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I hate my useless body right now

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Rant in progress. You have been warned..

No, this isn't another post about body image. Aesthetically, I'm currently on good terms with my body for the first time in years. This is because I really feel like there is an awesome person inside of me, just waiting to be let loose on the world, and my stupid, useless body just won't get with the program.

Don't get me wrong, normally I'm the first one to celebrate my accomplishments, but right now - I'm just pissed off!

I've overdone it AGAIN, and now I'm paying the price. And it's not like I pushed too hard at the gym or anything like that. No, what did I do? I helped with the catering at a local rugby match, standing on a tiled floor for about 4 hours whilst cooking, serving then washing up. That's it!

All day today I've felt the soreness building in my abductor muscles, and now it's obvious that I have (yet another!) night of Dihydrocodine and hot chocolate in front of me if I want to have any chance of making it to my gym class tomorrow.

I'm just soooo frustrated right now I feel I could cry! And that's just not like me, I'm usually so philosophical about all of this.

Ugh! Sorry, this is a ridiculous post. I just needed to vent.

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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Sorry, I get frustrated at stuff like that too. I know you said it was your abductors, but since you were on hard floor all day, I was wondering if your feet were the source? I get a ping pong size ball or golf ball and stand on it with one foot. Run your foot all over it. If you find a sore spot roll your foot over the spot several times. Sometimes getting kinks out of my feet helps me whole body relax

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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Don't ever say "useless" in any description of yourself!

Cheers Barfly. That almost makes up for your "weirdos" comment the other day. Almost :P

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Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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Sorry, I get frustrated at stuff like that too. I know you said it was your abductors, but since you were on hard floor all day, I was wondering if your feet were the source? I get a ping pong size ball or golf ball and stand on it with one foot. Run your foot all over it. If you find a sore spot roll your foot over the spot several times. Sometimes getting kinks out of my feet helps me whole body relax

Foot massage ftw. Especially if you have a younger sibling at your disposal. :P

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Thanks guys!!! I'm feeling the love! :D It's really not like me to have a bit of a pity-fest, honestly! But sometimes it just sneaks up and ambushes you.

I think it's probably just knocked my confidence a little with it happening right now, we have the Great British Box Tour coming to our gym (Crossfit Ben Nevis) on Saturday (squeeeee!!!!) and I really want to make it along. I will NEVER forgive myself if I miss out because of something soooo stupid!

This time last week I was celebrating because I managed to do my first ever lunge, (knee to floor!!) and was texting EVERYONE to tell them about it. :D I'd been practicing getting up of the floor without using my hands for a couple of weeks and finally it all just came together. WIN!!!!

Elastigirl - I'm so going to try the feet thing, just coz it sounds like heaven! I had my first ever foot massage at Christmas time and thought it was great! Can't believe I never though of trying something like that at home.

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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Foot massage ftw. Especially if you have a younger sibling at your disposal. :P

Hmm.. Unfortunately no. Going to have to go solo on that one, or pay a professional. In fact!!! That's a great idea! I could get a proper pedicure done, get a foot massage and pretty tootsies to boot! (Sorry, bad pun :D)

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Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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Hmm.. Unfortunately no. Going to have to go solo on that one, or pay a professional. In fact!!! That's a great idea! I could get a proper pedicure done, get a foot massage and pretty tootsies to boot! (Sorry, bad pun :D)



For those of us who don't want to pay for massages all the time.

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Long Term Goals:                                                                                                              



200# 245# Snatch                                                                                                             

300# Clean and Jerk                                                                                                         

380# 465# Back Squat

450# 500# Deadlift


Human Flag

Front Lever

285# Log Clean and Press

1k Row under 3:20

Back Flip

Bodyweight Turkish Get-up


For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for the present life and the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8

Never compromise.

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For those of us who don't want to pay for massages all the time.

Ooooooooohhhh! Me likey! Me likey a LOT! :D

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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Guzzi what shoes were you wearing?  I wore some work boots for a while that I am now convinced were hand-crafted by Satan.  They gave me plantar fasciitis (I am sure I spelled that wrong) and ankle problems.  Jacked my whole body up for a month.  It's crazy how much footwear can impact your whole body.

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Small doses of moping is good for you :P Glad to hear you're through to the other side. 


But yeah, there are endless amounts of reasons why this might be a problem for you. Maybe you should see a physiotherapist for advice? Those people have the answers to so many body ailments its not even funny. They're wizards!

