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1/26/2016 (Upper Body Day):


Internal/External Arm Rotations, 10 each per arm

LYTP circuit @ 5 lb, 10 each per arm


Overhead Press

45 x 5 x 1 

65 x 5 x 1

85 x 3 x 1

95 x 5 x 3

- Yay, I'm officially done with the <100lbs barbel work, next workout will be at 105.  These hurt my shoulder more than they have in the past; the tendons have been especially sore as of late.  Hopefully its like my knee was long ago, where the soreness and irritation from exercise was necessary to healing the tendons. 



10, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 4 

Total Volume - 44

- Rapidly progressing on these now.  Instead of pushing the max reps upward, I'm gonna try to flatten them out a bit and try to reduce the number of sets now that I've reached a max of 10.


Flat Bench Press

65 x 5 x 1

95 x 3 x 1

115 x 5 x 3

- I decided to jump + 20 instead of +10 to create some separation from the overhead press as its just weird to be overhead and bench pressing almost exactly the same weight.  Also wanted to put the 35s on there.  2 workouts until the big wheels.


EZ Bar Curls

65 lb - 12, 12, 10



BW - 9, 10

+20 - 5

- Progressing crazy fast on these.  Wanted to try holding a DB between my knees, give the mechanics of getting into it a try.  It worked great, the wide DBs the gym has are way easier to hold than my hex DB's.



15, 15 sec

- Did these in the dip station instead of on the floor.  Could have pushed for longer, but ab Doms absolutely suck, I'd rather not play with fire.


I must say, its been really reinvigorating to lift weights in the gym.  The BW stuff I did at home had grown really stagnant, progress was measured quarterly, if at all.  My motivation to continue to seek progress really started to tank there toward the end.  Linear progression is fun, I've almost forgotten what its like to make regular progress.  I realize this is fleeting, but still, my motivation to strength train has been totally recharged.

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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Ran about 4 miles last night.  Distance started to get to me toward the end.  But I'm to the point now again where running is easy unless I try hard.


1/28/2016 (Leg Day):


Front Squat

45 x 5 x 1

95 x 5 x 1

115 x 3 x 1

135 x 5 x 3

- Yay, big plates.  The last few workouts the final squat rep has been easier than the first, I can feel the CNS gains practically in real-time.  Its odd, it feels heavy, but I'm not actually getting very fatigued, and with each set, it feels less heavy.



135 x 5 x 1

185 x 3 x 1

205 x 5 x 2

- Decided against a 3rd set, and as I wanted to try RDLs.  I keep saying here (and to myself) I'm going to raise the weight 10 lbs, then when it comes time to put the plates on, I skip those little 5's.  After doing RDLs its pretty clear that I should just jump to 225 next leg day and add +20.


Romanian Deadlift

135 x 12 x 1

155 x 12 x 1

175 x 12 x 1 

185 x 12 x 1

- So I tried to find my 10RM and really didn't find it, but I thought it silly to be doing high rep RDLs at the same weigh I'm doing basic deadlifts, lol.  And my back was beat after that last set.  But I think doing RDL's at roughly your 10RM is one of the better posterior accessories.


Pistol Squat

7/7 reps

- Note to self, do pistol squats before deadlifts, especially on ham/glute emphasis leg day.


I'm sort of working out what I want to do for accessory work for the legs still.  I'm pretty happy with my quad emphasis day, over time doing more pistols and less deadlifts.  But glute/ham emphasis day, I just don't know.  I don't really care much for step ups or lunges.  Maybe I'll alternate natural ham curls and RDLs, though doing each exercise biweekly doesn't seem ideal.


I imagine I'm a very curious case for the barbel.  I've spent a lot of time building muscle and getting strong, but I've also never really lifted external loads.  I also have had a long layoff. It is clear I need the linear progression now, that bar feels heavy!  Reps are surprisingly not fatiguing though, it is tough to describe.  At the same time, stuff I have a history with, I can jump right in with bigger loads and rapidly progress on top of that.

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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1-29-2016 (Upper Body Day):

Overhead Press

45 x 5 x 1

65 x 5 x 1

95 x 5 x 1

105 x 5 x 3

- I'm curious where people typically first start getting stuck with the linear progression?  At some point I'm going to need to slow my roll with the 10 lb increases.  Do you usually set the safety bars in the power rack when doing these, or can you generally push press the bar back onto the rack after a failed rep?  I see some beginner males stall <100 lbs.  I should be good though to go to 115 next week, again the reps got easier as I went.  



