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New Rebel from Michigan

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First I would like to say "Hello" to all the current and new rebels out there.




Now on with my story:


I am a 28 year old male that has fluctuated with my body weight and image for about 10 years now. I started putting on weight when I started college. The typical "Freshman 15" ended up being more like "Freshman 50." I went from 175# to 225# in what seemed overnight. I didn't do much about it at the time because I made excuses and didn't really want to believe that I had put on that much weight.


So about 3 years go by after I completed my college courses I finally joined a gym. I took getting fit very seriously. Probably to the extreme to be honest. This most in part to my long term girlfriend had ended our relationship. At the end of the relationship I was at my all time high for my weight, 250#. After the realization of my weight I took complete focus on fixing my body, so that I would be more desireable to the opposite sex. So after much work and approx. 35-40# later I was comfortable in my own skin once again. Then I became very relaxed on my diet and exercise.


So some time passes once again. Over this period of time I stopped working out and completely stopped watching what I eat. I realized how out of shape I was when I became active again with the sports I played when I was younger. For example hockey and tournament paintball.


So after 2 solid years of being lazy I decided to take matters in to my own hands again. I wanted to be able to play competitively in the paintball world and knew I couldn't in my current form. I began working out again and eating more appropriate sized meals. I saw a personal trainer from the gym. Needless to say everything was working.


Then the "off season" came around for paintball and I again became lazy on exercising and diet. Since last winter I haven't been as devoted to exercise and diet.


This past season for paintball was a huge success. However my fitness levels were not. AND thats what I want to change.


I want to be able to come off the paintball field and not be huffing and puffing after 5 minutes. I want to be comfortable walking around the tournament events with my shirt off. I want to be a healthier person overall.


To accomplish these goals I plan on participating in the next 6 week challenge. And DOING my best to achieve the small goals set forth within this upcoming challenge.


To understand more of the tournament paintball form of play, search in Youtube for PSP World Cup 2013. This is just if you have not idea what tournament paintball is like and are wondering to yourself why I would be huffing and puffing after 5 minutes.


To conclude my introduction of myself I leave you with this quote:


"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try." - Yoda


I am going to DO.

~Tippmann Effect #25~

NPPL HB Div. 2 - 2nd / NPPL WCO Semi-Pro - 2nd / NPPL WC - 1st



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I am across the state. I am north of Detroit near Pontiac. I have a few friends that are out in that area sort of.


I love the sport of paintball. I have been playing for many years but finally have gotten to a point where I have become successful and I want to keep it that way.

~Tippmann Effect #25~

NPPL HB Div. 2 - 2nd / NPPL WCO Semi-Pro - 2nd / NPPL WC - 1st



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Welcome!  You're less than an hour from me.  I'm pleased to meet someone so close. ^_^  


My name's Megan.  I'm a bit of a newbie to the site too.  I've sadly never been fit but I am here to change that.


Your goals seem wonderful.  I've never tried paintball but it seems like it would be really fun.  You know, besides getting hit with them. lol

L2 Human Assassin

Con 3/Str 2/Wis 2/Dex 4/Int 2/Cha 1

Current Challenge: 

PVP Challenge: 1

Past Challenges: 1


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I live in Lincoln Park personally.  My entire family's down here.  Unemployed currently but 1/3 of my next challenge will be centered around changing that. ^_^  I drive longer distances all the time for Conventions.  Up to 8 hours at a time.

L2 Human Assassin

Con 3/Str 2/Wis 2/Dex 4/Int 2/Cha 1

Current Challenge: 

PVP Challenge: 1

Past Challenges: 1


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