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INTJ attempting to make a socially acceptable introduction

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I've been talking about research and grad school with a new guy at work all week, and just yesterday, stopped mid-conversation to say,"Tell me your name before we've talked so many times it's weird to ask." This sort of awkward and straightforwardness is common in my day to day, so doing something normal like introducing myself (especially first thing) is a little abnormal.


I'm not so much a gaming nerd (though I do love Rainbow Road on Mario Cart), but I am a typical INTJ and once something has caught my attention, I NEED to know everything about it. Knitting, check. Cooking from extreme scratch and the science behind it, check. The effects of tocotrienol and tocopherol isoforms (Vit E) on apoptotic signaling in late stage prostate cancer cells, check. Venereal disease in mice, um... not really check, but I will have a Ph.D. in it next month- it's a means to an end- a degree to get me one step closer to doing research on something I'm more passionate about- the impact of nutrition on chronic disease. I also really like run on sentences with atypical use of punctuation. 


In undergrad, I dated a guy that wasn't so great for me. He was the type that said things like, "You would look so good in this if you just lost a few pounds." So I did an hour on the elliptical and light weights 5-6 times a week because I thought he was cool and I was stupid. Don't worry though- that story ends happier, with me marrying a different guy that thinks I look hot in anything (or nothing). There have been a few bumps along that road, but we'll get to those later. 


My newest obsession, and thing I MUST know all the things about, is strength training. Which has brought me to NF. We can talk about how I came upon this obsession later too. It's a road riddled with my only F on a "test" in high school, a doctor that said you can't, and my own decision to respond with "We'll see about that..."


Currently working towards running a 5k under 30 min and lifting in the intermediate range of the exrx.net performance standards for my body weight. Of course, I have a one year plan for how to get there. Also working really hard at not being so much in my head- overthinking and planning easily leads to paralysis for me. So I'm going to stop re-reading this for grammar and coolness and hit post. You like me as I am, right?

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Screw social acceptability and welcome to the Rebellion. We aint conformist we are innovators! I am glad you found us and I know that you can learn a lot as well as contribute to the journey. Glad you  are here. (I put in the grammatical errors just to be non-PC.)

You are only a conspiracy theorist until you are right. Then you are a visionary.

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Yet another INTJ.  I'm new but I'll welcome you anyway.


I have spent the last month researching and finally landed on a strength training program I am comfortable with.  I never really thought of my obsessive, need to know everything about this, behavior in terms of my Meyers Briggs but I guess it makes sense.  Enjoy and ask a lot of questions. 

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Yet another INTJ.  I'm new but I'll welcome you anyway.


I have spent the last month researching and finally landed on a strength training program I am comfortable with.  I never really thought of my obsessive, need to know everything about this, behavior in terms of my Meyers Briggs but I guess it makes sense.  Enjoy and ask a lot of questions. 


Something about completing a dissertation and realizing how much you still don't know about a topic while prepping for your defense makes you question everything. I recently retook the Meyers Briggs and it reconfirmed that I am an extreme INTJ. So I read forums about other INTJs and it made me feel a bit more like I'm on solid ground. It also pointed out that a lot of my oddities are pretty characteristic- you begin to wonder about these things when you identify with the idea of "hiding in plain site" from Dexter and Sherlock... I don't think normal people identify with villains. Apparently we're pretty rare- some estimate just 2% of the population are INTJ. 


What program did you decide on? On what program did you decide (had to rewrite that because ending with the preposition bothered me, but on the other hand, does the new sentence sound uppity?)? I started running last year and injured my knees (yes, both at once). Got over that, lost some weight, bought good shoes for all of my knee and foot issues, and started running again with some weight machines thrown in. Then like 2 months ago, I thought about needing to strengthen the stabilizing muscles so I didn't hurt myself again and did a plan on my GainFitness app using free weights. And down the rabbit hole I went. Now I'm two weeks in modifying SL 5x5 and trying to get the guts to add a lot more weight to something other than my deadlift. It's just the other lifts are scary because I can actually drop the weights on me on bench, squat, and OHP (yes, I know about spotters...)

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I drives me nuts to end with a preposition too but sometimes it cant be avoided.  :neglected:


As for a program, I took what I liked about Stronglifts and Starting Strength and maybe some 5/3/1 and modified a bit more to come up with my hybrid.  Same concepts of linear progression but I'm not doing some of the exercises I'm not comfortable with yet.  For example, I dont feel like my body is ready for power cleans and bent over rows with heavy weights scares me because my lower back isnt trustworthy.  So I am doing cable rows and cable pull downs for my pulling exercises and will add pull ups once that becomes feasible.  I think I wrote it up in more detail somewhere but basically my two workouts are:








Overhead press


Pull downs


I am changing from 2 to 3 days per week with lifting and I add curls or additional pulling when I feel like I need it and I do one or two days of interval training on a bike.


In my opinion, if you are uncomfortable adding weight, just back it down a bit and start over and add 2 1/2 lb weights each time and build up nice and slow.  I think without the progression, the program may get boring or discouraging.  The more times you do the workouts the more comfortable you will get with the movements.  If you really dont like an exercise, consider a replacement. 

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Welcome! I just started too and had say hi to another logical type (I'm a ultra ENTP). I've been lurking around here for a while and finally decided to take the plunge. Everyone seems very helpful and knowledgeable to boot.

Dwarven Recruit

Strength: 0    Dexterity: 0    Stamina: 0    Constitution: 0    Wisdom: 0    Charisma: 0


It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.

Marcus Aurelius      

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99% of my success have come from doing things people told me I couldn't do!!

Level 10.4 Wood-Elf, Ranger - specializing in demon fighting

"doing the impossible since 2012 :D" - Librarian of Doom

facebook battle log level 50 WOOT   Backstory CNF2014  current (not challenge - doing a battle log this time)



* This is the day the Lord has made, rejoice in it and be glad. God, The Bible. * Do or do not, there is no try. - Yoda
* There are three options in this life; be good, get good, or give up. -- House * Never take counsel of your fears. Stonewall Jackson. 

* level 50 isn't gonna just POOF happen - alienjenn, NF IRC chatroom


* I'm not about to give up - Because I heard you say - There's gonna be brighter days… I won't stop, I'll keep my head up - No, I'm not here to stay ...  - 

 I just might bend but I won't break - As long as I can see your face - When life won't play along - And right keeps going wrong - And I can't seem to find my way - I know where I am found - So I won't let it drag me down - Oh, I'll keep dancing anyway - Mercy Me - Move



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