10, 10, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3

Total Volume - 46

- Hopefully I can pull 10's across the board by a total volume of 60.


Flat Bench

45 x 5 x 1

95 x 5 x 1

115 x 3 x 1

135 x 5 x 3

- Yay, big plates on the bench, now only my OHP doesn't use big plates.  Bench is the exercise I most notice the CNS gains real-time.


Standing EZ Bar Curl 

65 - 12, 12, 10

- Boo, no progress here today.



+20 - 7, 7, 6

- Damn I'm making quick progress on these.  I'm going to ride out the reps at this weight for now instead of pushing up the load, I'd like to be a 10 reps on this exercise.



15, 15, 15 sec


Did a double bi flex in the locker room afterward.  Damn its been a long time since I did that with a nice pump.  My muscles appear to have almost sully regained their fullness, at least with a pump.

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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I wanna watch Waldo play with Iron.

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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Overhead Press

45 x 5 x 1

65 x 5 x 1

95 x 5 x 1

105 x 5 x 3

- I'm curious where people typically first start getting stuck with the linear progression?  At some point I'm going to need to slow my roll with the 10 lb increases.  Do you usually set the safety bars in the power rack when doing these, or can you generally push press the bar back onto the rack after a failed rep?  I see some beginner males stall <100 lbs.  I should be good though to go to 115 next week, again the reps got easier as I went.  


Not sure I follow you here.  With an Overhead Press "failure" the bar just comes back down to your shoulders and you rack the weight.  Where are you typically starting from?  

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Double posting now that I see there are actually questions in the comments.


OHP- I stalled around 115 for sets of 5 when I first started, but that was with no base strength. You've got the handstand work in and have a solid foundation, so my guess is you'll stall around 155 for sets of 5 at your bodyweight. My rec would be just to keep flying up with the 10 lb increases until you feel it starting to get hard, the drop to 5s, or just do 10 until you fail then back off a bit and do 2.5-5 lb increases from there. You're experienced, you know how to progress once you know where the wall is.


As far as bar position in the rack, I rack it in the notch below where I have it at the bottom position, the same spot I use when front squatting. Racking and unracking involves a few inches of leg bend and that's it. Are you racking/unracking at the top of the movement?


I need to find the dip station at my gym, it's the next chest exercise I want to start doing now that I have access to a non-ring dip station (I'm assuming this, I haven't seen one yet).

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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I'm not starting the OHP at the top of my rep, but a bit above the bottom. I suppose I should start it a notch or two lower to deal with a failed rep.

LIS, its sort of odd, maybe I'm just not used to lifting this way, but it feels heavy and hard, but isn't actually very fatiguing. The last rep feels notably easier than the first. I haven't done a rep yet on any exercise with a barbel where bar speed slows, and I certainly haven't done a grinding rep. I suppose I'm just used to training where there are no CNS gains of significance to be made and the fatigue level is higher. I think "wow that feels heavy" on the first rep, but by the last its still moving just fine. I've never experienced something like this, heck I almost struggle to assign an RPE.

Our dip station is a combo freestanding thing with a pullup bar. It also has these clips/holders for people with weak grip to do leg lifts. I usually start my chin work in the power rack, but migrate over to the freestanding bar once I'm done with OHP's and move the bench into the rack.

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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I'm sort of working out what I want to do for accessory work for the legs still.  I'm pretty happy with my quad emphasis day, over time doing more pistols and less deadlifts.  But glute/ham emphasis day, I just don't know.  I don't really care much for step ups or lunges.  Maybe I'll alternate natural ham curls and RDLs, though doing each exercise biweekly doesn't seem ideal.


Don't forget about Good Mornings. IF you can't do them with the weight on your back, then some large bands over your neck will work.

Pinterest: Alex's Paleo Wins - Recipes on Pinterest              Instagram: alexcold23             MFP: dalex916

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Quick suggestion as far as accessory exercises go: Face-pulls or reverse flys. Especially if you're still struggling with your shoulder, strengthening what's most likely the weakest part of it is a good idea, especially now that you're mostly training the front and side of your shoulders and they'll also look more impressive this way.


Well..this was supposed to end up in the challenge thread. The forum's been bugging around a lot as of late. Sorry bout that.

How about a glass of purgatory with a splash of heaven?

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...Back to the log.  No challenge for me this time.  Doing a whole lot of the same, not much in the way of gohlz.


Still cutting.  5/8" (2.5 lb) to go until I take a weeklong diet break.  Then more cutting.  Overall cut has progressed like clockwork.


I've got a nasty cold at the moment.


