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Rooks - Tracking the Daily Grind...

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I'll be interested to see how it goes. I've looked at PH3 before. One of these days, I'm going to give writing my own programming another go. Did you see Chad Wesley Smith's YouTube video the other day on progressive overload? Watching videos like that makes me feel like I could design some successful programs for myself.

The iron never lies.


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Program Plan Here:  PH3 Trainer Week 1 Day 2
(load/reps x sets)
DB Incline Bench - 70/6, 70/6
Cable Lat Pulldown - 130/8 x 2, 130/6
Cable Row - 150/6 x 2
Seated DB Military - 50/8 x 2
DB Curl - 40/6 x 3, 35/6 x 2
BFR Cable Machine Curl - 50/20, 50/10 x 3
Ez-Bar Skullcrushers - 75/7, 75/8 x 2, 75/7, 75/6
BFR Cable Rope Pulldowns - 60/20, 60/10 x 3


Another bro day.  Had to get this in before 9am as I was giving blood today at 9am for my work's blood drive.  Overall, felt good again with one exception.  Heavy skullcrushers with the EZ Bar seem to irritate my left elbow a bit so I'll mobilize that tonight with some voodoo floss and a lacrosse ball.  Otherwise nothing new and exciting.  Just the same old boring stuff.  Getting the work in....

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(load/reps x sets)
Squat - 300/2, 225/1


Well, I'm officially scrapping PH3 for now.  Attempted Week 1 twice and on Day 3 I just feel like shit.  Last week it was Bench, this week it was Squat.  And this was even on a extra day of rest (was supposed to do this workout yesterday).  I'm not sure what the deal is, but I was supposed to 300 for 3 sets of 7 today.  I got 2 reps done and just didn't feel like I could get even close to 7.  275 was my last warm-up and felt heavy enough.  How do I knock out 280 for 2 sets of 9 3 days again, and can barely move 300 today (or at least that's how it felt)?  My only thought right now is that this Whole30 is just sapping all my energy since I'm at such a caloric deficit.  I don't know.  I'm 20 days in... 10 more to go.  Don't have any clue what I'm going to do for training... I'll just make some crap up and move I guess.  

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I have no idea what PH3 is but it sounds like you're doing the right thing, for now. Good luck grinding out your last 10 days of wholen-ness. 


Honestly, I've been surprised at how little of a "grind" it's been.  I've only felt FULL once during this whole time, but I rarely feel hungry unless I come up way short on a meal and most of the time that's pretty easy to spot (a few times I've had 4-5 oz of meat and small side of veggies which is clearly not enough).  That's said, I clearly have some issues with food (and I say that lightly as they aren't severe issues), but there's been multiple times when doing this that I've asked myself the question, "Where is my relief going to come from if I can't have beer or sweets?"  And shortly after asking myself that question, I realize that even asking that is a bit of a problem.  If I'm relying on that stuff as a stress relief that's not a healthy option.  So yeah... I'll be curious to see where I'm at 6 months from now.  If I'm back to 6-7 beers a week or if I toned things down quite a bit.  


And PH3 is a program created by Layne Norton (IPF Runner-up at 93kg in 2015 and PhD in Nutrition), just for your reference if you were curious at all.  

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I've finally come to the point of accepting that I'm going to have either a beer or ice cream every day. I just try to be pretty strict with my diet content for everything else, the ol' 80/20 rule, and just plan the calories 200-300 short to account for the beer or ice cream.

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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Yea, I came in at 84kg (lowest in about 6 weeks, maybe more) and after having a rough week (one kid sick with the flu, baby having an overnight stay at the hospital after 7 hours in the ER) I bought a 6 pack of Guiness and candy. 

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(load/reps x sets)

HBBS (No sleeves, no belt) - 155/10 x 3

Competition Bench - 140/8 x 6

Fat Grip Deadlifts - 140/3 x 6


Starting light again.  Low weight, high rep for now.  Low back has been bugging me, more then just sore.  Been spending at least 15 minutes mobilizing every day and just keeps aching.  It feels good when I'm working out... so that's something.  The Fat Grip Deadlifts were indented to be sets of 10... but it once again those little plastic handles showed me who's boss.  I'll keep plugging away with 135 until sets of 10 can be done.  Can only help with my grip and form.  

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(load/reps x sets)

5 rounds at E2:30MOM:

  • 5 Inverted Rows
  • 10 Goblet Squats w/ 35lb KB
  • 10 Push-ups
  • 10 KB Swings w/ 35lb KB

Green Band Assisted Wide Grip Pullups:  4, 3, 3

ShoulderRok Swings:  5lbs 20 (10 on each side)


This week got crazy at work and just ran out of time all week.  Low back has been feeling terrible lately, so I've been trying to mobilize hips, hamstrings, core, and back a ton lately.  It gets better 1 day, worse the next.  Not sure what's going on.  That said, today's HIIT style workout seemed to helped loosen things up.  And I followed this up with probably 1.5 miles of walking up to the park and back with the wife and kiddo.  Got to take advantage of the mid 50's day here in Minneapolis.  


Book Report:  Level Up Your Life by Steve Kamb


Honestly, going in, I didn't think I was going to get that much out of this book.  We've all read his blog posts, it's basically going to be just a summary of those, right?  But I figured what the hell.  I'll order up a copy and give a read if nothing else, but to support the man who created NF, the place that changed my life for the better.  That said, it was a very solid read.  Tons of reminders to great blog posts I have read, and enough new stuff to keep it interesting.  Plus, Steve's just a damn good writer.



