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Things that drive you absolutely bananas.


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I agree with the "hashtag" annoyance. I still call it a pound symbol, as antiquated as that is.

Also people who jaywalk across main streets without looking. Laws can say whatever they want, you will not win in a fist fight with a car.

This is one thing that I think is backwards, pedestrians shouldn't have the right of way in places where they're not the dominate "vehicle" operating. Sidewalks, that's all theirs, but roads, those belong to cars.

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"Insanity - you make my world a better place man, you really do! That shit is awesome! :D" - Guzzi-

My first challenge

My battle Log: Insanity: Warrior Monk

Honorary Ranger dubbed by DarK_RaideR, 1000 Pound club (875 of 1000)

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All my kids were saying words at 2, but it's not uncommon for it to take a little longer to develop.  That being said, if the kid is getting neglected and has no direction, he will be developmentally stunted.  Kids need direction from their parents for everything.  They're damned babies, they don't come out knowing anything.  Your job is to teach them how things work.  If you left a monkey alone in a room with a computer, do you think he would figure out how to watch youtube and make a facebook account?  Parents that let their kids run wild like stray dogs disgust me.  They learn the exact opposite of independance.  They learn how to be whiney, needy bitches that can't do anything for themselves because they have no life skills.  You want a truly independant kid?  Teach the kid discipline and self control, critical thinking, and encourage creativity and education.  Four things the average brat in the U.S. lacks these days.

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I have a paleo friend and I'm a vegetarian. He's a great guy... but... Pretty much every time we're together it's "Bread is Bad!" "Eat Meat!" "Do CrossFit!" But he goes on and on... And now I have more paleo friends. Being in the same room with them is so annoying.


Don't get me wrong! I think the Paleo/CrossFit thing is a fine lifestyle. I just don't want to hear the same facts about it all the time. Geez... Talk about something else! XP (BTW, this has been going on for months now... That's why I'm Biatching about it)

     Personally I think anything that eliminates processed garbage is a good thing. Now everybody hates that one guy who tries to tell you how to eat. It is why most people hated vegans for so long as they felt the need to tell everyone why they were wrong for how they ate. This is why I generally don't disclose my veganism to others unless they ask. Not every eating style is for everyone and I know plenty of paleo people who can't even follow the diet but continue to call themselves paleo.

     As far as grains go I generally do agree there is nothing good that comes from them but the only one I would say needs to be eliminiated or used sparingly is wheat. There are so many better grains out there than wheat and this is usually where I draw the line with grain unless it is something like processed bread. That however is a whole different beast to tackle.

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What we are born with, we must make our own
Or it remains a mere appurtenance.

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...You want a truly independant kid? Teach the kid discipline and self control, critical thinking, and encourage creativity and education...

I love you!

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Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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There's actually a bit of a trick to it.  It's sort of an "authority" kind of thing.  You have to get this bark in your voice plus an intense, dead serious face, with an attitude of "you are going to stop this right now because I know you're going to stop this right now because there is no conceivable reality in which you do not stop this right now."


I was once out at a cafe having a coffee and drawing in my sketchbook and there was this kid being really loud and annoying.  She was running around and bumped into me and I just used the above and went "Hey!  Cut that out!"  And her mom, no joke, looked at me and mouthed "THANK YOU" and was all "see you're bothering other people! Now sit down and color!"


It's not yelling, it's just sort of a "Nope not taking your bullshit" tone that rebuffs them.  Your mileage may vary, but this has worked for me for young children up through 13-year-olds.


I will definitely try this next time. Hopefully the parent will be equally understanding lol.


Also, about the topic of pedestrians crossing the street with their nose up in the air, riding high on a sense of entitlement: THIS HAPPENS ALL THE TIME ON CAMPUS X( It's frustrating to the point where I have no words to describe it. The result? New policies get implemented to...control and punish drivers even further. There are routine complaints from higher-ups that the university is broke, and yet they've started doing things like putting bright neon "watch out for pedestrians" signs in the middle of the roads...but only during peak traffic hours, so they actually have to pay people to put the goddamned signs there and take them away. They've also invested in a roadside meter that tracks your speed, and then displays BRIGHT. FLASHING. LIGHTS. Whenever you go over the speed limit of 30 (it used to be 40).


I don't know about the rest of you, but I personally find the massive neon obstacles signs to be one hell of a distraction. The flashing light is even worse, especially at night since it's absoutely blinding. Want to increase pedestrian safety? Why not blind drivers so that they can't see them!


