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I've been lurking the boards for a little over a month an a half now and decided it was time to formally sign up and introduce myself.

I came across NF when I saw this article by way of The Art of Manliness Trunk. It happened at a very good time because literally that morning my wife and I had been arguing about weather or not to join a gym. a friend of ours had been trying to get us to sign up with him and I was all for it (having been a gym member several times before), but my wife didn't want to shell out the money if I was "just going to give up on it in a month". And sure enough, she was dead on, I'd made a habit of getting really into something only to give up on it a short time later.

the recent interest in fitness came about because my younger sister was going through bariatric surgery (she was over 350 lbs at 22) and my dad had just been diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic. the one-two punch effect of these events left me scared and frustrated. I was sure that neither of these things had to happen if my family just cared enough to do anything about their health. but then I started taking stock of my own efforts.

On july 18th, I was 245lbs. I work at a desk doing video production, sometimes as much as 20 hours a day (only in extreme cases, but not as uncommon as you'd think). I wasn't exercising at all, and dieting consisted of a weight watchers membership I was doing absolutely nothing with. realizing that I was doing the exact same thing as my family was the epiphany that convinced me I had to do something, and my wife's challenge to prove I could seriously commit to weight loss before I invested a penny was what made the idea of Body Weight training so appealing.

The night I read the excuses article I went home and started my workout regimen. push ups, lunges, planks and rows. 3 sets, every other day, 90 second breaks. and the first night was abysmal. I could barely do 3 sets of push-ups, lunges made my legs feel like they were going to fall off, and planks left me wanting to cry. The second work out a few days later was even worse. I could do more reps, but was so sore. it gradually got easier, but not for a week or two. initially the only thing keeping me going was the pride I felt from doing what I was supposed to not what was easy.

A month and a half later and i'm working out every other day. I can do 53 military push-ups (across 3 sets using my wife's fist to gauge if I'm going low enough), 20 lunges wearing a 20 pound backpack, 30 rows on each arm (using the same 20lb backpack), and 3 minute long planks.

I've still got a long way to go. I'm currently down to 237lbs (breaking 240 was my first milestone!) and I want to get down to 210. I'm now getting my money's worth out of weight watchers, keeping track of what I eat and well on my way. I still struggle with food sometimes, I'm someone who eats out of boredom and beer is something deeply engrained in my family, but along with exercise discipline I'm learning food discipline too.

I'm here to keep learning, to ask for help, and to offer it back. Steve, thanks for starting such a wonderful community, and everyone else, thanks for participating.

looking forward to getting to know all of you.

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It'll end up in here: http://nerdfitness.com/community/forumdisplay.php?92-Challenges but they haven't made a section for this specific challenge yet.

In the meantime you can review everyone's challenges from this last time here http://nerdfitness.com/community/forumdisplay.php?111-6-Week-Challenge-July-18-to-August-29

:) looking forward to seeing you there

Anxious, but ambitious! Current challenge: Undermining the Conspiracy

Find me on Twitter or maybe Instagram

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