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Hi everyone,


I've been reading up on Nerdfitness for about a month now, and I've decided to join in the fun!


I'll try and give the short version of my story here. I'm actually not a stranger to weight loss, around this time last year I weighed very close to 340 pounds. Right now I weight about 240 (thanks holidays!) and at my lowest, which was around late July, I weighed 203 pounds. I was on this weight loss program called take shape for life that used medifast products. I lost 100 pounds in 5 months by sticking to my guns and things were going great, weight was steadily dropping off and I was wearing all of my nerd shirts that I never once throught I would ever be able to wear because I tried time and time again to lose weight and just got nowhere because once I sat down and thought about it, everyone says the best way to lose weight is to eat healthy and exercise but I never really knew what healthy really was (according to weight watchers I could still eat a whole box of runts in a day and be within my points range and still be "healthy")


But anyway, my original goal was to lose 100 pounds, and I got there, but I decided I could still stand to lose a few more pounds, I was still a bit chubby. Things were going well and then somthing happened, I'm still not 100% sure but something happened. Cravings started to return and in waves, and I became perpetually hungry. The summer months were hell, absolute hell because I was always hungry, and I wanted to sit at a buffet and eat everything from every range of sweet and savory. I stopped the program around the end of August as I just couldn't stand it anymore, I was hungry and quite personally, I'd still felt a little like I'd failed in my endevours. 133 pounds lost and I still, STILL had fat flopping around? (Yea I'm a perfectionists and I'd really hoped that after 133 pounds I'd have something close to a flat stomach, it really sucks to have that kind of mentality. A lot of people told me it was mostly loose skin cause the weight loss was so rapid)


Fast forward to know and I've gained close to 40 pounds back, though it could be much much worse I know. I've actually stopped drinking regular sodas, I only drink Coke Zero now (because diet still tastes like sewer swill to me) so it's either Zero or water for me anywhere I go, which is a change I never thought possible with how stubborn I am and how much I loved loved LOOOOOOVED coke (still have that damn sweet tooth though). I joined here because in the long run I'd still like to be lean and have that coveted flat stomach. I achieved things that I once thought were impossible this year, but I don't think I achieved my goals because I didn't have the proper knowledge. Over the last year I've learned there's a lot more to weight maintenance than just calories in and calories out. At one point on the program I was so worried what a couple of cough drops would do to me if I ate them (yay obessive nerd personality!).


The knowledge here I've picked up has really been invaluable, in the beginning I thought I could outrun my fork and would run three miles everyday, because I didn't feel like I was getting any results in a gym (because I wasn't due to being one of those jackasses who wandered aimlessly from machine to machine with no clue as whowhatwhere) so I didn't go to the gym for months, also I hate treadmills. Like....I despise treadmills.


I'm not sure on my plan of attack right now. I'm still a beginner in all this, so I think starting off with a bodyweight workout routine for a month or so and see where that leads me to, with some running still peppered in there for good measure (cause yea running sucks, but if feels damn good to run three miles in half an hour when I could barely run 10 seconds a year ago)


But I think that's enough from me for now, anywhere, here is a picture that shows my crazy drastic transformation!




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Glad to meet you! Congrats on such a big loss! I would try to do this go round slow and steady if I were you, and maybe you can mostly avoid the cravings and hunger. Happens to all of us, though!  :redface:

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