The typical campus pedestrian is so oblivious, it's not even funny. Some friends and I always go out to lunch on Fridays around noon, and if we happen to leave during class-change time, we're boned. There will always be some moron walking directly (and slowly) in front of us, not aware that there's a fucking car following them.


The stupidest one I ever saw, though, was a few years ago on the day we had the first winter snowfall. This was in the middle or end of October, and most peple had not yet put winter tires on their car. The roads were also slushy. I was walking up the hill to get to another building, and there was someone else walking next to me until we got to a crosswalk. There was a car coming (downhill) so I stopped. The car wasn't going very fast, but it would be close, and considering the road conditions I figured that it would be safer to just stay put until the car passed. The other guy? Fucking walks right out, head held high. He didn't get hit, but the driver had to slam on the brakes, slid a little, and came pretty damn close...only to recieve what looked like a dirty look from the pedestrian.


I just sort of looked on in disbeleif. I crossed in front of the car after, too, mainly because it was stopped and the driver motioned to me to cross, but wow...I waved at him, and tried to give him a "sorry the other guy was such a moron" look :\

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I will definitely try this next time. Hopefully the parent will be equally understanding lol.


Also, about the topic of pedestrians crossing the street with their nose up in the air, riding high on a sense of entitlement: THIS HAPPENS ALL THE TIME ON CAMPUS X( It's frustrating to the point where I have no words to describe it. The result? New policies get implemented to...control and punish drivers even further. There are routine complaints from higher-ups that the university is broke, and yet they've started doing things like putting bright neon "watch out for pedestrians" signs in the middle of the roads...but only during peak traffic hours, so they actually have to pay people to put the goddamned signs there and take them away. They've also invested in a roadside meter that tracks your speed, and then displays BRIGHT. FLASHING. LIGHTS. Whenever you go over the speed limit of 30 (it used to be 40).


I don't know about the rest of you, but I personally find the massive neon obstacles signs to be one hell of a distraction. The flashing light is even worse, especially at night since it's absoutely blinding. Want to increase pedestrian safety? Why not blind drivers so that they can't see them!


The typical campus pedestrian is so oblivious, it's not even funny. Some friends and I always go out to lunch on Fridays around noon, and if we happen to leave during class-change time, we're boned. There will always be some moron walking directly (and slowly) in front of us, not aware that there's a fucking car following them.


The stupidest one I ever saw, though, was a few years ago on the day we had the first winter snowfall. This was in the middle or end of October, and most peple had not yet put winter tires on their car. The roads were also slushy. I was walking up the hill to get to another building, and there was someone else walking next to me until we got to a crosswalk. There was a car coming (downhill) so I stopped. The car wasn't going very fast, but it would be close, and considering the road conditions I figured that it would be safer to just stay put until the car passed. The other guy? Fucking walks right out, head held high. He didn't get hit, but the driver had to slam on the brakes, slid a little, and came pretty damn close...only to recieve what looked like a dirty look from the pedestrian.


I just sort of looked on in disbeleif. I crossed in front of the car after, too, mainly because it was stopped and the driver motioned to me to cross, but wow...I waved at him, and tried to give him a "sorry the other guy was such a moron" look :\

Had a guy do similar to me while he was jogging, I was headed down hill in my car and he was jogging along the road, then just starts crossing the road, no look back to see if anyone was coming or nothing. If i'd have had my truck that I have now, he'd have been a stain on my bumper...


Lack of personal responsibility is what I'm blaming, it's always someone elses fault... the idea of punishing the drivers, is the absolute wrong thing to do. Just tells the pedestrians that they're fine doing what they're doing...

"Insanity - you make my world a better place man, you really do! That shit is awesome! :D" - Guzzi-

My first challenge

My battle Log: Insanity: Warrior Monk

Honorary Ranger dubbed by DarK_RaideR, 1000 Pound club (875 of 1000)

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Had a guy do similar to me while he was jogging, I was headed down hill in my car and he was jogging along the road, then just starts crossing the road, no look back to see if anyone was coming or nothing. If i'd have had my truck that I have now, he'd have been a stain on my bumper...

Lack of personal responsibility is what I'm blaming, it's always someone elses fault... the idea of punishing the drivers, is the absolute wrong thing to do. Just tells the pedestrians that they're fine doing what they're doing...

That and they just don't seem to teach kids to look both ways before crossing a street anymore either.

I actually had to take my driving test when I first got my license driving through the UNH campus in Durham, NH. Those kids just don't know how to cross the road and a few of them have gotten hit because they dart out between parked cars and didn't watch the traffic.

