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A Canadian Rebel reporting for duty!

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Bonjour y'all!


I'm Frou, a twenty-n*coughahem* year-old gal from Montréal, Québec, Canada (aka Mars, apparently). 


When I am not busy freezing my butt off, I enjoy cooking (but mostly eating what I cook), dragging myself out of bed on Saturday mornings for boot camp and being dangerously obsessed with Mass Effect.


Here's a long and boring backstory which I will conveniently separate with tags so you can skip to the good part.




My fitness journey actually started a few years ago when I signed up at my local gym with a colleague. I loved having someone to train with and I lived a short walk away from the gym, so I fell into a nice routine of getting up at the crack of dawn to work out before going to the office. Unfortunately, I had no idea what I was doing, and the trainer with whom I had a complimentary consultation pretty much shoved me on a elliptical for half an hour and made me do a bunch of sit-ups. Obviously, my motivation deteriorated over time because as much as I enjoyed my routine, I hated my workout, saw little results, and didn't know any better. I kept at it for close to two years, but skipped workouts frequently when my partner wasn't around and ended up giving up altogether.


After a year of denting the couch with my ass, I found that I really missed the physical activity so I went back to that same gym to sign up again in November of 2012. Since I no longer had a gym buddy and had moved further away from the gym, I knew I was going to have a hard time keeping motivated. But this time, my new job, although of the corporate, soul-sucking kind, provided me with the means to afford a trainer, so I signed on to have a consultation once per month. I ended up getting the most awesome, dedicated, knowledgeable, ass-kicking trainer ever. My progress is slow but steady, and getting new programs every month and having someone to be accountable to has helped me greatly. 


Obviously, life being what it is, I still have a hard time sticking to my good habits. I work full-time and attend school part-time in the evenings, which makes it sometimes challenging to schedule gym time. I've also been living for the past year and a half with my boyfriend who has a pretty sedentary lifestyle and doesn't really bother with healthy eating. Although I love him dearly and enjoy living with him, I find our differences in lifestyle sometimes make it difficult for me to stick to my plan because I get easily tempted (pizza and ps3 trumps vegetables and gym pretty much all the time). 




So here I am, hoping to meet other peeps like me who enjoy getting fitter, healthier, nerdier! I'm looking forward to sharing my progress, learning from others and trading awesome recipes. Some of my long-term goals are to clean up my diet and giving paleo a try, to improve my gym performances and maybe giving a shot at running the next time I can go outside without my eyebrows freezing (I'm thinking April or May).


Nice to meet all of you Rebels!

Commander Frou | Level 2 Ranger Wannabe


STR 3 | DEX 1 | STA 1 | CON 3 | WIS 3 | CHA 3


Challenge #1 - Jan 6 2014

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Welcome to the Rebellion, soldier!  Maintaining motivation is something that I struggle with as well.  I found that resisting that VERY FIRST temptation to just sit and play video games and replacing it with a goal and reward has helped to strengthen my will against future lapses in motivation.  Just the other day I work up and turned on my Xbox.. then realized that I had JUST told myself that I need to be more productive.  So I turned off the tv and worked on a drawing I promised to do.  Then I cleaned a little, did some pushups and planks... THEN I played some Borderlands 2 as a reward. 

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Level 2 Wood Elf Assassin-In-Training

| Str: 3.5 | Dex: 4 | Con: 3.5 | Sta: 6 | Wis: 5 | Cha: 4 |




"May my steel break before my resolve."

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Welcome to the Rebellion, soldier!  Maintaining motivation is something that I struggle with as well.  I found that resisting that VERY FIRST temptation to just sit and play video games and replacing it with a goal and reward has helped to strengthen my will against future lapses in motivation.  Just the other day I work up and turned on my Xbox.. then realized that I had JUST told myself that I need to be more productive.  So I turned off the tv and worked on a drawing I promised to do.  Then I cleaned a little, did some pushups and planks... THEN I played some Borderlands 2 as a reward. 


Yes, I absolutely need to get myself in that state of mind where games are my reward and not my default state! I'll admit I'm terribly lazy and so when it's time to get productive, I'll just see it as a huuuuge obstacle and waste so much time just sitting around being overwhelmed before I even start. Obviously, once I've started, I realize it's not so bad after all. Gotta avoid that couch! Thanks for the tips :)


Welcome Frou!


Heureuse d'avoir une autre canadienne parmi nous! Bonne chance et tiens-nous au courant!


Salut! Contente de voir qu'il y a d'autres francophones :D Merci!

Commander Frou | Level 2 Ranger Wannabe


STR 3 | DEX 1 | STA 1 | CON 3 | WIS 3 | CHA 3


Challenge #1 - Jan 6 2014

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