Got out for a walk.  Decided to up the difficulty and wear 5lb ankle weights on each leg.  28:36 for 2.5km.  Good to get out.  




Also, today is Day 30 of my Whole 30.  Tomorrow is weigh-in and measurements and then next two weeks will be re-introductions of foods.  Tomorrow is alcohol in the form of Tequila!


Life Stuff:

Alright.  For anyone still reading, got something for you.  If you follow you, you probably know about my daughter's brain tumor.  Well, I'm stepping up and raising money for an event where people shave their heads for Childhood Cancer Funding.  I'm trying to hit $2,500 in just over 5 days (event is March 5th).  Found out about it Friday, discussed with wife Saturday, first social media went out this morning.  I've never done anything like this, but clearly, I'm not doing too bad as I'm already at $2,100 in only 12 hours.  Anyway, if you feel so compelled any amount is awesome even a $1.  Check out my FB post here (I hope I made it public) and Instagram posts about it.  Not going to embed the Instagram post since the text matters in this case.  Anyway... 




Wovercast, I'm giving you a big shout-out!  So appreciate you giving a gift already.  You da man!  Thank you!

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Do you need to borrow some clippers for this?


Nope.  All provided already.  I think the event is sponsored by SportClips and people volunteer to do the shaving.  We'll see how it goes.  


My pleasure man. Hope you hit your goal, and definitely want some good news from you in the future.


So yeah... I hit my goal in 13 hours.  I'm a bit dumb-founded.  I've now bumped it up to $3300 (I turn 33 this year so we'll see how fast I get there).  



Raw Monday

(load/reps x sets)

Back Squats (No Sleeves, No Belt) - 285/1, 315/1, 185/4, 185/8 x 4

Competition Bench (No Wraps) - 135/8, 155/8 x 4

Conventional Deadlift - 135/3 x 2

Sumo Deadlift - 135/3 x 2

Fat Gripz Deadlift - 135/3 x 3


No use of anything today.  Monday are going to be my movement days to get in do some high rep work and get the blood flowing.  Squats sort of got in my head as 315 was ugly.  I've done that paused before but it was a morning workout so yeah and I've been slacking on my workouts overall lately.  Bench was no problems at all.  Deadlift was super light and just speed pulls with the lower back still a bit tender.  


So morning weigh-in and measurements:   

  • Shoulders:  50.25" (-0.75")
  • Forearm (Right):  11.5" (-0.5") 
  • Calf (Right):  15.75" (-0.75") 
  • Thigh (Right):  26.5" (-0.5")
  • Waist:  41.75" (-0.125")
  • Hips:  41" (-2.0")
  • Bicep (Right):  14.0" (-0.5")
  • Chest:  41.75" (-2.0" 
  • Weight:  211.2lbs (-12.4lbs) 

Overall, pretty much what I expected.  Not bad for a months worth of just eating clean and cutting out the crap.  My gut most definitely is the stubborn area (like a lot of people) and hasn't changed much.  Sort of makes me look fatter since the rest of me went down in size.  That said, my quads look a lot better.  :)  Anyway, we'll see how things go in the next couple weeks.  Would be nice to be down to a stable 93kg to easily compete there.  

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My only thought right now is that this Whole30 is just sapping all my energy since I'm at such a caloric deficit.  I don't know.

Almost surely. The plan you were doing was a carb gorger (when it burns, that's purely burned up carbs, a lot of them), whole30 provides a pitiful supply. Layne is one of the IIFYM gurus, eating a high carb intake for peak performance is part of it.

I've finally come to the point of accepting that I'm going to have either a beer or ice cream every day. I just try to be pretty strict with my diet content for everything else, the ol' 80/20 rule, and just plan the calories 200-300 short to account for the beer or ice cream.

This is how one goes about winning.

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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Almost surely. The plan you were doing was a carb gorger (when it burns, that's purely burned up carbs, a lot of them), whole30 provides a pitiful supply. Layne is one of the IIFYM gurus, eating a high carb intake for peak performance is part of it.

This is how one goes about winning.

Gasp!  The great Waldo has graced my thread.  


But seriously, whole heartedly agree.  That said, I'm still glad I tried doing a Whole30.  It's the first time I've ever flat out tried to be very conscious of my food intake and not just eat whatever is in front of my face.  I'm a sugar junky.  People bring donuts in, I'm the guy that eats 4 of the dozen.  And really I get that comes to self-discipline and I think the Whole30 started to instill some of that in me. 


I just picked up JTSStrength's The Renaissance Diet today as my next read through related to diet (might be a few months though).  Been watching some of their Youtube videos that feature Dr. Mike Israetel so he got me intrigued to give his book a read.  

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(load/reps x sets)

5 rounds E2:30MOM:

  • 5 Inverted Rows
  • 10 Goblet Squats w/ 35lb DB
  • 10 Push-ups
  • 10 Stiff Legged Deadlifts @ 135lbs

Almost went for a 6th round, but I wimped out.


Then did 10 minutes at a 5.0 incline (not sure if that is degrees or just a setting on the treadmill) at 3.0MPH.  

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I just picked up JTSStrength's The Renaissance Diet today as my next read through related to diet (might be a few months though).  Been watching some of their Youtube videos that feature Dr. Mike Israetel so he got me intrigued to give his book a read.

It's my favorite nutrition for lifters guide I've ever read. IT's not a diet per say, though it has suggestions, more of a "this is how all this shit works, here's how to plan macros and nutrient timing around your needs and schedule."

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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