Tourists are awful too! I had a relative who used to drive the bus for Colonial Williamsburg and you wouldn't believe how people just walk right out in front of (or sometimes behind) the bus without a care in the world. Same happens when we visit Disney World and I know people have been hit by busses there because of just plain ignorance. I have nothing but respect for the drivers because I know it's not easy to operate those large vehicles around masses of pedestrians.

These days I live in small town Vermont and I have to drive past the high school in town every morning on my way to work. Those kids are just as bad as the college students! They are more concerned about what is playing on their iPod or messing with their friends in the crosswalk than paying attention to traffic.

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:strawberry: GolfCart34 :strawberry:

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*I'm not the type of person who is scared of something.  If something is going to happen it's meant to be. - Kimi Raikkonen*


*We have to remember these days.  We have to enjoy them while they last.  You should never lose the passion and the joy and always remember the days when you were just dreaming of these things happening.  For all of us it is important just to enjoy the moment and realize there is more time later on in our lives to realize what it meant. - Sebastian Vettel*


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If you want me to do something for you, then ask me.  Don't tell me "I need you to..."


And if you need me cross the room to get you something that's two feet away from your hand, then we've go a problem here...

"If you get into trouble, you can always eat something, blow something up, or throw penguins." - Jim Henson


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If you want me to do something for you, then ask me. Don't tell me "I need you to..."

And if you need me cross the room to get you something that's two feet away from your hand, then we've go a problem here...

And to that point, saying "I need (item name)" to a clerk when at the store. Seriously, would it kill you to say, "Can I please get (item)?" or "I would like some (item) please." I've noticed this especially with people buying cigarettes. You don't need cigarettes, but if you must buy them at least be polite about it.

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:strawberry: GolfCart34 :strawberry:

Twitter | FaceBook | Instagram


*I'm not the type of person who is scared of something.  If something is going to happen it's meant to be. - Kimi Raikkonen*


*We have to remember these days.  We have to enjoy them while they last.  You should never lose the passion and the joy and always remember the days when you were just dreaming of these things happening.  For all of us it is important just to enjoy the moment and realize there is more time later on in our lives to realize what it meant. - Sebastian Vettel*


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If you want me to do something for you, then ask me.  Don't tell me "I need you to..."


And if you need me cross the room to get you something that's two feet away from your hand, then we've go a problem here...


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Selfie! Can we please stop saying selfie?

Unless you are Stefon and talking about New York's hottest new nightclub, then please don't use that word!

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:strawberry: GolfCart34 :strawberry:

Twitter | FaceBook | Instagram


*I'm not the type of person who is scared of something.  If something is going to happen it's meant to be. - Kimi Raikkonen*


*We have to remember these days.  We have to enjoy them while they last.  You should never lose the passion and the joy and always remember the days when you were just dreaming of these things happening.  For all of us it is important just to enjoy the moment and realize there is more time later on in our lives to realize what it meant. - Sebastian Vettel*


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Selfie! Can we please stop saying selfie?

Unless you are Stefon and talking about New York's hottest new nightclub, then please don't use that word!

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That reminds me.... I need to stop coming in this thread...


Shortening/combining of names...


He's not R.Pat, she's not J.Law and they aren't Brangelina.... just stop.


I almost want to become famous just so I can have someone call my shortened name, and I can just freeze... S.Tay would be mine...

"Insanity - you make my world a better place man, you really do! That shit is awesome! :D" - Guzzi-

My first challenge

My battle Log: Insanity: Warrior Monk

Honorary Ranger dubbed by DarK_RaideR, 1000 Pound club (875 of 1000)

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I almost want to become famous just so I can have someone call my shortened name, and I can just freeze... S.Tay would be mine...

Then you could #S.Tay

Arrrrrrrrgh!!!!!! ;)

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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Then you could #S.Tay

Arrrrrrrrgh!!!!!! ;)

I wonder if I could legally change my name to that... man I would piss some people off... then I could walk slowly across the road with my kids running all over, while loudly popping my bubblegum...

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"Insanity - you make my world a better place man, you really do! That shit is awesome! :D" - Guzzi-

My first challenge

My battle Log: Insanity: Warrior Monk

Honorary Ranger dubbed by DarK_RaideR, 1000 Pound club (875 of 1000)

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What really drives me nuts in an admittedly sad kind of way is when people clog my Facebook feed with every piece of "appeal to emotion and pretend its news" drivel without even the vaguest thought about it's accuracy and factual content. Seriously, if it's not from a reputable sources its probably garbage. If it's from the daily mail it is definitely garbage. Open your eyes damn it and don't just share things because they sound good and everyone else is doing it. That's my feed your clogging with nonsense, so don't be offended when I fact check it for you and smack it down.