2-29-2016 (Leg Day - Quads)


Front Squat

45 x 5 x 1

135 x 5 x 1

165 x 3 x 1

175 x 3 x 1

185 x 3 x 1

190 x 5 x 3

- That last rep was tough, RPE of 9.  I think I rounded my back on the way up too.  Need to be more mindful of form on ramp up sets.  Still, hit reps, 195 next workout.


Pistol Squat 

BW - 10/10

+20 - 6/6

- Felt good to add weight.  In ways, weighted pistols are easier than BW pistols.



135 x 5 x 1

225 x 3 x 1

275 x 3 x 1

285 x 3 x 1

295 x 5 x 1

- Grip is starting to open up a little on later reps.  No risk of losing the bar, but I should figure out a hook grip.  Good to go to 305 next workout.  Closing in on 3 big plates.

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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Yeah, double overhand, same way I hold the bar for bench pressing.

I figure I should be able to get into high 300's before I have to seriously start adjusting things. I used to be able to one arm dead hang about 15 seconds (@200 lbs), even though the grip starts to open up after a couple seconds, I could hang on with the first knuckle for a while, that is much stronger than fully closed.

That's where I am now, I'm losing the fully closed grip on the later reps.

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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Damn... DOH for 5 reps at near 300 is impressive.  My grip starts failing at around 300 in DOH even for a single rep and I'm definitely not versed in the ways of the Hook Grip yet.  That said, with switch grip, I don't feel that I'm anywhere near my failure point yet at 440.  

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Damn... DOH for 5 reps at near 300 is impressive.  My grip starts failing at around 300 in DOH even for a single rep and I'm definitely not versed in the ways of the Hook Grip yet.  That said, with switch grip, I don't feel that I'm anywhere near my failure point yet at 440.

Grip and core are 2 places where cali should put you well ahead of the curve.

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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I'll still a little ill (as in cough, cough, not illin') though today was great in the weight room, had a lot of rawr, and lifted angry.  Love this workout, I get a great pump, feel like the hulk.

3-1-2016 (Upper Body Horizontal)

Bench Press
45 x 5 x 1
135 x 5 x 1
155 x 3 x 1
165 x 3 x 1
170 x 5 x 3
- I'm going to drop the 45 lb set from here on out and start at 135.  135 feels like a good warm up weight.  Last rep were a struggle each set, but I got em all.  175 next time I bench.


Chins - 5 

Tuck Front Lever - 6s, 5r, 10s, 7r, 10s

- I did those chins explosive as I could, the pullup bar stand struggled to cope and I felt like I was going to rocket through the ceiling, I got muscle-up height (bar to upper abs) for sure.  I'd like to do clap pulls on occasion, they always wow bystanders. Mixed reps "r" and holds "s" on the TFL's.  There is definitely still a sore spot there, FL work pulls directly on the sore tenon.  My shoulder hurt like heck all last week after doing them (or sleeping really bad one night, hard to pin it exactly), today though it felt much better.   If it is anything like my knee was (tendonosis not tendonitis) this is straight up therapy, working through pain is necessary to heal.


Neutral Lat Pull-Downs

230 - 5 p 3

190 - 10

- Farted around with the machine a bit and treated it like a rest pause set @ 230.  The set @ 190 was done explosively, wanted to get the 'ol wings a pump.



+30 - 8, 11

- Going to bump the weight to 35 next workout.


EZ Bar Curl

75 - 10, 7

- Usually set 2 is the better one, but my arms were dead by that point today.



30 sec

- These have gotten easy.  I'm going to keep doing them, see if I can't get back to full 60 sec hold.

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currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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For cardio I did T25 Beta Speed last night, running on tap tonight.

Waist measurement was 33 1/2" this AM. I've always noted that physical appearance is nonlinear as you lose size, it goes in steps, with dramatic overnight transformations at points, long stretches of looking the same in-between. I thought I remembered one of those points being ~34". I'm quite confident its 33 5/8" -> 33 1/2". Wow. I know for sure the next one is 31 7/8" -> 31 3/4".

Did a set of full body measurements, things are officially in serious WTF territory.

There are two times that it is clearly possible to gain "lean mass" while cutting.  Returning from a long break and just starting to work out.  In both instances, lean mass isn't really lean mass.  Muscle tissue isn't actually growing, instead local fuel storage is increasing, your muscles increase in size as you approach a trained state.  Fuel storage isn't infinite and eventually this process stops.  When returning from a long break, as big as you previously were *should* be a limit point.


