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I am a woman, a mom, a wife.

I was a competitive swimmer, military, and swim/dive coach.

I am looking to return to a life with a health lifestyle.

My doctor is on my case, my pill boxes are filled with crap I hate taking every day (and paying for), and I'm overweight and under motivated.

Main Goal: continually lose weight over the course of this challenge and beyond (total goal 70lbs)(current loss over past three weeks = 10lbs)

Sub Goals: 1. Do beginner body weight workout three days a week, 2. Continue my clean eating campaign I started three weeks ago, 3. Do some type of physical activity on the off days and weekend

Life Goal: play more with my kids and with my husband.

Motivation: admittedly all the wrong things...tired of being the fat girl with all the skinny friends, tired of everyone remembering I was a top athlete and then looking down at my belly fat, tired of shopping in the plus sized section. I also dislike feeling unsexy with my husband. It's time to reverse the clock. I don't mind being in my mid-forties, I just want my body to be healthy and look like it did in my mid-twenties.

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Congratulations on what you've already lost :)

Nothing wrong with that motivation. I think those are excellent. Use whatever you can to get your life back on track :) You already know what it takes to be strong, and you can do that again.

It sounds like you have some very reasonable goals set up, and I wish you the best of luck in your endeavor!

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Haha, I know the feeling..my motivation is all my friends are getting fat and I don't want to follow in their foot steps...Good on you though!! You got this!

Ten percent luck. Twenty percent skill. Fifteen percent concentrated power of will. Five percent pleasure, Fifty percent pain; And a hundred percent reason to remember my name.

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Thanks for the encouragement! I have a great support at home, but support here is awesome too. I did well today. Kinda. Eating went well. I could only get through one set of the beginner's body weight workout. My knees did not enjoy the lunges. Pain. I'm looking up alternatives to try on Wednesday and I'll try two sets. I can't seem to find a small enough photo to put up. My Tank Girl photos are all too large of a format.

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Hello Tank,


Us old folks need to stick together. You know what we have that all the kids don't ? Experience, we know that pain no matter how bad doesn't kill us and we know that things don't happen right away. We also have some faith. We understand that sometimes we need to believe in things that we cant tangibly measure and immediately confirm. We know this because we are bad-asses. we already came, saw , and conquered..... so there. Don't worry about your workouts you will quickly get to a stronger and fitter place...I know that from experience. Have fun.

You are only a conspiracy theorist until you are right. Then you are a visionary.

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