*takes a breath*.

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The valiant never taste of death but once.


Battle Log:

100 Day Bench Press Challenge (64 Days)

Challenge: 1, 2


Estrix, level 1 Goblin Raider


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What really drives me nuts in an admittedly sad kind of way is when people clog my Facebook feed with every piece of "appeal to emotion and pretend its news" drivel without even the vaguest thought about it's accuracy and factual content. Seriously, if it's not from a reputable sources its probably garbage. If it's from the daily mail it is definitely garbage. Open your eyes damn it and don't just share things because they sound good and everyone else is doing it. That's my feed your clogging with nonsense, so don't be offended when I fact check it for you and smack it down.

*takes a breath*.

The valiant never taste of death but once.


Battle Log:

100 Day Bench Press Challenge (64 Days)

Challenge: 1, 2


Estrix, level 1 Goblin Raider


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What really drives me nuts in an admittedly sad kind of way is when people clog my Facebook feed with every piece of "appeal to emotion and pretend its news" drivel without even the vaguest thought about it's accuracy and factual content. Seriously, if it's not from a reputable sources its probably garbage. If it's from the daily mail it is definitely garbage. Open your eyes damn it and don't just share things because they sound good and everyone else is doing it. That's my feed your clogging with nonsense, so don't be offended when I fact check it for you and smack it down.

*takes a breath*.

Nothing more fun, that taking something someone has posted, and tearing it apart, only to send it back in shreds... then you get to watch the "But it's the thought that counts"

"Insanity - you make my world a better place man, you really do! That shit is awesome! :D" - Guzzi-

My first challenge

My battle Log: Insanity: Warrior Monk

Honorary Ranger dubbed by DarK_RaideR, 1000 Pound club (875 of 1000)

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Hmmm, can't get quote to work. I really need to switch browser.  But Insanity you've hit on another thing that annoys me lol (it's a very long list). It is absolutely NOT the thought that counts. We are judged on actions and consequences (or at least we should be).


But I do take a certain amount of pleasure in the tearing apart phase that I'll happily admit to.

The valiant never taste of death but once.


Battle Log:

100 Day Bench Press Challenge (64 Days)

Challenge: 1, 2


Estrix, level 1 Goblin Raider


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Hmmm, can't get quote to work. I really need to switch browser.  But Insanity you've hit on another thing that annoys me lol (it's a very long list). It is absolutely NOT the thought that counts. We are judged on actions and consequences (or at least we should be).


But I do take a certain amount of pleasure in the tearing apart phase that I'll happily admit to.

Couldn't agree more, I take a certain satisfaction in tearing their logic apart.


The ABSOLUTE most satisfying thing I can do to someone in a debate though, is to lead their thought process around until they reach a point where they contradict themselves, or trap themselves in a corner... that is a point where you'll see about a smug a smile as I can ever manage.

"Insanity - you make my world a better place man, you really do! That shit is awesome! :D" - Guzzi-

My first challenge

My battle Log: Insanity: Warrior Monk

Honorary Ranger dubbed by DarK_RaideR, 1000 Pound club (875 of 1000)

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Hmmm, can't get quote to work. I really need to switch browser...

Hmm.. I've got this problem with the forum on my laptop too (on my phone just now, hence the quote) Can't use the copy or paste function either (again, only on this forum).

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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Hmm.. I've got this problem with the forum on my laptop too (on my phone just now, hence the quote) Can't use the copy or paste function either (again, only on this forum).


My quote/multiquote only works on my work computer. it's frustrating

"Inside of me there are two dogs. One of the dogs is mean and evil. The other dog is good. The mean dog fights the good dog, all of the time."  When asked which dog wins, he reflected for a moment and replied "The one I feed the most."



Driftwood's Battle Log

First Challenge:  24 Feb - 6 April 2014

Second Challenge (Monks) :  14 April - 25 May 2014


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Hey Guzzi,


Sounds like the same problem as me. I can't use quote, or copy/paste and some of the function buttons like links. Keep meaning to test a new browser but I'm lazy like that lol. Instead can we just add it to the list of things :D

The valiant never taste of death but once.


Battle Log:

100 Day Bench Press Challenge (64 Days)

Challenge: 1, 2


Estrix, level 1 Goblin Raider


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Yeah, I can't insert links or images or smileys (unless I type them in myself). I posted in the help/support section, but no response as yet. Think I'll try another browser, see if that sorts it.


Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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