My body is totally defying this concept. 2 weeks ago I did a set of full body measurements; I assumed that I had pretty much regained all "lost" mass that point.  My muscles were bigger than they've ever been by a bit.  I chalked up the size disparity to subcutaneous fat, I was also fatter than I'd been in a very long time. The problem is that today I'm bigger than I was 2 weeks ago almost across the board. But my waist as shrunk to the point where I'm within my old band, I have lots of history at this level of fatness.

The last time I was at this waist (and working out/measuring) was 6/1/2014, at the end of a bulk. I did one bulk afterwards, maybe gained 3 lbs (but didn't get as fat as I am now). Then I sort of went sideways and mostly stopped trying hard at strength training (and measuring). I was also taking creatine at the time and am not now (which should account for 2-3 lbs of muscle "mass", again really just energy storage).

A comparison, 6/1/2014 to today (3/2/2016):

Weight: 202.1 -> 209.6 (ish, I use a moving average and won't know the true value for a couple days)

Neck: 16.8 -> 16.6

Chest (Flexed): 48.8 -> 48.8

Chest (Unflexed): 45.5 -> 46.0

Waist: 33 3/8 -> 33 1/2 (1/8" bigger, pretty much inconsequential)

Hips: 35.6 -> 37.1

Glutes: 41.3 -> 43.3 (!!!)

Upper Thigh R: 25.3 -> 27.3 (!!!)

Mid Quad R: 24.5 -> 24.9

Above Knee R: 17.5 -> 18.0 (!!!)

Calf R: 16.1 -> 16.4

Upper Thigh L: 25.0 -> 27.0 (!!!)

Mid Quad L: 23.5 -> 24.3 (!!!)

Above Knee L: 17.0 -> 17.6 (!!!)

Calf L: 15.4 -> 15.8

Bi-Delt: 52.8 -> 52.9

Bicep (Flexed) R: 15.8 -> 16.3 (!!!)

Bicep (Unflexed) R: 14.3 -> 14.8 (!!!)

Forearm R: 13.0 -> 13.4 (!!!)

Bicep (Flexed) L: 15.1 -> 15.6 (!!!)

Bicep (Unflexed) L: 13.8 -> 14.6 (!!!)

Forearm L: 12.8 -> 13.0 (!!!)

Lean Mass: 174.1 -> 180.5

BF%: 13.8 -> 13.9

That is just not supposed to happen. Measurements are up vs. 2 weeks ago as well, despite losing 3/4" in the waist. The only possible explanations are that I was gaining real muscle mass while doing minimal to no strength training, and am now inflating it with fuel or that I am actually gaining real mass right now. My arms and legs have never been this big before.

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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I ran about 4 miles last night, my usual Wed night cardio.  Was just warm enough for it not to suck outside.


Finally tonight I'll reach a major milestone on the piece I'm working on in the shop:



I've been working on the back of the loveseat for weeks now.  First I had to do stock prep and cut the upper and lower cross members.  Then I had to measure and drill the dowels for each slat and mortise the ends of the upper member (the lower will have large dowels, the last step to making the back).  Then I had to prep the stock and cut out each of the slats, which was quite a bit of work because I was working with random bits of rough lumber, finally I had to shape each one by hand (30-45 minutes each, 15 total).  I have 1 slat to go to shape, and 3 left to glue.


Leg day glutes/hams on tap later today.

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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3-3-2016 (Leg Day Glutes/Hams):


Front Squat

45 x 5 x 1

135 x 5 x 1

175 x 3 x 1

185 x 3 x 1

195 x 5 x 3

- Made the reps, but man, I almost expected to fail rep 5 of the 3rd set.  I think when I do finally fail, I'm just going to drop back to 1 working set this workout and only increase squat weight on Mondays.  This workout is getting way too long.  200 on Monday though, I'm getting close to being at 1x BW 5RM.


Assisted Natural Ham Curls

Easy - 5, Hard - 5

- Pretty soon I'm going to have the courage to try one unassisted.  I feel like I'm close to being able to do one, I just take my hands away on the hard set with no boost.



135 x 5 x 1

225 x 5 x 1

285 x 3 x 1

295 x 3 x 1

305 x 5 x 1

- Focused on my grip a bit more, 295 was rock solid, later reps of 305 opened up a bit.  I have a long was to go though before I lose the bar.  Deadlift is still the easiest main lift, I'm not sure I'm even at RPE 7 yet, bar speed really doesn't even slow in the slightest.  315 next workout, which means both 3 big plates and that I'm past a 1.5x BW 5RM.


