a Kettlebeller.  Not that that's a bad thing. ;)


I've been meaning to get some handholds stuck to my basement wall too.

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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Duration:  70 minutes


(load/reps x sets)

Sumo Deadlift - 325/1 

Conventional Deadlift (E3MOM) - 325/4 x 5

OHP (E2MOM) - 115/4 x 6

Standing Cable Rope Pulls - 120 setting/10 x 3


Deadlift warm-up took a long time as I was doing sets of Sumo and Conventional.  Hit a pretty easy single at 325.  Still think I can do more conventional, but I think I'm beginning to understand the mechanics behind the sumo pull.  It's an entirely different beast.  Seems like it's harder to break the floor, but easy once you do that.  Otherwise, nothing to report.  Right arm got a bit grumpy on the final 2 sets of OHP, but I'll mobilize it tonight and tomorrow's a rest day so should be fine for Thursday bench session.  Cable rope pulls to get some back work and that was a wrap as I was out of time.  Wanted to do Coan Barbell holds, but such is life.

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1. Are we losing you too??? Curl already left us for the Rangers, are you next?

2. Aw yisss! Sumo! Yeah one of the biggest differences between the two is the speed off the floor and speed at lockout. I've actually have tried slowing down/being okay with it being slow off the floor and then exploding through lockout.

3. We are usually subscribed to the same YouTubez but I'll drop this here anyway...


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1. Are we losing you too??? Curl already left us for the Rangers, are you next?

2. Aw yisss! Sumo! Yeah one of the biggest differences between the two is the speed off the floor and speed at lockout. I've actually have tried slowing down/being okay with it being slow off the floor and then exploding through lockout.

3. We are usually subscribed to the same YouTubez but I'll drop this here anyway...


Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk


Losing me to the Rangers?  Nah... I mean, my goal has always been to get a 2000lb Super Total, so sooner or later I always had plans to get Oly stuff in the mix.  And I never want to become the giant who can't move 5 steps without breathing heavy.  That said, core of the training will be the big 3 for a long while.  


Sumo pulls still an experiment but will probably keep them into the warm-ups going up to a single every DL day with them.  Can't hurt right?


I'll check out the Norton video later.  


Duration:  70 minutes
(load/reps x sets)
HBBS (E3MOM) - 280/4 x 6
Comp. Bench (E2:30MOM) - 190/4 x 5
Comp. Bench w/ Slinghsot (E2:30MOM) - 210/6 x 3
Pendlay Rows - 145/5 x 5
Coan Barbell Hold - 95/30 sec per hand
Tried to get 2 sets of the barbell hold but kiddo start asking for me mid-set.  
Duration:  50 minutes
(load/reps x sets)
Squat Jerk - 95/5 x 3, 105/5 x 3, 115/5 x 3
Snatch Grip Deadlift w/ Straps - 275/3 x 5

Paused Front Squats - 185/3 x 5

Front Rack Hold - 225, 315


Oly Day.  The Jerks were basically just catch and holds since again, my basement doesn't allow me to go completely up.  Overall, back was feeling quite toasted after this workout which is what I was hoping for with this stuff.  

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Duration:  60 minutes


(load/reps x sets)

HBBS (E3MOM) - 310/3 x 5

Comp. Bench (E2:30MOM) - 210/3 x 5

Comp. Bench w/ Slinghsot (E2:30MOM) - 235/5 x 3


Getting heavier, but everything still moved well, especially the bench stuff.  That was just flying today.  No accessory work as time was an issue.  

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Duration:  70 minutes


(loads/reps x sets)

Sumo Deadlift - 360/1

Conventional Deadlift - 360/3 x 6

Overhead Press - 125/3 x 6

Standing Cable Rope Pulls - 120 setting/10 x 3


Damn... I was wasted after those deadlifts.  But I needed them because of some stupid crap going at work.  Literally got out of meeting where people were talking about stupid ideas that we've done in the past that have come back and bit us, and now suddenly talking about them like it won't hurt us to do it again.  Nobody wants to admit that skimping out on Dev time up front will bit you in the long run when you have to spending weeks upon weeks fixing bugs in a live system.  Ugh... like I said... I needed it.  

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