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Introductions are in order

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Greetings and salutations fellow nerds. I had no clue a website like this existed until I came home from work this morning. My wife had a few Chrome tabs open on my computer of some articles from the site. I commented that it was coincidental that they were regarding the Paleo Diet. Earlier the night before I had been listening to the Nerdist podcast at work and Chris Hardwick was talking about it; marking the first time I had ever heard of such a thing. 


It interested me enough to read what was already open. Then I followed links and read more; and more, and more. So my interest is piqued enough that I am coming out of my antisocial shell to join the ranks of this fitness rebellion. I'm sure it will be rewarding. ;)


A little bit about myself. I am 30 years old; married to an amazing supportive woman; father to a beautiful 10 month old baby girl; huge dork. I love table top games, video games, and gadgets. Recently I made the conversion from an iPhone user to the world of Android smartphones, and I must say I'm pretty impressed. I've played guitar since I was 13 years old, and honestly have not really gotten much better at it since I started; which does not keep me at all from shredding some Come As You Are when the mood strikes me.


My weight has fluctuated my entire life. I had a very caring but detached mother to raise me so I had my choice of foods to eat and lifestyle to lead. Without any proper guidance I chose to be sedentary and eat macaroni and cheese. Mind you I don't blame my mom; she did what she could with what she had. Unfortunately I was seduced by bright blinking lights and sounds, and Chef Boyardee's haunting temptations. Suffice to say I haven't spent much of my life trying to be healthy. In fact I think I actively avoided it. By the time I was legal I smoked a pack a day and drank damn near my weight in beer a week. Time changes us all however, and the day my daughter was born I swore off cigarettes. I haven't touched one in nearly a year, and couldn't be happier about that. I will admit to cheating a bit by switching to e-cigarettes, but my goal there is to work the nicotine out completely. 


Currently I weigh 239 pounds, and have 27% body fat. I recently had a weight loss consultation follow up which informed me that since I had started my current weight loss program I have lost 17 lbs, and dropped 4% body fat. I am taking phentermine, which is cheating, but I'm not eating unhealthily either. I keep up with meals and make sure I'm not going without since it curbs the appetite extremely well. I avoid sodas and junk foods. Mostly I eat lean meats, and veggies. I'm very interested in trying the Paleo diet. I'll be making another post all about my situation regarding work outs, weight loss, and all of that since I really just kind of want to stay on topic here; and it is somewhat complicated.


I've rambled on and on so I'll bring this to a close. My goal is to reach 180 lbs, and feel better than I have ever felt. I want my daughter to know her daddy as a healthy strong man, and not a disgusting beast lump that plays Call of Duty all day.


Anyways hello to all. :)


Addendum: Please forgive incorrect/overuse of semicolons. I tend to write rambling run on sentences and really just use them to break up the monotony or separate multiple ideas. Sorry if I offend any grammar hounds reading this.

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Yeeees, precious, come away from the iphone! It burns us!

Ahem. That came off a little creepy. Moving on.

Hello and welcome! And congratulations on quitting cigarettes, that is an achievement in and of itself :)

It sounds like you're off to a great start. As for paleo, since you like lean meats and veggies, you're basically there already. Feel free to ask everything and anything that crosses your mind or you want clarified.

Nothing wrong with semicolons :D

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