Race: Reindeer   l   Lvl: Adventurer


I will travel across the land, searching far and wide~

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Oooh...ouch! That doesn't sound like fun at all! I hear ya with the footwear thing, I have no tolerance for dodgy footwear either and it's the one are of my wardrobe that I actually spend any real money on. I just can't be doing with uncomfortable shoes, no way Jose!

It was just stupidity on my part I'm afraid. I did a lot of damage to the muscles in my legs and I've never quite managed to get the abductors back up to par. Not something you notice normally, but I'd already done a lot that week and *knew fine well* that I needed to rest, which is why I thought I'd help my friend out with the catering instead of doing something daft, like going to the gym. Yeah, way to go Leanne! /face palm

I really should have known better... I just forget sometimes how battered my poor body is. Standing around all day on a hard floor is hard going for anyone, for me, well, it was just plain stupid. And I paid the price :(

I think that's what really got to me, and got me down. It was my own stupid fault. Lesson learned. Again :(

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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Small doses of moping is good for you :P Glad to hear you're through to the other side.

But yeah, there are endless amounts of reasons why this might be a problem for you. Maybe you should see a physiotherapist for advice? Those people have the answers to so many body ailments its not even funny. They're wizards!

Oops, sorry! Hadn't seen this post when I replied to the last one.

I have a list of exercises from the physio but I kind of fell into the trap of thinking that because I was doing bigger, harder exercises in the gym, I had outstripped the puny little "wiggle your leg in the air 20 times" exercises from the physio. I mean, who needs to do that when you can rack the bar and just squat, right? Wrong!

The trouble at the moment is that I started running (a program similar to C25K) and that's what's highlighted the weakness. But the running (and walking) itself is working those muscles, each week I've been able to do more, and the recovery time is improving. If I start adding the physio exercises back in at this point I'm worried that I'll overload my legs and then have to take a couple of weeks off to recuperate. I'm kinda just walking a tightrope at the moment to try and keep up the momentum without doing any further damage.

I *think* I've got the balance right. For now ;)

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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For some reason this made me think of My Strange Addiction.  Ever see the episode with the guy that has an addiction to cycling?  He rides either a bicycle or a stationary bike all day every day. He's a college professor and he even rides a stationary bike while giving lectures.  On the surface he looks like he's in amazing shape; pretty muscular, no body fat, etc.  But in reality all the excessive biking over the decades had eroded his upper thigh bones into nubbins, and there was no cushioning left.  It was just bone on bone action in his hip sockets.  He was told by a doctor that he had to stop biking or he wouldn't be able to walk any more.   Kind of crazy to think about.  As far as I know he never stopped.  He said he was most comfortable on a bike, walking and sitting and standing seemed to hurt him to some degree.


This really doesn't have much to do with your situation, but talking about therapy and overdoing it reminded me of this.  If you haven't seen it, look it up. 

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Oops, sorry! Hadn't seen this post when I replied to the last one.

I have a list of exercises from the physio but I kind of fell into the trap of thinking that because I was doing bigger, harder exercises in the gym, I had outstripped the puny little "wiggle your leg in the air 20 times" exercises from the physio. I mean, who needs to do that when you can rack the bar and just squat, right? Wrong!

The trouble at the moment is that I started running (a program similar to C25K) and that's what's highlighted the weakness. But the running (and walking) itself is working those muscles, each week I've been able to do more, and the recovery time is improving. If I start adding the physio exercises back in at this point I'm worried that I'll overload my legs and then have to take a couple of weeks off to recuperate. I'm kinda just walking a tightrope at the moment to try and keep up the momentum without doing any further damage.

I *think* I've got the balance right. For now ;)


If you are sure you aren't causing additional damage, like trying to run on a sprain or something, then pain is just pain (I know it's your body trying to tell you something, but sometimes you can ignore it. Stupid jerk body.). Pain is just pain, it's temporary, and it's something you can get used to. I don't like pain, just like I don't like burning lungs and bulging eyes, but sometimes it's part of getting stronger.

The past is only smoke in a dream.

Lvl 6 Ranger Berzerker


Barfly ain't even tryin'...


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This really doesn't have much to do with your situation, but talking about therapy and overdoing it reminded me of this. If you haven't seen it, look it up.

Hmmm... Think I'll do that, sounds really interesting. Thanks :D

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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