Romanian Deadlift

135 x 10 x 1

205 x 12 x 2

- Burn baby burn.  I'm pretty happy with this weight yet, gonna stay here again next week.  Maybe next week the scale will be less friendly and this will be 1x BW.


I noticed that my groin/inner thighs gets real tight and sore after my front squat work sets.  I'm not sure if that is a poor form red flag or what.  Maybe I'm just finding a muscle that my previous training grossly overlooked.

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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Not bothering to quote..

Yes I love front squats and they seem to help both my presses and my deadlifts.

I had the.same inside the thigh soreness as I started front squatting. I think it's a new set of muscles to work on. Front squatting 3 plates + is a surprisingly good upper body workout.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

Warriors don't count reps and sets. They count tons.

My psychologist weighs 45 pounds, has an iron soul and sits on the end of a bar

Tally Sheet for 2019

Encouragement for older members: Chronologically Blessed Group;

Encouragement for newbie lifters: When we were weaker


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3rding that. Deep front squats nail my adductors. Only thing that hits them harder are ass to grass paused high bar squats.

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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Waist at 33 1/4" this AM.  7 lbs to go this cut.


7 lbs = 24500 cals deficit = 33 days @ 750 cal deficit = ETA of 4/6 if deficit is maintained constant.


Weight has been flat again, in the 209 area.  The scale is agreeing with the increased measurements.  Was thinking at first I might be in the 195 area after this cut, but now its looking like I won't go south of 200 (yay!).  As long as I'm training and not *literally* cutting into the BB comp area, I should stay over 200 lb from now on.


3-4-16 (Upper Body Vertical)


Overhead Press

45 x 5 x 1

95 x 5 x 1

115 x 3 x 1

125 - 8, 8, 7

- Missed that last rep.  Probably could have rawr'ed it out, but I don't want to mess with that with my shoulder yet.  First 2 ramp up sets hurt like a mofo.


Chinup - 5

False Grip C2B Pullup - 7, 6, 6, 6, 6

Total Pullup Volume - 31

- Pulls went great.  No pain.  Bar to the chest, good rhomboid activation.  Going to progress via total volume.



+35 - 7, 10


EZ Bar Curl 

+75 - 10, 10


One Leg Dragon Flag

6, 6


- Both dips and curls will progress when I hit 12 reps.  I'm going to progress to full dragon flags once I get to 10 reps.

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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Mis-remembered my waist measurement on Fri, it was 33 1/4 this am, 33 3/8 on Fri. If things proceed as I foresee them, I should hit my break target on Thur, but I always make calorie moves on Monday, in reality it usually creeps back onto the weekend. So next week will be a weeklong diet break (I still count, I just target maintenance and emphasize carbs).

Ran 3 miles last night. Spent the whole day shopping so I was a bit tired. Did the usual t25 video fri night.

A rather insulting conversation where it was determined that I'm a weak know-nothing reminded me of a few things from my training history. Grease the groove (GTG) training and doing periodic eccentrics to treat tendonosis.

One arm pushups are the exercise most affected by my shoulder. Last year around this time I attempted one and just collapsed in pain. Friday I tried to do one assisted, and only the eccentric portion hurt and needed help. Yesterday I tried again, and I managed a mostly pain free unassisted rep. I decided to do some gtg work to get my reps back and help clear the mental block I had/have on the movement. So throughout the day I did 3 sets of 3 each arm (after clearing that first mental hurdle of 1, I jumped right up to 3). Just drop and do 3 each side cold. Apparently injury is a given working out stupid like this, lol.

Also did a single arm hold on the pull up bar (not a dead hang, shoulder no-like last time I tried), and hit 15 sec each. Again cold, but I know how to work cold and didn't push my limits at all. So my grip is back to where it was. I might start some gtg grip training too, just a quick single arm hold (both sides) here and there. I'd like to get my fingertip grip back at some point; its useful in everyday life and doing pullups on door frame molding is a neat party trick.

The first time I ever did any gtg style training was very early on with my knee. Eccentric pistols are THE best therapy for knee tendonosis, especially done periodically (instead of a workout setting). So a few times a day i'd do a few controlled negatives. This is back when I was still working on doing one and when I could only do a handful. This work was cold too. And it absolutely worked, the severe knee tendonosis I had is totally gone. As my shoulder progresses I'm probably going to start doing gtg front lever holds, which is an eccentric and hits the tendon directly. But I have to keep volume somewhat low or stagger days, the one time I reached true overtraining (notably raised blood pressure and resting heart rate) was when I was doing daily gtg front lever work.

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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