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Totally off topic: How do I get organized?

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This is semi off-topic, and semi-topical because it's part of my current challenge AND I have an opportunity to create a kick-ass workout area if I get a handle on this.


My family moved this summer.  I now have an office, which is good because my former office was in the middle of the kitchen and I work from home.  That sucked.  The problem is: My new office also sucks.  Because it's just filled with boxes and my desk right now and I can't get a handle on getting things unpacked, organized, and perhaps even decorated and/or create cool yoga, juggling and handstand practice space.  


The problem is, I'm so bogged down and overwhelmed with it, I can't break it down into manageable tasks.  Every task right now requires several boxes to be moved in order to start.  And then I get going and it feels like the whole office exploded and things get worse.  Especially since I'm burned out from unpacking the whole rest of the house and have a kindergardener poking around my boxes.  Then I say "F it" in total frustration and go play some video games.  I need some help with how to break down the tasks into things I can complete in about 30 minutes, how to figure out what storage supplies I need for my "stuff" and how to get some inspiration....


At the very least?  Show me your workout spaces/home office, so I can get a sense of what's possible!

NF: Treedwelling assasin. Druidish leanings. Gnome.  

IRL: Amateur circus geek.  Mad cook. Mom. Mad Max junkie. 

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On the unpacking bit, I've been there too many times.  My solution has admittedly been brute force and inelegant.  When nothing seems easily broken down, I just go.  I don't sort things into groups and tackle things thematically - I grab what's in arm's reach and start putting stuff places.  Then I rearrange as I grab the next thing.  Yes, boxes explode.  Yes, the floor disappears - sometimes for days at a time.  No, I don't feel a sudden rush of euphoria by embracing the chaos.  BUT, a week down the road, and it all worked.  When a task paralyzes me from starting, I turn my brain off and go.  This has always worked for me, but let me know if you find something more elegant!

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The answer to unpacking boxes...is more boxes.


Label those boxes with the names of rooms/areas that those items belong and then as you unpack box by box, sort the items into those boxes. Every now and again, empty a box and put the things into the home they belong. Rinse and repeat until all moving boxes are empty and all organizing boxes are empty. It may be chaos for a while, but it's organized chaos. =)

Pixie Ranger Drunk on Tea~ (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

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Usually for me, moving or organizing means it's time to purge my belongings. I sort everything into three categories:


1. Items I cannot get by without, my laptop and things that I need and use every day multiple times a day.

2. Items that I like or are presents, but i don't use that often.

3. Items I don't want or need anymore.


Every box gets sorted into the three categories.

Everything in category three gets put into garbage, recycle, or donation.

Everything in category two gets neatly labeled and put into another box to be stored in the garage or a closet somewhere. Everything in category one gets put into it's properer home.


I do this one box per day and it might take a week or more, but it does get done eventually.

Space_Elf, Fallohide Hobbit Level 0. STR 0 | DEX 0 | STA 0 | CON 0 | WIS 0 | CHA 0

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Science fiction is an existential metaphor, that allows us to tell stories about the human condition. Isaac Asimov once said: "Individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today, but the core of science fiction, its essence has become crucial to our salvation, if we are to be saved at all."

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Hmmmm... I actually love this multiple boxes idea, and sorting through things like that.  Previously I had always been a "brute force insanity, dump everything out and JUST DO IT" kind of mover... but I have a 5 year old now, so dumping out the boxes means that he goes through all my stuff and in some cases I have craft supplies that are actually dangerous for him to be picking through, and books with non-age appropriate illustrations and such.  


So I'm thinking of just taking up an empty box, and trying to put away two boxes worth of stuff, and then everything that doesn't have a place yet goes in the new box.  Repeat as needed until things are somewhat more under control?

NF: Treedwelling assasin. Druidish leanings. Gnome.  

IRL: Amateur circus geek.  Mad cook. Mom. Mad Max junkie. 

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I end up right where you are fairly regularly, with the overwhelming feeling of staring at what seems to be like mountains when I look at things that need cleaning.


When I get like that, I go here, and I read as many things as possible.  I strongly recommend it to absolutely anyone in this position - 




I suggest reading UfYH Fundamentals and What's a 20/10? to begin with.


Hope it helps!

Do the thing


2024 Intentions Roadmap

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