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So, this is me…


On 12 December 2013 I had to say goodbye to a beloved father-in-law after he had a stroke 12 hours prior. That’s how quick he went.


As I stood by his cold body to identify it for the paperwork, I decided that I didn’t want that, I didn’t want to die and not have my stuff in order.

The next couple of days went by without a thought and on 18 December 2013, I stood next to him again, in his coffin at the funeral this time.  This time it hit me like a ton of bricks! Everyone was doing their usual funeral small talk and all I kept hearing was what a good man he was and what a good grandfather he was, blah, blah, blah…


All BS!! All of it! Because in actual fact, he was not very popular with these same people, half of them have not spoken to him for years and now they stand there and talk like they knew him. This offended me no end.  Truth is, he was hard, he said what he thought and if he didn’t like something or someone, which happened quite a lot, he would say so. You knew where you stood with him at any time. That’s what I loved about him, that’s why we got along fantastically.  The simple fact that you don’t find this quality in people anymore.


Now, to get back to the point. He is lying there and I’m listening to what these people have to say and it hit me.

I DON’T WANT THIS! I’m not talking about the dying part,  that is going to happen eventually. But the living part. I don’t want people to just stand there and say I was a good mother. “WHAT!!! A GOOD MOTHER?! Is that the best you can do????!†I can already imagine myself getting out of that coffin and kicking someone’s ass!


I want to be properly remembered, I want only the people who could stand my awesomeness to be at my funeral. The people who looked up to me, who really knew me.


There and then I decided that I will take everything I learned so far and put it into practice.


I am a genius at these maize’s you find in magazines and all over the place, why, because I do them backwards. I start and the end and work myself back to the beginning, it has worked for me every single time. So this is why I reckoned that I am going to plan my life.


So, the first thing I did was write my own Eulogy.


I have decided that I will be remembered as the crazy girl who did things. She thought of something and did it; she got her life, her body and her career on track and rocked it!


She climbed mountains, she did dead lifts, she started, ran and eventually sold companies for millions.

She could do a proper squat, she went on cruises whenever she felt like it, she raced huge muscle cars, and could do a pull-up without breaking a sweat.


If today she woke up and decided she wanted to have breakfast in Paris, her PA would just pick up the phone and all would be arranged, the restaurant, the flights the show at lunch, everything.

Tomorrow skiing in Alaska, Done. Wednesday Fiji, Done.


Because of her perseverance in what she wanted, her kids could go to Private schools and universities and become great success stories themselves, because they had her as a role model.


She took responsibility for her life and didn’t blame other things. She did more than she had to and ruled her life with an iron fist. The lived by 1 motto, JUST START! And it served her well.


She also changed the life of many others though her philanthropy, by unselfishly spending exorbitant amounts on bursaries for students, donating millions to charities for abused women and children and providing jobs in her various companies for those who could not get work elsewhere, due to their lack of education or what they did in their past. Also helping them to help themselves and their families.


She was a firm believer of Paying it forward. She made sure the people she helped knew that with that help came a responsibility, the responsibility to give to someone else, just like it was given to you. Thus changing peoples’ lives forever.  


That’s as far as I went, but I add to it every time I think of something new I want to achieve before I go.


So after writing this, I worked my plan backwards to where I was 10 days ago. And I knew what I had to do.


I got in my car and joined our local gym, and also enrolled for a Business management Certificate and Diploma. These two steps are the beginning of my journey. They are the basis on which my Eulogy will be complete and some ones ass is safe from a whipping at my funeral.


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Nicky De Villiers




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