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I want to get into shape

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This is the first time I've actually been serious about getting into shape. I've been off and on getting into shape a while back I actually had a routine of doing press ups and using weights.

However I'm back into wanting to get into shape. Permanently.


My motivation is the fact I want to be able to be fit enough to play sports without becoming tired after a minute. I.I really look up to people who seem to be able to be so amazing at sports,and then I look at me..

I want to be strong enough to kick a ball very hard and to throw one with alot of power.

The fact that I'm a girl really gets me down too..I don't know its just that I see guys being able to throw amazing kicks and throws. Theres one or two girls I know that are like that too.


Im a completely lazy.I play computer games when Im not busy with my work or draw.And at work I just sit down all day.I eat alot of junk food.However whenever I play a computer game or video game I look at the character Im playing,there always very strong and overall there fitness is amazing.I want to be like that or at least somewhat close to being able to do the amazing things those characters are able to do with there fitness.Just so I can join in with the sports team where I live. Theres another club I go to though once a week,Im always so tired afterwards though and most of them don't look like they have broken a sweat.

I am quite overweight,I don't have a flat stomach and my thighs expand when I sit down..and jiggle about.

I hate it.That is why I want to get into shape no matter what it takes.


So any advice for a fitness newbie?

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I know exactly what you mean, and I know of at least one thing that will matter more than anything else:


Forget about motivation, and start focusing on discipline.


Your motivation to do the hard thing - diet, workout - will always come and go.  Motivation is a pretty sucky friend, actually.  Pumps you up and gets you all excited about your Friday night plans, then bails last second just as you're all ready to go.  Looks like it's video games again, right?


Discipline, on the other hand, is a completely different story.  Discipline means dedication.  It means that no matter how you're feeling, you're picking yourself up and doing the hard thing.  Discipline is your true friend, because it sticks with you when you need it most.  Whereas you could have all the motivation in the world and not do a thing, having even the tiniest bit of discipline will always make you take a step forward, and even the smallest steps add up.


So your first goals in getting fit will be all about discipline.  Start making new habits: small ones at first, then bigger ones.  Stick to them as much as you can - don't beat yourself up if you "slip" or take some "breathing" room, but you need to be on-target far more than you're off.  You think working out and watching what you eat is fun for everyone all the time?  Of course it isn't.  I still have days where I don't want to move.  But in life, you can't have something valuable without putting in the work!  If you want the fitness you admire, it can be yours - IF you're willing to put in the discipline for it!

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Well you've taken the first step. And it was a big one. Actually wanting to is always a huge factor. You came to a great place as well. There's a wealth of knowledge on here that, I can say firsthand, is really helpful. The community kinda pulls you in and keeps you going :3

Now advice, hmm. Find something you really enjoy doing for your exercise. I always thought sit ups, benchpressing, running and stuff were working out. And they are of course, but I dislike nearly all of those. I found body weight exercises here for the first time, and have been doing them fairly regularly for the last two months I think. There's a circuit that you may be interested in called the Beginners Body Weight Workout (bbww). Taking the time out of your day to do it the first few times might be hard, and the second day of doing it is going to be the most evil day ever lol. It's totally worth it though. And eventually you might prefer exercising to gaming. Just make sure you stretch *before* and*after* the workout. I missed the after and couldn't walk for a few days.



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I just want to second everything JPRev said.


There are many ways to build discipline or accountability. Start changing your habits slowly. I mark my workouts on the calendar after they are done, so I really feel I did good when I can put that mark on. Try to find ways to reward yourself without falling into the trap of saying "I've earned that burger because I worked out for 30 minutes" That's a recipe for failure.


Good luck and keep us posted!

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Weight objective: 20%

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